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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. Hi Redbo! Welcome to a very handsome boy!
  2. A week ago this past Sunday, my husband was asked by a friend to help her with a GUR from Fredericksburg VA to Frederick MD. They left at quarter to 6 in the morning, and about 2 hours later my husband called to tell me he was in love with a little girl houndie that was being transported in his car and he wanted to adopt her. I said "Three dogs??? How could we handle three dogs?" He asked me to think about it but he really really wanted to adopt her. So last Sunday, we drove up to Pennsylvania to meet this little girl and we took our 2 girls with us to see if they approved of her. She stepped out of the car and came over to us. Breeze and Beka sniffed her and then stood next to her in approval. I was enchanted by her. She is a tiny girl, 55 pounds, with beautiful amber eyes and so sweet! Her racing name was Carolina Spoon and she is 2 years old. She came home with us and began settling in. It took her a day or so to master the hardwood floor in our hallway, and she is still a little hesitant to walk on the scary tile kitchen floor! The outside stairs into the house are not a problem, but the the Mount Everest of a staircase to the second floor is still a challenge for her. She is learning new things every day and watches her new sisters so she knows what is expected of her. So without further adieu, here are the obligatory and today with her 4th of July attire: Welcome home Ivy!
  3. Oh Nancy, she was so beautiful, am so sorry she had to leave you. But at least she is resting without pain now. That is the greatest gift you could give to her.
  4. I use a Wiggles Wags and Whiskers harness for Beka because she has a high prey drive too and tends to pull, and I was afraid that she would hurt her neck pulling with a martingale. The harness is a godsend and is very strong. I still put a martingale on her too to keep her tag collar from slipping off and also because she has to make a fashion statement!
  5. I am so sorry that it was Master's turn to go the the Bridge. That is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful boy. Run free Master!
  6. I am so sorry Declan had to go to the Bridge. There is never enough time.
  7. Carol, I am so happy for you! I am sure that Magic had a paw in this connection. Yes, and watch those little red girls- they can be little imps with a great sense of humor- just watch Beka the next time you see her! It is definitely time for a bigger bed! Kathy
  8. Hi Michelle! I am not surprised that Kramer reacted that way in the car since he hasn't shared a car with another dog before. Maybe he had space issues you weren't aware of before since there was no opportunity for it. Or maybe he was sleeping and she startled him. At playgroup, he was just running around with the other dogs, not laying down with them. When we are on long car rides with Breeze and Beka, Beka gets snarky sometimes if Breeze is changing position and steps on her, and as you know, they've been together for three years. I think you just need to give Kramer time to adjust and do the same back seat/back of the car arrangement until they get used to each other. He is such a happy boy, he will probably be just fine once he gets used to the idea. See you in July! Kathy
  9. Congratulations! She's beautiful!
  10. Barb fought a hard fight against her disease, and made sure that her Nova and Rona were taken care of. We will miss you Barb!
  11. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful girl.
  12. My girl Breeze had a mass on her neck appear overnight and it was an abcess that the vet lanced and drained. She was on antibiotics for 10 days and now she is fine. Being the nervous mom, I immediately assumed the worse and was so relieved that it was easily resolved. She is twelve and a half years old.
  13. Congratulations! Andy looks like a really handsome boy. We need more !
  14. Carol, Magic was such a sweet boy and it was wonderful that you found each other. He was so lucky to have you as his mom. We will miss him! Kathy, Breeze and Beka
  15. Hi Alan and welcome to GT! Rocket is a handsome boy!
  16. Congratulations and Welcome Home Ronan!
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