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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. I remember when Nigel joined your family! He was such a wonderful therapy dog and I've always enjoyed hearing the stories of his experiences and how he contributed to the happiness of others. Run Free Nigel!
  2. He was such a wonderful boy! We will miss him in the Club. Sending hugs.
  3. Your boy is so handsome. I hope he is doing well in your home now!
  4. I've always had separate toothbrushes for our greys.
  5. Lucy, I think your plan to trial the Gabapentin is a good one. You need to be comfortable with any decision and it is never an easy one. I hope Spirit will be comfortable and you will have many opportunities to snuggle and spoil him. Sending {{{hugs}}}. Kathy
  6. Hi Jeff, I wanted to use one of my existing signature pictures for my posts but I can't find my gallery to copy and paste from it. Where do I find it now? Kathy Oooops! I just saw that I asked the same question when I changed it in October! I found the gallery but now I'm having trouble copying and pasting the siggie picture....... EDIT #2 - I fixed it! I went into thumbnail image, copied it from there and pasted it under signature and it worked. Sorry to bring it up again and next time I'll just have to remember to refer to this post!
  7. Hello and welcome! We would love to see pictures of your houndie!
  8. I loved loved loved watching this story unfold. It was so exciting and is one of my favorite stories! Happy Gotcha Day Lilly and to Whiskey at the Bridge.
  9. I know this is late, but could you share the cake recipe? Monday is Cherry's first gotcha day and I'd like to have a celebration for her!
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