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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. OK, I am a nurse and those photos of the wounds are freaking me out ! I am so sorry you are (or had to) go through this with your pups. Good luck in the healing process and I love the T-shirt idea.
  2. So sorry to hear you got some bad news. Hope you and Cody have many more days of fun together.
  3. Sounds like she might have an infection. Have you taken her in to be seen ?
  4. What a beautiful boy...........I am sorry for your loss.
  5. I agree with this statement. I HATE when a dog licks me and especially one that I don't know. Luckily Ruby is not a licker and never has been. I applaud you for wanting to curb this behavior before it gets out of hand.
  6. Sounds like the ones you bought are small, so I would just throw it out the door. I always feed mine frozen and Ruby will drop it in the middle of the lawn and do about 10 Zoomies before she settles in for the snack. To say they make her Loopy is an understatement. I haven't been able to find any recently. Need to go on a hunt.
  7. Wow, the prices really fluctuate. I am going to ask how much one would cost when I take her in next week. Thanks for sharing everyone.
  8. Ruby is fairly healthy and I don't think she needs a dental yet and she is 5 1/2. I am just curious how much they cost so that I can motivate myself to brush her teeth more often. She has had problems with her kidney function on some labs though, so that will be checked again next week. Hopefully it has resolved with the addition to water that I add to her dinner. It was almost back to normal the last time we checked. Her vet thought her water intake was too low. Her teeth look pretty good except for some tartar on her canines that I keep working on. I also use the spray but need to do it regularly.
  9. I have heard about the high cost of having dentals done and am wondering what that means ? Can some of you tell me how much you had to pay for the cleanings and whether or not that included extractions ? I have been brushing Ruby's teeth a couple times a week, but knowing the cost may make me turn this into a daily event, which I know she needs. Thanks !
  10. Ruby has had a cough for a few days too and a decreased appetite. She has not been eating grass though but has been licking her lips like crazy. I was worried her tummy was upset so put her on a rice and boiled chicken diet and Pepcid. Can they get kennel cough if they have had the vaccine ? I scheduled her yearly vet check for next week but may need to move it up. Will be watching your updates and hoping all is well for Maggie.
  11. When I take staples out at work I use a small tool similar to a staple remover used for paper. You might try a butter knife if you can easily slide it under the staple without hurting Lucky. If not, take him in.
  12. Ruby acted weird when I was in the hospital for 4 days recently. She wouldn't lay down at night and whined and fussed for hours. It was weird too because she is used to my husband feeding her and being home with her. The minute I got home, she was back to her old self. I bet she is missing him.
  13. I don't know anything about diabetes in dogs but my mom was able to stop all of her diabetes meds when she lost a small amount of weight and completely changed her diet. Her doctor even took the diagnosis off her chart after 2 years.
  14. I brush Ruby's teeth with coconut oil and she loves it. I also have started to use the spray and am hoping it will get rid of the rest of the tartar. Her coat looks good too.
  15. Ruby usually gets her kibble plain but I occasionally will crack a whole raw egg over it. I have also used pumpkin and parmesan cheese when I wanted her to eat better.
  16. Awww.......he knew how cherished and adored he was, that is evident in your tribute and photos. Godspeed Robin !
  17. He'll be just fine and will remember you when you get back. We have left Ruby in a similar situation several times and each time she was happy to see us and still alive. Enjoy your trip, call and check on him once or twice, enjoy him when you get back. Have fun !
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