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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I hope Pogo gets the right medicine and can stomach it ok. I have had similar issues with the large hospitals sometimes. Red Bank is notorious for not returning calls. If the doctors weren't so darn good I wouldn't go there.
  2. Ditto what the others said. But I want to you to the Greyt Greyhound Cult, and to Greytalk. Many years ago I was co-monitor of an Aussie based bulletin board, but with the advent of My Space then Facebook, it lost it's members and no longer exists. But you've got a lot of greyt Aussie people with greyhounds down under. I visited your country in 2002 for a month. Loved it. I can't wait to go back. And good luck with her spay. What's her name?
  3. awwww. Good boy! Where are pix of your handsome young man?
  4. Anne I cried as soon as I saw her name here.
  5. Truthfully, I was glad the hospital kept Diamond 4 days. The first two weeks are the hardest. Especially emotionally. But once they get off the pain meds they're a new dog. Hang in there. You did the right thing. Anything you do for love is the right thing.
  6. I'm so glad she's doing well. She's a very cute little girl.
  7. Irene, I'm glad I got to meet her that day we rode. I'm sorry she's gone.
  8. I was able to take a rough BP at home for Pearl who's BP was never controlled well. I got the itty bitty infant cuff and put it on her front leg when she was laying down. I used the top leg. And I would watch the needle very carefully as I slowly let the air out of the cuff. When it started bouncing in rhythm to the heartbeat that was the systolic. It's not a great method, but if it's at 120, you KNOW it's not at 200. But it could be between 100-140. It worked well for me. She was diagnosed with valvular disease at age 5, hypertension at age 6 and she succumbed to cancer at age 12. I always thought I'd lose her to a heart attack or CHF. You can find a human infant cuff at most drug stores or online for about $20.
  9. Onyx had what the doctor called "and old brain" It looked like the brain of a 12 yr old not 8 yr old (which she was at the time). She had several episodes that she seemed lost/dazed. Stood in the corner not knowing what to do. Funny thing though. She was put under anesthesia for the MRI. Had Valium first. She never had another episode. Obviously she had quite a few, enough for me to pay $3000 for an MRI. After that one anesthesia, she never had another one.
  10. I would try a neurologist. Dr. Glass at Red Bank is superb. I took my Onyx there when she showed odd signs. Red Bank isn't that far from you. I would highly recommend it. (have you ever been there? what an amazing looking place).
  11. There's something wrong!! He's not upside down!!!
  12. I'm so very very sorry that you lost Comanche. I read the H&M thread. What was the final diagnosis?
  13. Oh Jan, I'm so so very sorry. He was such a special boy.
  14. I heard DNA test are pretty cheap now. Why not give that a shot?
  15. You really can't use tracks and farms as comparisons for bloat since while we know they don't use raised feeters, there are no stats on how many dogs get bloat at the track or farm.
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