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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Wow. A good, feel good story. Thank you for sharing. It's pretty incredible.
  2. I cannot belive his name is on here. Just yesterday reading about your trip out and getting the diagnosis. How absolutely rapid and crushing. I'm sorry he had to go but I'm sure Kasey was there to greet him. What a love story between you two.
  3. Turns out they don't agree with him. Puked yesterday morning, and one seemed to be stuck since he was coughing for most of the morning....never doing that again....
  4. Just catching up on this. I'm so sorry to read this news. I'm hoping it's not like the aggressive hemangiosarcoma Kasey had, however it's unbelievably brutal how aggressive that cancer can be. Now that you know though, cherish every single last day you have with him. Make them the best last days for both of you ever. Do easy simple things that he loves: treats, food, grooming, car rides if he can handle it, the works. It'll be worth it. Thinking of you.....
  5. I don't think it's necessary to limit the walks, perhaps crazy activity until it heals up a bit better. I know Kasey's opened up several times before it stayed shut enough to heal up well. I never covered it, and did monitor him so he wouldn't lick it to death. I have also put polysporin on it too when we went to bed so it would help heal faster. Just keep it clean, I can't emphasize this enough! Feet get so dirty so easily and if they are like Ryder at all, he LOVES peeing on his legs....so yes....KEEP IT CLEAN!
  6. So I'm munching on some roasted salted peanuts in the shell and Ryder decided to grab one and lay down to discover what all this sound is about in my hands. I took it away from him and he got a real peanut instead, but I was just thinking.....can he have the whole thing, shell and all? I know the salted part is not the best thing but still, what harm would happen if he ate it in the shell? I think there are worst things he could get into being the food lover he is....
  7. For quicker healing, try soaking it twice a day (if he'll let you) with a warm water and Epsom salt mix. A big yogurt container or Tupperware will do. This helps keep it clean and easier to fend off infection.
  8. Agreed on a poop eater. Interesting club we got here huh? lol Hopefully pup feels better soon. However, any blood in there or anything is a real sign on concern. Hopefully pup is drinking and eating otherwise normally?
  9. I've used Benefibre for both Kasey and Ryder because it is "clear and taste free" and very little added to it, unlike sugar in Metamucil, etc. (states on the label in fact no added fillers, sugar, colour, sweetener or artificial flavour and has one ingredient - Inulin which is a natural vegetable fibre from chicory root). However, my vet did caution me saying that it might help, it might not, it won't hurt, but give it a try, but don't overdo it. She recommended only 1/4 teaspoon tho, not the rounded teaspoon suggested for people. I only use it when I notice Ry needs it, and don't regularly feed it. When I do, I certainly add water to his meal to help things move along. You just need to find the sweet spot for dosage and I think you might be on to something!
  10. A round of applause to you for taking care of him so well. It's so heartwarming when the hard work you are putting into them is showing these amazing healing results. Congrats in order, really. Good job Bernie.
  11. Kasey's aspiration bled....other than that, that's the only complication I know of (A core biopsy on the other hand, hang on to your hats!) For an aspiration, you are pulling the fluid into a needle, so likely whatever the fluid is in the lump, can be expressed and trickle out. A fine needle shouldn't do too much damage. I'd rather know what I'm dealing with than not though, so I'd go to get one just for peace of mind.
  12. IMO it depends on how motivated they are to please you, and to do things for food! Also, their anatomy isn't necessarily built for sitting, so part of the reluctance there would be it hurts to do so, or to do so for a long time. Kasey would sit, and not for very long, I think it actually hurt him to do so, putting pressure on his knees. Ryder however will happily sit there for an extended period of time without a worry.
  13. I concur with a tweak. If the vet clears him, and you are willing, I'd suggest a trip to chiro or massage therapy to help him out.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear Mirage has left you. A great tribute. Take care of yourself.
  15. LOL what a little bugger, that pic brought a smile to my face. Good boy Stretch!
  16. Kasey (WTR) looked like that on occassion and I never found it unusual, however based on his issues of late, I can understand why you are worried. That is very very very light. How old is he? Have you massaged it for perhaps improved circulation to see if it goes away? Can you get a comparison photo of the other leg?
  17. Oh my goodness, what an event. I'm so glad to hear that he's doing ok. He looks kinda like a cute meerkat in that pic!
  18. I use Sentinel here which breaks the flea cycle and I sprinkle some DE from the hips to the thighs to help kill them if I find any. DE can also be used around the house, I.e.doors to stop them from getting in!
  19. Have you thought about adding supplements to aid in overall joint flexibility and mobility? Springtime offers great stuff to get pups back to being their spunky selves.
  20. Keep in mind that expelling his insides out of both ends results in not very much product and not at regular times. Bland bland bland until this settles down. Rice and broth (broth helps to ensure hydration). I will also mush up some cookies/milkbones in the broth and feed just a bit as "solid food" to get them back on track. Potatoes can be rather starchy, and I've never gone the cooked chicken route either. I often turn to giving Collodial Silver orally for 48 hours to help, but you are giving meds and I'm very surprised it hasn't gotten better yet. The big D can be tiring. I've used Tylosin with great and immediate success. See if your vet is willing to prescribe that. Also try a month supply of Fortiflora. They are digestive enzymes that are similar to what is found in yogurt to aid the digestive tract back to good standing. It's a simple powder to add to meals. Remember that D is no fun, take pups out regularly, cuz when you gotta go.....
  21. My goodness. No experience with this but these open wound things are what I keep CS on hand for, to keep bacteria away from that area in particular. Do you have any antihurt wash? Epsom salt otherwise? He must have fallen, that's the only thing I can think of. Taking a corner and wiped out based on the red sore on his bum?
  22. 40 mg. Kasey was on 10mg and had difficulty with weight so I can only imagine how Mouse is doing. Is there an alternative that can be used to treat her? (I'm not familiar with what she has). It is certainly a muscle wasting and weight losing med. Kasey was also not a big eater so it was tough for him but, if Mouse eats, I say try some satin balls if you/she is able. He also enjoyed high caloric wet gastro food by Royal Canin. Not cheap but so much calories in a can was certainly beneficial. Thinking about this, I'd suggest trying a can right away to see how she handles it on her digestive system. I was aiming for a big punch in small packages since he ate so very little. How's her appetite?
  23. Why isn't the carboplatin free? http://greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/GHI-Carbo-Policy-10.04.2015.pdf
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