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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. When we first got Ruby we tried the Blue Buffalo and had the same problem. I think the food is just too rich. We then tried the lamb and rice food from Costco and had trouble with gas. Just bought The GREEN BAG and will be trying that tonight, mixing it in slowly to see how it goes. It can be hard to find a food every one likes.
  2. So sorry for your loss.............what a nice tribute you wrote !
  3. I would have been terrified too ! So glad things didn't get any worse and hoping Tracker heals well.
  4. We used it until the recall and then tried a few other kinds, none of which Ruby would eat very well. We recently went back to this one but her gas is terrible and I am planning a switch to The GREEN bag to see if things improve. Ruby never really ate this one with gusto either so I don't think she is a big fan. Quality wise I think it is a good food.
  5. I have no intention of digging under her gums but lots of people scrape tartar off their dogs teeth. It seems like when there is already a coat of yuck on the teeth, it builds up even quicker. Her gums look healthy and don't bleed at all when I brush daily. Her vet says they look great but I want her canines looking a little cleaner.
  6. I use an enzymatic toothpaste also and try to do it daily. If I skip a few days, her gums are bleeding again. I also use Petzlife spray 3-4 times a week but need to do it daily. I noticed Ruby's teeth are getting plaque and I just bought a tooth scraper to see if I can get some of it off. She doesn't have bad breath though and they are pretty white except for the canines. Turkey necks work really well but I have not been able to find them over the Summer. May go look for some today as she didn't have any plaque until I stopped giving her those. I fed them 3 times a week frozen as a meal. Good luck.
  7. Beautiful tribute Beverly, I am so sorry. Hugs to you.......
  8. We are going to switch to it as soon as Ruby's current food runs out and am hoping it is a good solution to her tooting issues. I have read so many good things about it here and I like that you can buy it anywhere. Is there a difference between the mini and large chunks ? Which one should I choose or does it not matter ? Ruby does chew her food most of the time.
  9. Busderpuddle


    So sorry to hear about Cocoa. May you find peace in your memories of him.
  10. I know.......another Green Bag Iams question. I switched Ruby to Kirklands Chicken and rice when they had that recall and she had been on the salmon and sweet potato kind prior. She was doing fine on the chicken but never really loved it. Last time we went back to the salmon variety and the toots have started up again. I now remember what we didn't like. Poops are good on both. She also doesn't really scarf this food down and leaves it often. We are considering trying the Green Bag but I am wondering if anyone notices a tooting problem on this food ? How does your dogs coat look ? Ruby seems like her coat is kind of dull right now. She is also shedding like crazy right now. I noticed Costco sells it. Also, how much do you feed a day ? I saw in some of the other posts about this food that the poo quantity might increase. Also, what is the protein in this food ? Ruby is allergic to beef. Thanks
  11. Thanks everyone, that makes me feel better. She did come to me today when I called her and she let me pet her for a while. SHe seems calmer today but so do I so that makes sense. Hope my same sweet girl is back to normal soon.
  12. I had my knee replaced last Monday and was in the hospital until Thursday. My poor husband wasn't allowed to sleep at all because Ruby refused to sleep while I was gone. He tried everything and she whined and cried and fussed. We thought things would go back to normal when I got home. She seemed happy to see me but this quickly turned around and her behavior changed within an hour or so. She acts like she is terrified of me now ! She won't come to me, shakes when she sees the walker, cowers her head when I am up trying to move around and basically wants nothing to do with me. She does however sleep all night like she did before. This is scaring me and I am hoping that she just isn't used to all the equipment and noises (such as crying, leg pump machine, etc.) and when all calms down I will have my sweet girl back. Anyone else had this happen and it went away ?
  13. Trudy- The part that you fill out saying your dogs likes and dislikes was blank when I looked back in there. Maybe that is normal ? When I click on my packages, it says "no match yet" which I know it's too early to have one, but under pets, it says "none". Just want to make sure I didn't get deleted.
  14. Trudy, I signed up right after you gave us the go ahead, but when I click into the event forum, it looks like I am not signed up. Do I need to do it again ? Don't want to mess it up and miss it. Thanks, Karen
  15. So Sorry.............hugs to you and your family
  16. Another Dremel fan. I bought mine from Amazon and also order the refills for it online. I just did it today, and like someone else suggested, I go from nail to nail so that they don't heat up. I always muzzle Ruby before I start but she just lays there and seems to enjoy it. I used the clippers once and just about cut her toe off so never again. She bled for hours and it looked like I had tried to slaughter her. I am still traumatized and it was months ago. Her nails are all black except one so they are hard to see the quick. I also tried it on my thick heels today and it worked great. Tickled though.
  17. I tried a small slice of apple today and Ruby just let it lay there. Her tummy is clear now so I thought I would try a small amount but she just looked at it. She is such a picky butt. Love her............
  18. I wish Ruby's were gone. Nothing worse than dremeling those wobbly things.
  19. I have Pepcid and will give her one. I did feed her dinner tonight, gave her plain white rice that was overboiled and a small amount of kibble. She seems fine and has not poo'ed since eating. Hoping she will go tonight before bed. She has had water several times today so she is OK with that part of it. We had to change food when all the recalls happened and she has never really loved the new food. It does agree with her stomach though and at first she ate it well. It has just been the last few weeks that she has been picky about it. I called the kennel and asked if she may have gotten into another dogs food but they assured me that she didn't and that they only feed what you bring. I know she is allergic to beef and the only other time she had diarrhea was when a different kennel fed her cooked hamburger. She has been to this kennel 3 other times and has not had a reaction but she does have SA so you never know. If it continues I will take her to the vet. Thanks for your replies.
  20. I was looking at another post and saw where someone is giving their dogs an apple every day to help clean their teeth. I have never heard of this and wondering if it is safe to give them one daily ? I don't know if Ruby will eat them but it might be worth a try. Do I cut it up or give it whole ? I do brush her teeth a few times a week so they are not too bad but I would like them to look a little better. I have been using an enzymatic toothpaste and lately been trying coconut oil too (except for today because she had diarrhea). She gets diarrhea from Bully Sticks so those are out and I haven't been able to get turkey necks lately. I am sure they will be back in the stores with Winter coming. Would love to hear what other tricks you use to clean their teeth and how often you do it. Thanks.
  21. Not sure what is going on with Ruby lately and wasn't sure if this should go here or in Food. Ruby's appetite hasn't been very good the last few weeks and this weekend we left her 1 night at the kennel. She didn't eat her food the morning we dropped her off and when we picked her up the next day, the bag of food didn't look like it had been touched. They said she acted fine and peed and pooped normally. Last night for dinner she only ate a few bites. At 5 AM I heard her whining (not normal for her at all) and let her out to go pottty and she ran to the trees and had diarrhea. I decided not to give her breakfast this morning. I did give her a Milkbone cookie a little while ago and she ate it eagerly and is acting OK. She is wormed monthly and we had her poo checked about a month ago at her regular check up. What should I be looking for ? Is she just being picky (happened before) or do you think there is more to it ? She doesn't seem to have gas. Would you try switching food to see if she would eat better ? Any advice appreciated. Thank you. edited to add - I did call her vet and they didn't seem concerned unless the diarrhea continues or she is losing a lot of weight.
  22. I have only had one greyhound so far but I will tell you that she has been amazing in so many ways. We adopted her when our grandson was 2 (4 1/2 now) and she was chosen for us because she had been raised around several small children. She is wonderful with him and he is wonderful with her. He can lay on her bed for hours and used to take his afternoon naps there every day. He can sit beside her with any kind of food and she ignores it. Her tail wags non stop when he comes over and that is always the first place he goes when he gets here. She is his "Woobie" and they have a mutual love. I am cautious with her and the 2 new grandbabies because they are small, but so far she seems to love them too. I don't leave them alone together however, but I don't leave my grandchildren alone with each other either.....lol. As for the housebreaking.......we took her out as soon as the people brought her here and she pottied. We praised her and that was it. Never has peed in the house and will whine if she needs to go out. She has only pooped in the house once but she couldn't help it. We had been gone and she had been at the kennel for a week. I heard her whine (she sleeps in her crate in our room) and I thought she was just happy we were home. I heard her whine again, and before I could get the light on, I heard her have a blow out. She was humiliated but it was completely my fault. I then found out the lady at the kennel had fed her beef which she is allergic to. That is it. Easiest dog I have ever been around. I wouldn't worry about housebreaking. It really is pretty easy for most of us on here. As for "bouncy" poo ? You'll find a food that agrees with her and all will be well. Enjoy your new greys !
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