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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. SO CREEPY !!!! I can barely touch them to give them to Ruby let alone make a footsicle out of them. You are very very brave !
  2. Coconut oil is amazing stuff. I once had a yeast infection running through my entire body (no cause found) and I couldn't get rid of it with the OTC meds and Diflucan. I started putting 2 T in my coffee each morning and some you know where and the problem went away within a week. I also use it for a moisturizer and to deep condition my hair occasionally. I am going to switch and use it on Ruby's teeth. I hadn't thought about it before. Thanks !
  3. I try to brush a couple times a week too. It does seem to help quite a bit and when I let it go too long, her gums bleed when I do get back at it. She has good breath too.
  4. I have to agree with you Marla. Ruby didn't used to mind being watched either but has slowly became a bit more neurotic about several things. She won't lay down in her crate until I close BOTH bolts on the door no matter how long I try to ignore her. The minute they are both latched, she circles and is down for the night. She's so silly. My grandson was talking about her this weekend and told me she is the only dog he likes (he's 4) and I asked him why and he said "because she's not a real dog grandma, she's my Ruby". I honestly don't think I could ever put up with a real dog again...lol
  5. Ruby will only eat if no one is watching so we started feeding her outside under the patio. She is so silly, if we are outside working in the yard she will not take a bite. Not sure what that is all about because it just started about a year ago. This morning I gave her a chicken foot and will feed her 3 1/2 cups of kibble for diner. She is acting fine so guess she likes it.
  6. I don't want to free feed her because of potty schedules. Also, I feed her outside and the flies and bees start dive bombing. I put her food out this morning again and she didn't eat it. I just fed it to her tonight and she ate it all. Her tummy knows best so we are going to try this and see how it goes. Thanks again everyone.
  7. Glad to hear it is OK to feed just once a day. Just seems kind of wrong to me but that is because I want to eat all day long.....lol. Maybe I will start giving her a dental chew or chicken foot in the mornings and see how it goes. Thanks for the replies !
  8. Lately Ruby has been completely ignoring one meal and then devouring the other. Yesterday I decided I would measure a whole days worth of food into her bowl to see how much she is really getting in a day. I put it out in the morning and she ate nothing. I put it back out at dinner time and she ate the whole amount. This is dry kibble so no worries about spoiling. So at dinner she ate 3 1/2 cups at one time. Is this OK for her digestion and tummy ? I worry about her getting bloat. She didn't have any problems or gas last night and slept well. I may just go to one feeding a day since this has been an ongoing issue the last few months.
  9. I have absolutely zero advice for you, just sympathy. I sure hope you can get some help with your boy. You both sound miserable. Good luck !
  10. No I haven't. Will it get rid of the yellow cruddy canines ?
  11. I have been brushing Ruby's teeth about 3 times a week and they look pretty good, but her canines still look like they have a lot of tartar on them. I am wondering if baking soda would be safe to use on her ? If not, is there something else that is slightly abrasive that might work ? I have been using an enzymatic toothpaste. Thanks.
  12. Ruby gets a half of a large neck once or twice a week in place of a meal. Her teeth look great too.
  13. I love the photo of her looking through the staircase. She is a beauty........congratulations.
  14. Sorry to hear this is going on. Sounds like you were very calm and I am sure he could sense that.
  15. Ruby is on the Kirkland lamb and rice and her poo is bouncy perfect. Good luck !
  16. Is she new to your home ? Mine did this for about a week or 2. Thought I would never go potty alone again.
  17. Busderpuddle


    I normally don't read these because they all break my heart, but for some reason today I chose to read about Cash. I am so sorry that you have lost your buddy. Sounds like he had a wonderful life with you and your daughter. God Bless You............
  18. I haven't tried cream cheese but Ruby doesn't like peanut butter either. I didn't realize the storm was coming so I did wait too late. I did try 1/2 of one this morning though and she still wouldn't take a bite. She's a picky butt................but I love her.
  19. Welcome Zoe...............You Are Gorgeous !
  20. It is thundering and lightening tonight so I thought it was the perfect time to try the new K9 Calm biscuits I just bought. Do you think Ruby will eat it ? NO.....and of course I bought the big jar since she has S.A. My silly girl.
  21. I know I am a little slow to respond but it sounds to me like you did everything possible to avoid this. Please don't beat yourself up. You did everything and more. I wish you the best and that you find comfort soon.
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