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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Aw, what an awesome guy he was, one who truly deserved all the spoiling he got. How you'll miss your precious Shademan. I'm so sorry.
  2. How you loved him! Your tribute was so eloquent, expressing perfectly how unique and special he was. And those eyes..... I'm so sorry you lost your precious River.
  3. I'm so sorry for your sadness and pain. I understand how devastating it is to lose 2 so close together. But I also know how bringing a special one (or 2!) into your life can help so much to fill that empty space.
  4. Oh, Ginny, precious little lady....I'm so sorry, Lori.
  5. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Brendan. I think you know that so many of us understand, not only the loss of a beloved pet, but the feelings of guilt, regret, or second guessing. I'm sure your emotions are raw now, and in your pain, you are putting blame on yourself. Please try not to do this. Easier said than done, of course, but know that in time you find comfort in the memories of truly happy and safe and loved he really was. He would want you to celebrate that love. And please come and talk whenever you need to. It really does help.
  6. How blessed you are to have had a dog who was your "hero and soulmate". And how deeply you will miss her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zola.
  7. Spud was surely meant to be with you. What a lovely, quirky old man he was. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. Oh, Tracy, I understand how deeply you can love a dog who belongs to someone else. I'm so sorry.
  9. Starting from the day you knew she was yours, and the day you finally met, it's clear that the two of you were meant to be together. Those beginnings were just a clue as to the exceptional life, deep love and many smiles you were to share. I'm so glad you found each other, and so very sorry she had to leave.
  10. How you loved him, and how you'll miss him. It's so easy to see why---he was truly exceptional. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zander.
  11. What a lovely, sweetly eloquent and heartfelt tribute! He was stunningly beautiful on the outside (no wonder you and your Mom fell in love at first sight), but also beautiful and kind on the inside. I'm smiling through tears too! How you will miss him, but how deeply your life was enriched because of him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Heisman.
  12. Oh, Diane, I'm so sorry for your broken heart, and the loss of your precious Dolly.
  13. What exceptional pictures. They truly show that he was just as beautiful inside as he was outside. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Phaelin.
  14. What an adorable, charismatic guy he was. He must have charmed many, many people! I'm so sorry for your loss---wish he could have stayed longer.
  15. It's wonderful that you gave Mary such a loving forever family in her much deserved retirement. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.
  16. I love podencos. I met and became very smitten with a lot of them in Spain. They are so silly, affectionate, busy and smart. I've thought about adopting one, but it wouldn't be practical. I don't think I could keep up with their energy. At my age, I prefer a lower activity level. But if you are active and love spending time with your dog, a podenco would be so much fun. Maybe doing agility if you don't have a big yard? I think a young, healthy, happy pod could do this all day!
  17. Oh, the poor boy! And poor you. I know how stressful and scary it is when this happens. I'll be sending good thoughts to both of you, and hoping he continues to improve.
  18. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious boy. It is always heartbreaking, but when they are young and it is sudden, it adds an extra layer to your grief. I can't imagine how awesomely empty your hearts and home must be. Please know that so many here understand all too well these feelings of loss, and if that helps just a bit, return to these pages---to grieve, to vent, to ask advice, to get comfort. I think it does help. We've lost 8 Greys, but one of the hardest was Patsy, who like your boy, was only 6, and had a mass in her spleen. I felt so cheated, for us, selfishly, because she was so young and so perfect, but also for her. We only had her 3 years, and she deserved much more. It still breaks my heart that we didn't have many more years to spoil her, to love her. You are wise to understand your grieving process. In just a month, your feelings are still raw. If you feel that it's too early to think about another dog, it is. You will know, and maybe he will send you another dog to make you smile, and to help heal your heart (it's true that they do). Or maybe two.
  19. What sweet, gentle eyes your beautiful girl had. Cancer is a monster that causes so much pain, for them, for us, in every way possible. But we would wish for all our beloved pets a passing as peaceful and filled with love as Tilly's was. I'm so very sorry.
  20. We will be thinking of you and Tilly tomorrow, sending sympathy and white light for strength for you, and a gentle passing for your sweet girl.
  21. I'm so very sorry you are having to deal with the monster, and having to make such painful decisions. I think the time before you make a decision is the hardest---you can think of nothing else, and agonize over the possibilities, and whether you are doing the right thing. Please know that you're not alone, and that when you DO make a decision, it is something that you have considered on a deeply emotional level, and it is made out of understanding and loving your dog. So try not to second guess yourself---your decision is right for YOU and for your precious Tilly. It does, however, help to hear what others have done, what they've experienced, if only to be sure that you are not alone. Many people understand, they know only too well the pain and sadness, and even the anger and frustration. We had 3 different experiences with cancer---2 with osteo, 1 with lymphoma---and each treatment was different, with different outcomes. When we should have been lucky---our sweet Patsy was only 6, and everything indicated that she would be a good candidate for chemo after removing her spleen because of the tumor---we lost her when it spread to her central nervous system 2 months into the chemo. With our tough, stubborn Winnie, we got 3 1/2 YEARS, after the amp. And with Lacey, the osteo was in the pelvic bone, and we could only do palliative care. So....3 very different outcomes, each heartbreaking in their own way. Losing your precious girl will break your heart, but you will have done everything you could do, because you love her. She knows that, and lives in the moment, without the knowledge of future sadness. It's clear that you are doing everything in your power to keep her safe and free of pain and fear. Sending you lots of good thoughts during this sad time.
  22. I'm so sorry you and Hunter are missing your precious Sonny. What a beautiful boy---his other family's loss was certainly your gain.
  23. The love you shared shines through in every word. No wonder you are missing this incredible guy so deeply. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zeke.
  24. What a lovely little lady she must have been. Her joy brightened your life immensely, and it's easy to understand why you are missing her so. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diana.
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