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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. All our sympathy to you and your family.
  2. Look at Tristan go! He wants a bigger running space Hugs to Ben and Fritz.
  3. I'm so sorry. Your beautiful, beautiful girl.
  4. Congreytulations to Rogan on being boot-free, and keeping all paws crossed here on his and Sophie's blood values.
  5. No experience, just sending our best wishes and warmest thoughts for all of you.
  6. Adding our good thoughts for your handsome boy. How does he seem to be feeling?
  7. Go Pinky! Go Gia! Go Lucy! and extra biskies for everyone
  8. Yes, we definitely need more pics of that beautiful boy. And sending continued best wishes.
  9. I routinely worm 2x a year, just in case. (It's a stupid compromise between not worming and worming 4x a year, which would really be more effective.) My greys catch a lot of small wildlife in the back yard (gak) and that makes them at high risk for tapeworm from eating the small critters and their fleas and parasites. Many people give two doses of wormer about 2 weeks apart to ensure the nasties are gone. You'll be able to test the lethargy theory by seeing how Siri acts when she is parasite-free. Good luck! It's gross, but it's part of life with animals.
  10. Hugs to Aquitaine. My Scout was diagnosed at age 10 with glomerelonephritis and made it to age 13, having an active and happy life for most of that time. We managed with a combination of modified home-cooked diet, drugs, supplements, and acupuncture. He tolerated the enalapril well.
  11. 1. I feel for both you and your BF -- I'm constantly torn between forging ahead and second thoughts. I love Nutmeg and Romie to pieces, but our life was getting just a tad bit (lean in close here -- I'll have to whisper this) boring. What I said to a doubting friend (admittedly not as important in status as your BF) when I was considering adopting dog #3 was that sometimes I just had to go ahead and do something to change up my life, even if on paper it didn't look like a smart idea. That argument seemed to sway her. 2. I think walking two dogs is easy. The main leash training Milo needed was how to walk in a group, so that had to be together. The only thing I separate them for now (six months post-Milo) is playing with the lure pole. Milo and Romie get too intense. 3. For future possibilities -- might you consider a greyhound mix as a kind of compromise? Milo, dog #3, is a greyhound crossed with probably some sort of huntin' dawg. He is young and fairly high energy yet has some sighthound characteristics. 4. For mental and physical tiring out, never underestimate the power of a good, long chew.
  12. Oh, Zeke-aroni. Godspeed. I'm so sorry, Jan.
  13. No experience, just sending gentle hugs to Mr. Sid.
  14. I'm sure that Mike thinks that Bullitt eating breakfast is a greyt birthday present. Adding our best wishes for your boy.
  15. Ours is a 10x19 with a 9" rise, which puts the top just about the same as yours -- 28" total height, compared with your 27" total. I think 10" is wide enough for greyhounds. Your 27" height should be okay unless one of yours is extra tall. I read somewhere that the top of the door should be about shoulder height on the dog. I used to have a giant male who was almost 32" at the shoulder, but my current crop tops out at 28". Your 12" rise should be fine now, but you may want to reconsider when your dogs get older and may develop orthopedic or coordination problems. How greyt that you're getting two -- especially two that already like each other! Life is about to get fun! I am just waiting for this to happen. Milo HAS to go outside everytime one of the other dogs goes, and he EXPLODES through the door. So far, however, the main negatives have been Romie and Milo bringing in their fresh kills. Three squirrels and 1 rabbit so far this hunting season. Thank goodness they left the possum carcass outside.
  16. Such grace and sweetness of heart.
  17. You and Patrick arrived on GT when my first set of greys was getting older, so in my mind Patrick has always been the big young handsome goofy boy he was when I first "met" him. You, your DH, and Patrick were so lucky to have each other. He had a wonderful life. And of course a huge piece of your heart has gone with him.
  18. Chevy needs some extra treats to help him recover from all that trauma.
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