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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. Thank you all for sharing your expenses. This is a real eye opener and I wish I would have purchased insurance when Ruby was younger and had not been diagnosed with the heart murmur and kidney issue. It is probably out of reach at this point. Will need to up her nest egg a bit more as she ages.
  2. Tonight I have spent a lot of time reading through the Health and Medical forum and I am wondering what the cost of things like amputations, chemo, surgery for ruptured spleens, etc. are if you would be willing to share that info?. Ruby has been fairly healthy so far and we have not had any vet bills other than her routine visits and a few trial drugs for her SA. I just want to be mentally prepared for things as she ages. I understand that prices will vary depending on where you live, but just a general ball park figure. The only thing I know the cost of at my vet is $300 for a basic dental with no extractions, which we will be doing before too long. Thank you in advance for sharing.
  3. MaryJane- would you be willing to share the homemade diet you make for Larry ? I too have a dog with a slight kidney problem and one who doesn't eat very well. I would love trying home made food for her and her kidneys. Thank you.
  4. Run free sweet Sheana..........I can tell how loved you are.
  5. I'm so sorry......will be praying for a speedy recovery for Zander
  6. I am so sorry for your loss. May you hold on to all those happy memories.
  7. She was given raw burger at a kennel tice and both times had explosive diarrhea when I brought her home. Not a fun time for either of us.
  8. Does anyone here use the canned dog food from Costco ? I noticed it the other day but it never dawned on me to buy a case to see if Ruby likes it. I can't even remember what flavor it is, maybe chicken ? If you use it, do you mix it with kibbleor feed it by itself ? How many cans a day do you feed if fed alone ? I do remember the cans are red. Ruby has been on a raw diet for the last week or so and is now starting to ignore it. I am thinking I am going to have to keep her guessing by switching things up on a regular basis. Any issues with the canned ? I have never tried it except as a topper and have never used Costco brand.
  9. No experience with this, but sending positive thoughts and prayers that this is just a bruise and nothing to worry about.
  10. With the burger or ground meats, do they tend to inhale it ? I would think with the ground meats, they would eat it in seconds and not chew, rip or tear. Does the ground help their teeth at all ? Ruby now takes a chunk out to the lawn and spends several minutes crunching and enjoying it. I feel like it is giving her some stimulation along with the food. Do you feed both ? I still need to find a cheaper source for the meat, or only feed it once a day and use kibble the other meal.
  11. Things are still going well. My husband fed her kibble yesterday, he spaced out the meat in the fridge. She ate it well, so no problems with that. She has also gone poo, although a lot less than before. Not sure how long I will keep this up due to cost. I have not been able to locate decent meat in my area. I am afraid to try the beef, but guess I should give it another go to make sure there is a problem. The beef that she was fed before was raw burger at the boarding kennel.
  12. She is still loving her meals and I bought some boneless breasts today to add to the other chicken parts. One thing I noticed is she is going out to poop, squatting for a while, with no results. I am assuming she is struggling with constipation from the bone. What do I do about that if she doesn't go soon ?
  13. Thank you for the info and book ideas. I was giving her fairly large thighs, but it sounds like too much bone. She gets diarrhea from burger, so am afraid to give her beef. Would you try it ? Today I bought a whole chicken that was cut in chunks and gave her a breast and wing. I have not found ground chicken or boneless breasts that are affordable yet. Any idea how much you spend to feed raw per month ? I looked for a company that would deliver but didn't find one yet. Luckily the Hispanic market has additive free chicken pretty cheap, but with bones. What about pork and fish ? I have not been giving kibble. Appreciate all the ideas. She hasn't skipped a meal yet.
  14. I have started Ruby on a raw diet of chicken. She has had 2 chicken thighs twice a day for 2 days and loves it. I don't know how much to be feeding her and I don't have a scale yet. Is that too much ? I have been leaving the skin on too.is that ok ? When do I add organ meats and how much ? She weighs 56 lbs and I am trying to get her to 62. Thanks !
  15. I am slowly thinking about trying raw feeding again with Ruby because she is losing weight and is so picky. She now weighs 58 lbs. How do I calculate how much to give her a day ? Do I feed her once or twice a day ? Frozen or thawed meat ? Any worries about any of the raw bones, such as pork ? She is allergic to beef so we won't be trying that. Also, is it safe to feed fish ? With the bones ? It seems so lean that I worry she would not get enough. I am always hungry after eating it.........lol. Is fish skin safe to feed ? Thanks
  16. I spoke with the vet again about the possibility of pancreatitis and he does not feel like she has any symptoms of it at all, and did not feel that extra tests are needed at this time. I have been putting a smashed up sardine in her food at least once a day and she likes that. I am considering raw, but I think it will be difficult because we are gone and leave her at the kennel a lot. Our kennel does not do raw feedings, not sure why. We may have to if she keeps losing. Remind me again if you leave the skin on things like chicken ? I think if I could find a food that really stunk, she would be more interested. The Canidae that we are feeding now barely has any smell.
  17. Oh Erika, I am so very sorry to hear about Morty. I always loved hearing about him and your advice on what to try with Ruby and her picky eating. You are in my prayers.............
  18. I will check with the vet again about the pancreatitis. Thanks.
  19. No, she has never looked uncomfortable at all after eating. I did ask the vet about this at her last visit and he had no concerns at all. In 4 years she has vomited once, and that was about a month ago and before she ate anything. Nothing since then though and she will eagerly gobble up treats.
  20. ETA: Ya know, I wasn't going to say anything negative, but I know Karen, the OP of this topic, and she *does really* love her dog. Who are you to judge her like that? We reach out to one another for advice and support and writing something nasty like this is neither. Thank you Marla, I appreciate the support. I have no idea what GreyHawk had in mind when he/she wrote that nasty comment. Obviously didn't read the rest of my thread where I said that I had tried all kinds of mix-ins and yummies to get her to eat. And yes, my children were also told the kitchen was not a restaurant. They actually all 3 survived and are healthy adults. As for her having any tummy issues Greysmom, she has been to the vet twice in the last 2 months and had negative fecal tests each time. She also has no signs of tummy upset, her teeth look great and the vet sees nothing wrong with her many many labs she has had done. I honestly think she is just being really picky and is going to be one of those skinny girls. And Morty...........quit giving your mama so many worries !!!
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