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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. If you are able and he is willing, grab a tall yogurt container and fill it with some tepid water and epsom salts. Try to have him stand in it for about 5 minutes a couple times a day. This will do a number of things for you: keep it clean (paws are notorious for obviously picking up bits of dirt, pee, etc.) thereby preventing infection, will soothe it if it is painful, and will speed healing. If you are able to get some colloidal silver, spray that on when it is dry several times a day. It will evaporate like water, but it will again keep bacteria at bay and speed healing. If there are open sores, I would also try to put some polysporin on it and maybe cover it with a baby sock so that he doesn't lick it all off. Keep him off his feet as much as possible. Glad you got him back, but he should be ok in a few days.
  2. Company for eachother when they are home alone. Even though mine were not a bonded pair or rarely if ever played together, I am certain that Ryder enjoyed just having another hound around, even though I think Kasey could really care less. This is evident in Ryder's massive change in behaviour after Kasey passed away. So for me, the only benefit (because they didn't care for eachother) was solely for company....just something else in the house even if they don't cuddle when their human is away.
  3. Bandages can sometimes be wrapped too tightly or restrictive of movement if it's up the wrist etc., so just might be completely uncomfortable.
  4. I'm so sorry about Chase. We're here for you.
  5. Hugs for making that decision. Thank you for sharing a little more about what happened. We're all here for you.
  6. Wow, well after seeing that vid (super super helpful), I'm not sure it's water that's the problem. I think it's the location of the dish. I think I may have saw him try to grab the food dish on the edge? Have you tried feeding him somewhere else, or perhaps without the raised feeder to see what he does? He does seem to sniff the kibble quite a bit. What if you add some broth to the kibble?
  7. I ask becsuse you very well could have had a chef on your hands! I think the water into food bowl isn't a cause for concern. Ry does this off and on (usually to an empty bowl tho) to get every last lick. He makes like he's done eating and then goes to drink and 2 sips he back to the food bowl with a bunch of wet muzzle. Yours might be making a game out of it!
  8. What is he using to make the transfer?
  9. Just found this. Home made pill pockets. http://muttnut.blogspot.ca/2012/11/how-to-make-homemade-pill-pockets-for.html?m=1
  10. Sounds like more encounters with that dog is likely. Get involved to get your dog safe. I think your dog just didn't know what to do in that situation, he was trying to defend himself and you called him off maybe, or he just wanted to go after it regardless and then chose you since you got his attention. I'm not sure really but sounds like redirection as others have mentioned.
  11. Kasey had no clue he was supposed to do his business on leash. It took for-ev-er for him to learn. Give yourself lots of time and be patient and take her out solo and just walk and walk and any elimination you just lose your mind with praise on her so she understands it's an awesome thing, food reward too. It took me a while to realize Kasey had to do a trot, along a curb and the second the curb got to an end, the very possible last patch of grass available is where he would do a 2. So I would always make sure that was in our routine so he could gear him self up to poop! Honestly just stay out there till she goes. This might make you late for work (I know I was)! Surely a half hour is enough but nope! Doug also needs to have pockets full of cut up hot dogs at all times!
  12. Cheese works the best but fresh bread isn't too far off! I've also been known to use hot dog (esp helpful for larger pills since you can just cut a long piece and then insert pill in middle) When all else fails, down the hatch it goes by hand and hold muzzle closed until you feel the swallow then give lots of priase and treats.
  13. Gaba super flexible. 300 a dose certainly on the upper end poor thing. Kasey had a bit of a side effect when coming off it and muscles would slightly shake .... so that was pretty easy to see when he needed it again! I'm not sure if this will help your sanity but it certainly helped mine, but write it all down on a piece of paper and get a pill dispenser (I got one that had room for a bunch of pills in one section but also had 4 slots - Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bedtime which you could think of as "times" instead) and load it for the week.
  14. Kasey lived a very good life on pred but agreed, it's a love hate relationship. I've never given Prilosec so I'm more familiar with Pepcid. If you give it regularly too, twice a day (that's what Kasey had, I believe 1.5 tablet at a time) it really really helped him and he was noticably different without it. Just make sure you get it in him before you give it with food. The generic version takes about 30 mins before food while the brand name i think is like 15 mins. Something about the speed of the outer coating dissolving....
  15. When platelet levels are low it is best to ensure there isn't a lot of activity (minimal walks) and minimize potential injury (like jumping on the couch and potentially missing). Low platelets can cause a lack of clotting in case bleeding happens. Also keep an eye out for any potential bruising. Gotta give his body a chance to recover.
  16. When Kasey had low platelets during chemo I just kept trying to keep getting food into him and high caloric/iron food. I bought a bag of lentils and made it just for him. Now I know it takes a while for platelets to regenerate but this made me feel a bit better. Keep him well fed so his blood can rebound. He was also on Pepcid for some acid reflux, never hurts to give.
  17. It was IV. But then he had one time pill dose I had to handle with gloves and hope it made it down in one shot.
  18. The chemo Kasey went through (not palladia that I can recall) would cause side effects about 2-3 days later. The day of dose and day after you wouldn't have know anything was wrong with him. Hoping he continues to stay well!
  19. It can be terribly frustrating and challenging, I know. But I'm a big proponent of giving something for bedtime to settle a stomach over night. If not for Ryder puking every early morning, I never would have thought 3 simple cookies before bed could do so much good. I went through some incredible food trials with Kasey to try to alleviate his allergies. It was no picnic. If it was good for his skin, it wasn't good for his bowels, and vise versa sometimes. Went raw finally and never looked back. Good luck and keep us posted.
  20. If Ryder has anything out of the ordinary, it can throw him off, including table scraps. If you really want to nail it down, be super will powered and stringent about what he's eating. Be honest, what else is he having during the day that's not "dog food" that you would be feeding him? Similar to a food trial, after a week slowly introduce new things. So food only for one week, then add cookies for bedtime, then add other snacks in the day and see what a trigger is. You can narrow things down better if you have a control to start with. It's tough, very tough, but if you really want to resolve it, go slow and reduce your variables.
  21. It's my go too as well, however you can't administer meds with it. I usually mix SE in with breakfast or dinner, so if meds have to be given with a meal, it's a little limiting. You can certainly space out the meds from SE however - since SE coats the innards, absorption of the med is difficult.
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