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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. 10 minutes?? After 2 minutes, mine would have been zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl.
  3. It's 4 years ago today when I kissed Taylor goodbye. He was my first Greyhound, my heart dog. My heart aches just as it did that day. I know I will be with him again. 12/11/08-3/23/17.
  4. That is sad. I suggest you contact them, and speak with a supervisor about the horrible way your claim was handled. My experience for the past year, new with Healthy Paws, is that they process a claim within 2 days, sometimes in a few hours, and I am getting reimbursed for what my policy covers.
  5. All cases are different, but I would suggest, if available, that you get a second opinion from an animal oncologist, unless the vet you are writing about is indeed an oncologist.
  6. The 4th leg is a "spare". Within 3 weeks of having his front right leg amputated due to Osteo, Taylor was jumping in and out of the back of my SUV. He was about the same age as your boy, and a BIG boy (90 pounds). He had 4 once a month rounds of Carboplatin chemo, with no side effects. He loved and demanded rides and walks, 2-3 times a day. Every single day, for almost 2 years, until something else sent him to the Bridge. He was a happy, hopping tripod.
  7. So very sorry for your loss
  8. For those of you who have added chicken broth in a box to dry kibble, have you ever had any concerns that it contains onion juice or onion concentrate?
  9. When it drops below 70, people start wearing 2 pairs of pants, 3 sweaters, a jacket, and a long bathrobe over everything. Plus hats and gloves.
  10. So very sorry for your loss.
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