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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Thanks for the photos, Rachel. On Milo -- that is as far up as those 1/6 coonhound ears will go! Gelsey -- she turns even sleeping into a fun event
  2. What part of "retired" do you not understand?
  3. Milo is age 14+ and was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia 18 months ago. He has been doing well on his every-two-week oral chemo, but about a month ago started requiring "toppers" for his meals. Then, about 10 days ago, he showed a sudden lack of interest for meals. This scares me because the vet and I agreed that would be the definitive cue that he was feeling bad from the cancer. I have been feeding him whatever I can get into him all through the day. He'll eat that way, but only a little nosh at a time. He has also been having a few short spans of just acting out-of-it and not responding to his name or other noises or movements. A few days ago I gave him a leftover Ostifen pain pill. Immediate positive reaction! I was thrilled, but also wondering what was causing him pain. No limping; still enjoying long walks although has been slowing down toward the end of them. No vomiting and his poop continues to be perfect. Went to vet. Bloodwork great -- everything within normal limits, even red and white blood cell counts,, which vet says is unusual for a leukemia dog on chemo. (And yes, those are greyhound levels.) He was standing for a long time at the vet's, and we both saw his rear end begin to sag a little. No x-rays, but vet thinks he may have arthritis in his spine. Suggested librela instead of oral meds because of lower risk of side effects, especially to stomach. I remembered reading here on GT that other houndies have benefitted from it. So he got his first shot, which he did not appreciate, and we are going to try at least one more next month. The vet thinks the out-of-it periods are part of dementia, but we can cope with that. And I guess I did an ok job getting food into him -- he had gained a few pounds since his last checkup. Gelsey has been enjoying the variety of treats a little too much, also. I am too tech-challenged to post a pic on here, but if someone would volunteer, I'll text a pic from my phone so everybody can admire Milo the Wonder Hound.
  4. YAY for clear scan!!!!!!! Amelia, you work it, girl! Valet service for stairs and caviar for breakfast! Whatever you want, they HAVE to give it to you.
  5. Yes to all of the above about energy levels, but she is So. Frickin'. Cute. What size do you think she's going to be as an adult?
  6. I think there would be a lot fewer unplanned puppies, lost, or killed-in-traffic dogs of all breeds if everybody followed the basic sighthound safety guidelines. In a short time, it's second nature to follow them. I used to live in a city that had a lot of events in parks and I would take 2 hounds on what's called "dogwalker" leashes -- extra long with option of clipping them securely around your waist. I'd have them around my wrist as we went in, but once settled down on the grass and blanket, I'd hook the leashes around my waist to keep my hands free and be a secure anchor in case one bolted. (Even a greyhound wouldn't be able to jerk my butt off the ground ) I never had an attempted escapee. Yes, there are a lot of diversions in parks, but they are also a kind of greyhound heaven -- soft blanket in the sun or shade as preferred for napping, human within easy reach, usually food involved, and people stopping by to admire the beautiful dog and give pets. Because when you're out in public with a greyhound, you are an attention magnet. Relax and enjoy! (Except for the occasional whiner.) PS: "Hypothetical" would be a good name for a greyhound. You could call him or her Hype for short. Just sayin'.
  7. Lil Poppy is too cute! She wears her swag well. Can you find her a cap that fits? Confessing ignorance -- how does the name Tessie connect to the Red Sox?
  8. (thud) Lovely at all stages. How much did she weigh in pic 1 and how much in pic 2? But Willa needs a puppy to play with. You'd get one for Willa, wouldn't you?
  9. No direct experience here, either. Even if no access to an underwater treadmill, "swimming" in a heated pool with a life jacket to keep her skinny hound torso afloat would help. I used to live in a place that had a dog training center with a smaller, above-ground heated pool inside for water therapy. At first, a human had to get in the pool with the dog, either holding onto it or on a leash, but as dog got stronger and more used to the pool, gradually changed to dog in the pool by itself and humans on the outside rim taking turns calling it so it could get the most exercise. I can't imagine a hound with a physio ball. if it weren't so frustrating and scary for you. Her PT will have lots of other ideas. Best wishes for Penny and her team. Please keep us posted.
  10. I looked up other recipes with peeps and many involved combining them with rice krispy treats. There was an episode of the Chopped tv show recently in which the mandatory ingredient was peeps.
  11. I thought of another grey, too, or other friendly dog that she knows or could get to know inside her house first. Then try going out together.
  12. Punkin and AnnIE, you are both so beautiful and engaging that you do not need to go to these lengths to get attention. Bestest wishes for you both, and for hugs for your mom.
  13. Good thoughts for Merlin, Schmoozing Sammy, and especially Ami. I think Rachel posted that on your instagram just to divert attention from her slipping in to add to her brindle addiction collection. Hope you all have a good foster weekend!
  14. Oh, Amelia -- be nice to your sister! You have to make allowances for the "normal" ones.
  15. Doolin of Derpington. Has a nice ring to it. Queen Toodles.
  16. No pharmaceutical experience; just sending soothing yet encouraging vocalizations to the Doo.
  17. Hope Gracie (and humans) have a quiet, bloodless night.
  18. Besides, she needed something green for St. Patrick's Day.
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