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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry...one loss is so painful, two must be overwhelming.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Maddie, Amy.
  3. The only point I want to add is that some people mentioned they let the dog eat without bothering them. I like to be able to take something from their mouth. On walks with 3 dogs, one has picked something up off the ground and tried to eat it. I can quickly grab it out of their mouth or say no so they don't eat it. Once I pulled out some chicken with bones in it. Yes, I know I should watch more closely, and I really try to, but occasionally...
  4. Nancy and Doug, I am truly sorry for your loss of Polly and am so glad I got to pet her one last time. Your tribute is so beautifully written and filled with love.
  5. that it is something very simple that can heal quickly.
  6. She looks so happy and beautiful as always
  7. Judy, Mike and Kevin, I'm so sorry. It's hard to read this without crying since he fought so many battles so bravely. I'm so sorry he didn't win this one.
  8. I always think of Pal during the olympics because he always looked so cute on the couch with you
  9. Does he drink it too quickly or eat too quickly?
  10. I give Ben monthly cartrophen injections for his rear end weakness but since we just started, I can't tell if it helps yet.
  11. I missed this but I do want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss of your sweet girl.
  12. Your greyhound is distressed. Why do you continue to do something that obviously distresses him? Secondly, yelling no at him isn't very helpful and outdated type of training. If you want him to learn, positive reinforcement is the way to teach him, e.g. redirect and praise him for the wanted behaviours. There are lots of resources for positive reinforcement. Patricia McConnell's books are a good start and I highly recommend you read something asap. Honestly, we're only trying to help, and can't understand why you are not taking any advice for the benefit of your new greyhound. We're a passionate bunch when it comes to greyhound welfare, and we only want what's best for your greyhound.
  13. Yes, muzzles are for greyhound play groups when off-leash. Muzzles won't allow them to protect themselves if another breed attacked them.
  14. Couldn't you just add cooked carrots to their meal? What's special about this product?
  15. greytpups


    Beautiful tribute to your beautiful Bear...I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. My only thought is drinking water too fast, at least large amounts. Katie will throw up a little water if she drinks too much.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss...how tragic. I have no advice but hope you can get some answers from others who may be more knowledgeable.
  18. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Eden. It's so painful to let them go no matter what the circumstances, but this must have been especially difficult with this vet. Your pics of Eden are so beautiful and hopefully, some day you will find some comfort in them.
  19. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  20. love to hear good updates, especially when they don't involve extractions. Ok, you both can breathe easy now.
  21. Each year I read it, and each year I still get teary eyed because it's so beautifully written.
  22. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of Kebo.
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