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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. I have a very calm girl who has also eaten every meal she has been given............feeling HAPPY !
  2. Ruby has been on Trazadone about 4-5 days now and today we had our first thunderstorm. I know it seems a bit early to see much in the way of results, but Ruby went to the door to look out, panted a couple times, then went and laid down calmly the rest of the night. I praised her like crazy. We didn't have too many thunderbooms, maybe 4, but normally she runs into her crate and then paces and pants for hours. Hoping this is her answer. Life was so peaceful tonight.
  3. Have I mentioned that I really want a puppy ? I have never had one and would like to experience it once before I can't keep up. I am more than happy to get one from a shelter and a mixed breed is fine. I was thinking under a year old.
  4. Ruby will be 8 in July and she is just now starting to show signs of aging. We just had the vet test her for arthritis and she has it in her spine and her back legs. He said she only has 40% movement in both back legs. We just started her on Rimadyl to see if it will help her get up and down on her bed. She also doesn't enjoy long walks anymore and starts looking for home after a few blocks. It is so sad to watch and to think about losing her. Doing what we can to make her life a bit easier. She has a orthopedic bed in the living and her crate now.
  5. Ruby does it occasionally too. It is on the leg that she tore in her last race and when we have walked for a while. The vet said there is nothing we can do about it.
  6. The vet said I can give it to her twice a day after a week if needed. So far I haven't noticed any affects at all, although she is sleeping quite a bit. Oh wait, she always does that ! I may want to up it around the 4th of July even if I don't think she needs it now. That month is HORRIBLE around here.
  7. The vet started Ruby out on 50mg once a day. I haven't noticed a thing yet, and she was extra anxious today when the electrician was here making some noise. I am supposed to give it to her daily. Sounds like a lot of you only use it when high anxiety is expected ? Should I not be giving it to her regularly ? The vet did say I could up her dose if I don't notice anything. She also started Rimadyl and Pepcid at the same time.
  8. " You didn't know greyhounds well when you adopted Ruby. Now you have a better idea of what you want in a second. And a younger, confident dog could absolutely help Ruby out. See if someone local would let you grey-sit for a weekend or a few days. That will tell you how Ruby might react." Are you going to let me borrow one of yours greysmom ? If so, can I borrow the one that doesn't dig ? HAHA. I really really do not want to get another greyhound next time, but my husband does. I love Ruby and she is perfect (with a few glitches) and I know I would never get one as amazing as she has been. I also know that down the road, I will adopt another one. But first, I want to get a smaller dog or puppy, I just don't know what kind. I am hoping one will fall into our laps. I saw a Facebook ad where a guy wanted to get rid of his 9 month old Springer Spaniel, one of my husbands favorite dogs. The guy lived in another state and I did message him to see if he would be willing to let me ship him here. He was no longer able to give him the proper care. I haven't heard back from him but am hoping I will. There was also an offer of a truck driver possibly bringing the dog to Oregon. Keeping my fingers crossed I hear back.
  9. Sounds like she had a wonderful year full of love. I am so sorry she is gone.
  10. I LIKE YOU............... No cats for me. Never learned to like them. Ruby participates in a long walk daily, a ball throwing game most days, with me fetching the ball back to myself, and lots of love and scritches. She is a happy girl most of the time, but she also looks like a rug while doing it. When I first got her we went to doggie class. She failed......twice. She just didn't want to do it. I was OK with that. She's retired just like I am. I do nothing I don't want to anymore either. We are a perfect match.
  11. Thanks Feisty49 !!! I know that 99.9% of the people reading my statement knew I was not being mean or unloving in any way. We joke that others have bear rugs, we have a greyhound one. I personally am tired of GreyHawk making rude comments to me, as this has happened more than once. So not necessary, but it seems there is always one who stirs the pot to cause trouble and put others down. I will definitely make my new pup/dog a cute one and it will in no way take away the love Ruby is given. I cannot imagine my life without my girl. What I saw when my son brought over the puppy was a girl that came to life, wagged her tail like crazy and got up off her bed ! I was happy for her. If another dog in the house adds more joy to Rubys life, all the more reason to get one. It was a nice test to make sure she wouldn't feel slighted. So back to my question...........will a confident puppy/dog help with Rubys anxiety ?
  12. OH FOR GOODNESS SAKES !!!! Anyone who knows anything about me or Ruby knows how much I love this girl. She is the love of my life, a beautiful loving soul that I adore. Most people who own greyhounds will admit that they do lay around 99% of the time and don't demand much. Ruby literally lays on her bed except for eating, out for walks and potty. She isn't really like most dogs. If you read more into what I wrote, you are just looking to stir up trouble. My girl is very well loved, doted on and spoiled. But we do call her a "rug" with chuckles. Krissy-I totally agree with what you said. I like the off switch too, but also want a dog that will alert me to strangers near my house, cuddle in my lap, etc. I would never ever get another Greyhound as quiet as Ruby is. She has never barked and is just the sweetest thing. Ruby is NOT being replaced. She will always be Top Dog. I just want more to love. I am retired and am alone 6 days a week. The dogs are my life. I appreciate the warning though and agree that I will probably kick myself once in a while if I get a different type of dog. Thank you.
  13. Beautiful photos. I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. My son brought over his 8 week old French Bulldog puppy tonight and Ruby was very interested. She did the sniffing, sniffed some more, crawled into the puppies bed, and didn't seem disturbed when the puppy got a bit rambunctious. We didn't let the puppy bug her for too long, and she was muzzled at first, just in case. She showed zero signs of aggression and even let the puppy crawl all over her big bed. Her tail was wagging the whole time. I don't know how it would go if a puppy was bugging her all the time, but she seemed to be a bit more playful that I expected. Not sure why I want a puppy, maybe because I have never had one. I know they are a ton of work. I do not want another greyhound because I want a dog that is a bit more lively and not another rug. I love Ruby to pieces, but she is pretty much non existant most of the time. I am keeping my eye on the kennels around and am open to a young dog from one of them.
  15. Our vet agreed to let Ruby try Trazadone for her anxiety issues as it was suggested by someone here to try it. Can anyone tell me what I can expect ? My vet really didn't know much about it but looked it up and was willing to give ita try. Will it make her lethargic ? Help with appetite ? Hopefully her anxiety will lessen as July is right around the corner. Summers are the worst for her with all the noisy fireworks. Thank you
  16. Perfect timing............Ruby is starting a 10 day trial of this tomorrow if I can afford to buy it from the local pharmacy, Will be watching this thread.
  17. We are searching for a small puppy and wondering if this will help with Rubys anxiety ? She hates to be left alone and as I posted in other forums, her anxiety is escalating. If we were to get a strong confident little pup, do you think that it will help her or hurt her ? We certainly don't want to do anything to make her worse. I don't know anyone who has a puppy to try her out, and I don't want to bring one home that I cannot keep. What has been your experience with adding a new pet to the family ? I know another greyhound would probably be the best choice, but it is not what we are wanting.
  18. Rubys labs came back OK. She has a slightly low WBC and he wants to recheck it in 3 months. Everything else was normal, except her Creatinine was about where it always is. The vet is going to give Trazadone and Rimadyl. He did find a spot on her spine where she sunk down in her hind end when he pushed the vertebrae. Since she is having some trouble getting up, he thought the Rimadyl might help her. The Trazadone is for her anxiety. Hoping this helps.
  19. She has always had a issue with her kidney labs, so it very well could be that. It has never been bad enough to worry about before, but we know the day is coming probably.
  20. Ruby had her appt. this morning and he ended up doing a lot of bloodwork on her, discovering that she has a weak rear end, her teeth don't look too bad, and her breath is horrendous, not caused by her teeth. He thinks it may be a stomach, liver or kidney issue. We are waiting for the labs to come back and will go from there. He said to start her on Pepcid twice daily, Rimadyl if her labs look OK, and possibly Tramadol after he sees the labs. So right now just waiting and hoping things are OK. He said it might be a good idea to get her teeth cleaned in the next year, but nothing urgent.
  21. I am taking Ruby in to the vet tomorrow to discuss her anxiety and gum bleeding issues. I have always heard that there is something special about anesthesia for Greys and am wondering if someone can tell me what to ask for during a dental ?. Is it that they need less, or is it a different kind ? Anything else I should ask about the dental before I schedule it ? I know there are major concerns, I just don't know what they are. Thank you, Karen
  22. I am taking Ruby in to the vet tomorrow to discuss her anxiety and gum bleeding issues. I have always heard that there is something special about anesthesia for Greys and am wondering if someone can tell me what to ask for during a dental ?. Is it that they need less, or is it a different kind ? Anything else I should ask about the dental before I schedule it ? I know there are major concerns, I just don't know what they are. Thank you, Karen
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