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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Sounds to me like he had to pee as well. Morning routine here is go out to eliminate as soon as you wake up and then it's eat time. Do you make a trip to the bathroom when you first wake up? So should pupper. Then you can go about breakfast time. I've never tried freeze dried anything as a topper on food and I feed raw so not sure what you would have given him, but I don't think it's related to going pee.
  2. I'm so sorry. Kasey consistently dropped weight but he never lost more than 12 pounds from when he was at his peak through all of his chemo. He never once in his life went in the house either except for one occassion he was very very sick. How stoic they are through it all right? He was always tough to keep weight on but somehow we managed. Im so sorry that Murphy kept on losing weight and you had to let him go.
  3. I catch Ry on my webcam usually without fail between 3-4pm just licking his legs like crazy (or his paw but it's never raw or anything). I have begun to think its a comforting ritual for him, and think it might ebe a release of his negative tension or anxiousness. He doesn't lick me tho. I once read somewhere a dog often surprised an owner with a lick while they were in the shower or immediately after getting out. Something about the water on skin was something they enjoyed. I know someone's cat does the same thing immedately following a shower. It is an interesting behaviour that's for sure.
  4. Thinking of you. Kasey and hundreds of others will be there with open paws.
  5. I spread them out as well. Ry had a light reaction to the Lepto shot (and in hindsight I always said no to this in the past and for some reason just accepted that he needed it and he didn't really had to, but I'm in an area with coyotes and raccoons and we hike so and one little lick of urine and boom). Anyway, he was a little "off" the next day, but he happened to get that shot the same day as a new Tick prevention called Bravecto started, so I actually don't know if it was that or the shot that affected him. So learn from us, and just do one at a time to find out how they handle it.
  6. She sounded like an absolute gem. i'm sorry.
  7. Oh gosh, I'm sorry this is happening, and seemingly rapidly as well. What if you go out and in with her in your yard....maybe she just wants some reassurance someone is there while she does her business? Have you tried a Thundershirt? I got one for Ryder that did NOTHING for him, but for some it appears to work. It is a very snug sweater, that makes them feel secure, I wonder if that would help?
  8. Biting you in the crotch while you protected him made me giggle. He is pain free, and I hope this provides you some solace.
  9. Kasey had a tumour that restricted blood to the leg. I couldn't believe how much it swelled, that leg looked like a Husky leg. Agree with vascular above. Blood is restricted. In the meantime, massage the leg, sometimes successfully the blood can find another way around a blockage, you just have to help.
  10. There is adoration in those eyes....godspeed Vinnie now that you are pain free.
  11. Kasey did this for a couple of weeks. We discovered he was going out to eat poop. Blech. After scanning the yard with flashlights and slipping on wet leaves enough was enough and he was never allowed to go outside in the middle of the night like that again. Couple night of hush and go back go sleep and fortunately that did the trick. She could also be lonely and cold in the middle of the night so I think the comfortable bed helps! I like the alarm idea and setting it up in increments though....
  12. CS is becoming more popular in health stores, but I have a heck of a time finding it.
  13. I love that 101 box story. Awesome. All dogs learn at different speeds. Will it make you feel better to know Kasey didn't play with a toy for 12 months? The first year, didn't know a thing. His first play I got on video and boy did he let loose! He did not care for squeaky toys, they actually freaked him out. So we bought stuffies and often popped the squeakers before we gave it to him. Sounds as if he's coming around to the stairs idea. Now that you are successful out front, try those again and again. Build upon that confidence.
  14. I was waiting for Kasey to tell me it was time. He never did. His body gave out before his mind and I had to make the decision for him. It's not easy. I'm sorry. Wish we all had more time with our hounds.
  15. I see from your other post you've had him about 2 weeks? This is hardly enough time for some dogs to adjust, let alone come out of their shell. I had Kasey a year and that's when his personality really truly shined. He was also crated for a year until I felt like I could trust him. He was an excellent dog. Get his boo boo's looked at by a vet and sounds like you might benefit better from a baby gate, or gated greyproof room. He has had a traumatic experience and it will take time for him to rebound back. Perhaps more time than it might have originally been. Is this trainer familiar with greyhounds? In my experience, many "trainers" train dogs (and people) that are not greyhounds. Greyhounds are unlike any other dog you know of and are sensitive beyond what any other breed typically are like so what they usually think is best for a grey, usually isn't. I've gone against what a trainer has suggested for me and Ryder just because I knew that's not what I should be doing. You can't push your dog beyond it's limits and right now I don't think in 2 weeks you've really learned who your dog even is.
  16. I keep colloidal silver on hand for just such an occasion. It keeps bacteria away and speeds up healing, but it's basically water that evaporates and not an ointment that stays on. I use this on all kinds of cuts. It was my go to with Kasey the klutz. Looks like it will likely get rubbed and injured again though based on it's location, so ointment will help reduce the friction it seems like. Do you have a tall yogurt container? Fill that with some warm water and epsom salts and put paw in there for 5 mins to soak. Do this twice a day to promote healing and keeping it clean, apply some ointment afterwards and no licking! While I might consider putting gauze between the toes, it's more difficult to KEEP it there, so just leave it open to the air and see how it goes.
  17. Might be cheaper to buy it from you and mail them up here!
  18. Went for a recheck this morning. Clean bill of health, ulcers all gone and no more infection.
  19. Vet could order in an Adaptil collar for $60. No pet stores near me carry that nor the other version. That looks to be the going rate for the on Amazon.ca too. https://www.amazon.ca/P-Collar-Appeasing-Pheromone-Size/dp/B000O5FPQ0/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1465075065&sr=8-6&keywords=dap+collar Apparently there is a "size" of adaptil? Maybe indicating width? Which one do I order - med/lg?
  20. Is this my best method of defense against his noise anxiety? Do I have blinders on to anything else out there? I really would prefer not to medicate but I dont know if other options are out there. Training is out! Been there, done that.
  21. High value treats and routine. When Kasey was reluctant I have still firmly convinced him to go in. But he always always had a reward for entering, i.e. treat tossed in that made him have to walk in to retrieve, and then when it was closed door another treat. Yes I bribe! Cut up hot dogs are great. He undertood he won't get his way after a while. Then of course when the time was right, we stopped crating and he was great. She's probably testing your patience since she's still new. Keep up with the kong too. Try adding kibble and PB and freeze to change it up. Or cheese etc. She's gotta look forward to getting in there. Extra pets and praise, etc.
  22. After reading this info and the links, I'm kinda wondering why I've been waiting so long. I'd love to give this a shot. So best to try one for 30 days and then a different brand if it doesnt work? Also, he is naked when I'm not home. I'm assuming this collar is safe to be left on when i'm not home?
  23. Thanks guys. I'm planning to speak to the vet about this on Saturday when we go in for Ryder's re-check for his eyes and then try to figure something out. I love going there armed!
  24. This is helpful. Am I able to get this through my vet at all, or I should find a place to get it? Amazon.ca isn't always as friendly as the .com for buying things. Locket, where did you get yours?
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