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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. The strain of hookworms that is coming with dogs from the track and farms is taking 6 months to a year cases to get rid of in many cases. We are using a modified version of Dr Ng's protocol since our hound is 11 years old and recently was adopted from a racing farm (our timing on the meds is just spaced out a little further at the instruction of our vet) , but the combination of Advantage Multi and Drontal Plus is working. Her hookworm numbers are dropping significantly with each fecal test. We are now in month 4 of the modified protocol. The first few months there were obvious signs of hooks, however we no longer see the signs of them and are relying on the egg count in the fecal test to determine if there is still any activity. You will need several months of clear tests to be sure that you got rid of them. Not sure on the Seresto question. Hopefully someone who uses them regularly will be along to answer this.
  2. Welcome home, Kibo. You have hit the greyhound jackpot!
  3. Rocket had one also. He was a Dodgem By Design / Gable Dodge descendant.
  4. I ordered the Help Em Up Harness for Rocket when his back end was giving out. Upon receiving it I decided it was only going to be used as a a last resort because it it is heavy and cumbersome. It ended up never getting used. Some people have had success with it, but I knew that he wasn't going to put up with me trying to put that harness on him. I know that others here have had good experiences with it, but he was also a big boy, 85 lbs at the time and the harness. Hopefully some others will chime in with their experience, as that one gets suggested quite a bit for this situation.
  5. Welcome home, Jenny! Enjoy your couch!
  6. I've been seeing a lot of that lately. We are on Cox for internet service and even though they keep telling us about the great "FREE" speed upgrade they've given us, everything has been much slower for the past month or so on Cox.
  7. Not always. Rocket was my sidekick, attached at my hip. He loved DW, but there was no doubt that he was Daddy's boy first and foremost. Petunia is a little more neutral between us although she has recently started whining if I leave or I go to take a nap in another room. She wants me next to her when I'm home.
  8. He's got Dodgem By Design, Gable Dodge and Unruly among others in his pedigree. It will be a fun ride! (Rocket was a Dodgem By Design boy) I see he has his morning ears on in that picture!
  9. Agreed. Having Petunia who is a broodie is lots of fun and she is all business when the broodie in her kicks in, but the difference between Petunia and Rocket is literally night and day. She's reserved but will give you her opinion when she thinks you should be doing something other than what you are doing at any given moment, and Rocket was a go-with-the-flow big goofball who would do anything for a laugh. He was hilarious and you never knew what he would do next that made you hold your sides with laughter or grab your camera. Rocket was very much in your face all day wanting to know what "we" were doing next. Petunia just wants to know if it's time to eat yet, and if it isn't, why not? .
  10. Although the Golden Girls had their party on the 4th of July for all of their birthdays, Petunia officially turned 11 today - going on 4. You would never know this girl is anywhere near 11 years old. She will have another Birthday Sundae later to celebrate, and most likely some fries with her dinner. Happy Birthday to my girl!
  11. I will second the RxVitamin products. We used the clay with Allie when she was here to help with diarrhea, and our vet actually prescribed the RxBiotic and RxZyme for Petunia while we are doing these intense hookworm treatments. Petunia had blowout diarrhea due to the hookworm meds and these 2 products got her formed back up. We are keeping her on it since we are still doing a modified version of Dr. Ng's protocol and every poop literally bounces.
  12. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. Run-free, sweet Lola.
  13. Updated info - Apparently the owner of Precise Pet Foods passed away and the company is not continuing in operation. That seems to be all that is known at this time, but all of my friend's clients who were using it have also had to switch foods. He had no suggested replacement at this time.
  14. A friend of mine in another state is a dealer for Precise, so I have a message in to him to see what is going on. There doesn't seem to be availability of any of their foods online and the website is dead. I've had Petunia on their Senior food since she arrived. I'm going to be really bummed if they are out of business, as it has been our go-to food for years. When Rocket was with us, we had to switch from Precise after a while due to his colitis. We typically had to switch food with him every year or so, so I don't think there was anything wrong with the Precise food we were feeding , it was just time for his food to be changed which we had gone through many times. After a year to 18 months on on any food it just no longer agreed with him. At that time I switched to Purina Pro Plan Focus Large Breed which he did great on. You might try it as a replacement for Precise. Other than a few minor things I think the ingredients were fairly close to the Precise Natural line of food. Others here who had dogs with stress colitis also used it successfully. https://www.purina.com/pro-plan/dogs/dry-dog-food/focus-large-breed
  15. That's mah boy!!! We have Snickers and foster Miss Kate visiting Petunia today. It was like Poopfest 2019 out there when they arrived. Then they all went back outside for a second round after about 45 mins. Really? It's a hundredelebenty degrees out there girls.....
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. I couldn't stand being in the house without a dog here after we lost Rocket. It's quite the adjustment. Hang in there - it gets easier eventually but never soon enough. Rest well, Merlin.
  17. That is awesome! Good boy Jaxson. The only thing my dogs have ever carried is french fries off of my plate.
  18. Trolley is visiting for a night or three. I grabbed fast food for dinner tonight and Petunia has become as fry-obsessed as Rocket was. Trolley turned them down at first because Petunia was trying to horn-in on every fry instead of sharing. Eventually, Trolley came over for some fries. Note the stinkeye from Petunia who is no longer at the front of the line.
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