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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. I am so sorry for all of your losses. Phoebe sounds like a wonderful girl! Run free Phoebe!
  2. Oh Jan, I was shocked and truly saddened to see Paddy's name here. Like others, I am shedding tears for a dog I've never met. He was larger than life, and I always enjoyed reading about his escapades. I am sure he leaves a huge hole in your heart and in your life. I am so very sorry. Run Free Paddy Mayhem!
  3. I am so sorry. Such a lovely tribute for a lovely girl. Run Free Princess!
  4. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful girl!
  5. I use Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables.
  6. Congratulations and welcome! It looks like your girl is having a greyt time so far!
  7. Oh Tin, I am so sorry. You did what was best for Diego and he loved you for it. He is now pain free and is running and playing with the Heavenly WFUBCC. Run Free Diego!
  8. Welcome back! You have a gorgeous group of houndies!
  9. Welcome from Maryland. Merlin is so handsome!
  10. So when does your next greyhound arrive?
  11. Thank you for posting this. Also, KF, thank you for taking a lovely senior dog into your home and heart!
  12. I am so sorry Ducky. You gave him such a loving home and his short time with you was so good for him. Run Free Percy!
  13. Welcome and thank you for sharing your Grey stories with us! Your family is beautiful!
  14. I use Springtime, Inc's Joint Health and Fresh Factors too. And just like ozgirl2, since it is a Maryland company, I get my order the next day!
  15. Has your vet done any x-rays? Maybe she has an obstruction and that is causing her not to eat. How old is she? Does she have any other medical conditions?
  16. Such a beautiful tribute to such a sweet, gentle, happy boy. He will always be with you in your wonderful memories of him. Run free like the wind, Sunny!
  17. Happy Bridge Birthday Sabrina! We miss you!
  18. Hello and welcome to GT! Different adoption groups recommend different things, ours always recommended crating. It depends on the dog. When we adopted our first greyhound seven years ago, we followed the crate instructions to the letter and our Breeze was just fine with it. She told us when she didn't want the crate anymore, two years later! With Beka, we only used the crate for a short time because she was having NONE of it! We adopted Ivy last June and she LOVES her crate. The first night she cried and cried, she was in her crate downstairs by herself. Once we brought the crate up to our bedroom, she was fine. She still loves her crate and chooses to sleep in there at night, every night!
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