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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. He's feeling better each day. Eating mashed kibble, shredded chicken, ground turkey and Stella & Chewy's dehyrdated -- not all at the same time. He doesn't want mixed up food, one at a time please
  2. He still is not 100%. As the vet said yesterday: those canines are really up in there. I called the vet because the swelling on his cute nose was pretty severe. Looks a little better this morning. Still some leaking after he eats. He did get on the bed yesterday (he won't get up if he doesn't feel good or needs an adjustment really bad) and last night he roached for a little bit. Getting his pills in him in the morning is awful He won't eat them and he has to have at least the antiobiotcs <sigh> Live & learn! In addition to losing teeth, they can develope a cardiac issue from bad teeth (just like people) Some greys need dentals once or twice (I've only had one that had to do every 6 months) a year and some every other year, etc. SieSie had a good mouth and I was able to scale her teeth and she never had a dental once she came to me. Keep in mind, that is one greyhound out of around 30. Most of them have mouths you can't scale even if you know how to (I scaled my Dobes and I didn't know what a dental was until I had greys). I put off Huston's dental and think about how bad I feel! His mouth didn't look that bad to me. Which just proves it's best to ask the vet (I happen to have one I trust).
  3. Sending my sympathy and many hugs
  4. No, I said MORE character I told the receptionist this morning when the time comes to put him in the ground, you may as well throw me in too. Love this boy
  5. I was so upset taking him in this morning, I forgot to ask for prayers and good thoughts -- they are still welcome. Poor Huston -- took him in for a dental and xray of his mouth because the one side was swelling. Asked vet to xray first and long story short: Huston is now missing a canine Radiologist said there were abcessess Better than a tumor, I know but he is going to be really in pain. Guess no canine means more character. He will show off his becoming toothless mouth in San Antonio at Remember the Greyhound!
  6. Sending my sympathy Can't believe she's gone....
  7. Sending my sympathy. It's very hard, I know
  8. Sending my sympathy. Seems like you got him yesterday Too soon gone....
  9. It was just on time because you needed to know. He is fine now. Sending my sympathy
  10. My heart hurts for you. He is fine, it's you that has to stay and deal with his passing. Sending many hugs and my sympathy.
  11. Yes to water and I save the broth (freeze excess). You will know if it's done because the bone crumbles. 24 hrs usually does it. Does not work for bones other than chicken
  12. Re Fuzzy: do allergy tests before going to other treatments. Fixed Isaac right up when I found out what he was allergic to. Might be his problem. I don't care if they found something or not, I'd still worm him with panacur. Allergy place that is good is http://www.varlallergy.com/ re Paul: do you have him on Fresh Factors and/or Joint Health?
  13. I'd just worm him with panacur anyway. Also keep him away from kibble
  14. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy on the loss of your boys
  15. He should have a bandage on it for around 3-4 weeks. I took Ringo in every 5 days to have it changed, by the vet! I had my vet dock it to the length of a weim - are you going to the other clinic? Aftercare is paramount!
  16. Worm her with panacur and start feeding frozen BilJac You will know in a couple of days if it'll work
  17. I've used in on someone (can't remember who) and the vet did the shots. It didn't make a noticeable difference, but keep in mind my guys are all on supplements when they are old. The best results for mine have been alternative supplements and treatments.
  18. I didn't read all the replies: you must confirm IBD or IBS by biopsy. No to pred for greyhounds for these conditions.
  19. Burpdog

    Hey Batman

    A little over two years doesn't seem like a fair amount of time, but I guess it's more than some who have come have had with me. He should have come to me off the farm a few years before but I was up to my ears in alligators at the time and let him move on into adoption up north. In the spring of 2011 I received a phone call from Marilyn -- "guess who is coming back"? The rest is history He never walked anywhere -- he boinged. The alternative vets had a difficult time evaluating him and treating him in the beginning. He really worked thru pain. He could forget anything if it meant going bye bye -- what he loved most in life. Of course, I have regrets -- I wish I would have taken him more, even if around the block. Why at the time, doesn't it seem to be enough time to do simple things like take a ride around the block, but when you look back, you think, surely, I could have squeezed out 5 minutes..... And, you can never go back I'm going to miss my crazy dog.
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