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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. What a sweet speckly girl! I love the kissy spot right on top of her head. Congrats, you guys, and thank you for giving this girl a loving home for her next chapter. Her mom's family must be so relieved.
  2. Jealous! I miss New England falls and their spectacular foliage.
  3. Miss Jan, did they let you out of the cargo area? Text if you need help! The girls look faboo and I can't wait to see those leaves in another couple of weeks!
  4. She looks quite pleased with herownself—as she should be!
  5. Buddy, you're a . Well done and I hope this brings you some relief!
  6. I agree. The coat you've linked looks better suited for Italian greyhounds or whippets. If you want something at the same price point, I'd look at the XXL in this (actually, the red appears to be on sale for $11.99!! ) or for a little more, the largest size of this one.
  7. Thank you. Yes, they shared some scrambled eggs, of course! And...shh, don't tell them...but we have booked a FL beach house in November after Willa's last chemo.
  8. Mystery solved on trip #2! The dragons belong to Treaure Trove Park, which looks, um, interesting. Right next door in Cave City is Dinosaur World, home to this guy. All went well with this second trip; old hat by now for the sibs. Doolin was much less skeered (we even got the same hotel room!) and very sweet wondering where the vet took his sister. Whosagoodboi. That's it for our Cincinnati adventures! Now we pray for the vaccine to do its thing.
  9. Punkin, I must say I love your new smile. Glad it's moar comfy for you too. AnnIE, can't wait to hear about your next lieberry reading. Happy gotcha, precious girls. You landed in the perfect spot. Be safe, campers and their esteemed leader!
  10. Milo and Gelsey, I'm sorry, but this is your own fault. It's time to start over with training basics, and remember to use positive reinforcement only with your human so she doesn't show you her teeth or soil your beds.
  11. Willa landed in her forever home with her real troo brother and two feline honorary siblings. (We miss Richard's richarding so much.) Has it been a year any of us would have predicted? No way. But throughout everything, she's been an absolute star. She is so sweet, incredibly tolerant, and just plain good. We pray the amp, chemo, vaccine, and her indomitable spirit do their work, and we will get more gotcha days with her. We love you, Willa Waggles!
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest well, Buddy.
  13. Can you even open a bocks if a needlenose isn't in the way?
  14. I suspect hoppy gait + no front right leg to hold it in place + maybe a touch loose = twisty harness. It worked fabulously for Sweep, but she was a rear leg amp. We'll experiment more! I kept seeing it praised in the FB groups I'm in (corns, osteo, hounds that hop) so decided to try it out. It's designed specifically for greyhound feet and I love that it has a zipper for easy on/off. I just worry that her front foot takes such a punishing now and felt like we should have something to protect it.
  15. Okay, make that kick, singular. We got her a Hunnyboot from Australia (she is now officially a kangaroo, after all). She's doing quite well with it, and hopefully it'll help extend the time between corn hullings. She does lick her knuckles a bit when we remove it after walks, but hopefully she's just adjusting. I'm so proud of this girl (and her extremely tolerant brother who let me scale his teeth yesterday, but that's another story). P.S. Any ideas for how to keep the harness from twisting so much? It's not bothering her, just curious.
  16. I love her. And I'm sure the vet appreciates the lazy easy ones! Yay, Punkin! Keep up the good werk.
  17. It's a bit hard to tell whether it's a corn or just a worn spot in his pad. When you squeeze the pad there, does it feel hard (like you're squeezing against something embedded) or pliable? That's how I could tell with Willa. I just hulled hers today and it really does feel like a pebble when you get that sucker out.
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