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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. If your dogs ever do manage to get a turkey neck down their trachea, you could publish one heck of an article. It would kind of be like the George Carlin routine about the kid who snorted an entire cheese sandwich out his nose -- "It's a miracle!" Hoping Minerva's continuing to do well.
  2. I think her incision looks very tidy -- maybe the 33 cents was for double-knotting the stitches? But, um, food doesn't go down the trachea (windpipe) -- unless they're aspirating. Trachea is the ringed tube in the front of the neck going down to lungs. Esophagus is just posterior to the trachea, going down to the stomach. There are various procedures the body performs automatically during a normal swallow to prevent food from going down the trachea. Sometimes surgery in this area may create problems swallowing depending on what muscles get moved around/cut, but fortunately it doesn't sound like this is a problem for your girl.
  3. Adding to the wishes for a good surgery result and easy recovery.
  4. My Scout was on pentoxifylline for about 3 years for vasculitis, one of his collection of auto-immune-related diseases, including SLO. He didn't show any noxious side effects. I'm sorry that I don't have the source of this excerpt that I copied some years ago:
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