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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. All the time - except it's Miss Tuna..... also - Toonia, Tuner, Tuna, TuniaDoodles and Miss Doodles and DamnItPetunia...... Edited to add Patoodles since I just called her that and left it off the list.
  2. Does this Slumber Ball make my butt look big? She slept for about the past 15 hours, got up to eat and went back to bed. I think she's starting to figure out this retirement thing. A couple nights ago I realized that she had stolen one of my shoes and left a hedgehog in it's place. Seems like a fair trade.
  3. She's never had toys so doesn't know what they are. She is in her comfort zone and is fine. In another 6 months to a year you will most likely have a completely different dog as she gets used to the family routine and knows that she is there to stay. She may expand her roaming area after a while and even start to follow you around eventually, but you have a dog who has never lived in a home before and is still learning what is expected of her and learning about life in a house. Se may even decide to play with the toys eventually. It takes time and it sounds like she is doing fine.
  4. Happy Birthday to your girls. You can get the sundae cups at the Dollar Tree in a variety of themes. Now you know. (hint, hint)
  5. Petunia had her attorney draw up a klass acshun suit. She said that she and many other houndies are now scarred for life after reading of Conner's abuse and torment. She also said something about making the demand in Burpdog Bisicuits and Seamie's PBB's instead of dollars.
  6. I think that Bella may have never had the whippy cream / PB combination before. She wasn't giving up the container easily.
  7. Happy Birthday Beautiful Bea! Cletus needs to meet Bella. We thought she was going to eat the container too!
  8. Gorgeous boy. Definitely gone way too soon.
  9. Yes - everyone went home with peanut butter! That PB was a HUGE hit with the girls. Some even had it on their nose.
  10. Warning - pic heavy. Last week Petunia got a box addressed to "Petunia and her guests." Lexie sent a little peanut butter for the party girls. Thank you, Lexie! Decorations are a must! And some party hats Bella found the meatball treats After lots of treats, the highlight of the party was served. Each pup got a birthday sundae made of whippy cream, a swirl of peanut butter, a ginger snap and topped with a large blueberry. Our neighbor Pat stopped by to see the dogs and ended up being the sundae server. Everyone got presents but pics were impossible to get while the stuffies were flying. Here's the after party coma(s)
  11. We are having our traditional 4th of July greyhound party but putting a new spin on it this year. In the past, Rocket hosted this party for his friends and those friends who couldn't handle the noise of fireworks. With Rocket's passing in October and the arrival of Petunia this year, we are instead having a birthday party for the Golden Girls, all of whom have birthdays in July. Our friends who usually come here to avoid fireworks can't be here today, but we are thinking about them and missing them, wishing they were able to be here too. (Conner and Val we miss you) So, the first picture is a teaser with more to come later. From left to right - Trolley who turned 12, Petunia who will be 11, and our friend Bella who will also be 11. To quote Petunia - "I ain't wearing no stinking tiara......oh hell no...." More to come later tonight.
  12. Cletus - no matter what she tells you, Thursday is supposed to be a PAID holiday.
  13. Happy Birthday, Trolley. You look mahvelous! Petunia says she is ready to start the party now! Picture of Trolley at our house from earlier in the year.
  14. No - no bolster. Just your standard elevated, nylon bed. I think he didn't like the way the fabric moved when he stepped on it.
  15. I had one of those elevated outdoor beds similar to a camp chair for several years. Rocket wouldn't even look at it and had no interest when we tried to get him to use it. I finally donated it to a group auction since it was never used. I think he was more of a Slumber Ball guy....
  16. When I would give it to Rocket he could almost burp the alphabet when the gas came up. It's good stuff.
  17. Just now seeing this. This is what Rocket always went through with stress colitis. I could usually get him to eat the canned chicken dog food from Evangers. I would give him half a can and then wait 3-4 hours. After 3-4 hours with something in his belly, he would eat normally. For him it usually happened early in the morning, so I could give him the canned food around 5 or 6 AM when it started, and at 10 AM he would gobble down a normal breakfast. My cue with him when this happened was that he would turn down a Milk Bone. If he turned those down we went straight to the canned food. You might also try giving her a regular Gas-X just in case the squeals were gas and she a little gas pain.
  18. Lexie, Petunia says it looks like you might have a tummy ache tonight. She has graciously offered to help you with those snacks.
  19. Happy Birthday to our gorgeous daughter-in-law, Lexie. We are so happy to see you reach the big one-four and wish you many more. We love you! Mom-in-law, Daddyman-in-law, and Petunia
  20. Can I clone him? I think every house needs a Cletus.
  21. Petunia sez "Happy Birfday Cuzzin Face." She forgot to check for this thread yesterday.
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