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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I am so sorry you received this dreadful news and hope Annie still has many good quality days with you...cherish every moment.
  2. Ben pants a lot more now (he's 12) and my vet said a lot of older dogs pant more. We didn't discuss it any further so I didn't ask why. She said she'd be concerned if it was raspy, but it's normal every day panting.
  3. Welcome...she looks adorable.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss of Peace...a beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl.
  5. Congratulations...hope it all works out.
  6. I wonder if there have been complaints about dogs barking in general and the landlord is saying this to all dog owners. I would clarify with him if she's only barking for a few minutes. You may also be rewarding her to bark and may want to reconsider your routine when you come in the house. I admit, I would find this difficult knowing she's just happy to see you. I also wonder if part of it is because she knows she'll be let out of her pen. I live in a house and listen to dogs bark outside all of the time. I also listen to kids play, lawnmowers, splashing in pools, etc. I can't imagine complaining about a few minutes of barking...constant barking, yes that would bother me.
  7. Have you decided what to do yet? There must be someone else other than Dr. Gowland who can see her.
  8. I also second a visit at OVC. It's a teaching hospital so they have many specialists including a cardiologist. I got this from their website. Our 12 y/o had 2 canines removed recently without any trouble at all, albeit he doesn't have any pre-existing conditions. I have also heard many vets say the notion of anesthesia in older dogs is a myth. I assume it's much safer now and we did not hesitate (well may be a lot:) ) to relieve Ben of his dental pain we presumed he was in. Interestingly, if you look at their website, they have a number of specialists in each area, not just one, plus residents and interns. I'd suggest contacting them or get a referral from your vet. eta: I googled "garland, dvm" but did not get a result. Are you sure you contacted OVC? Dentistry Procedures The OVC Smith Lane Animal Hospital offers more complex dentistry procedures for pets that may require a little extra dental care Cardiology Service The Cardiology service provides referral consultations in cardiovascular medicine. Our priority is our patients and our clients, including the pet owners and referring veterinarians. Companion animals with symptoms of heart disease, or with potential heart abnormalities detected by their primary care veterinarian, may be referred to our service for cardiac diagnostics and therapy. In addition, we provide cardiac screening services to breeders. The service functions within the HSC, a teaching hospital, incorporating undergraduate and graduate teaching in its clinical activities. We also offer a number of clinical research programs, including clinical trials and screening programs for specific heart diseases. We provide comprehensive cardiovascular diagnostic services including echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound), electrocardiography (ECG), thoracic radiography, Holter recording (24-hour ECG monitoring) with in-house analysis, cardiac catheterization, and angiography. We also offer a send-out Holter recording and analysis service to veterinarians whose patients are unable to visit the OVC HSC. In addition, we provide cardiovascular case advice to veterinarians. Available therapies include medical therapy for congenital and acquired cardiac diseases, and minimally-invasive interventional therapies including pacemaker placement and catheter-based correction of congenital disorders (e.g. intravascular occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus, balloon valvuloplasty for pulmonic stenosis). We are one of very few centers in Canada providing minimally-invasive interventional techniques. Specialized Equipment GE Dimension echocardiographic system, transesophageal echocardiography, GE ECG system, multiple Holter units for recording 24-hour ECG, in-house Holter analysis system, fluoroscopy, ADI digital intracardiac pressure and ECG data acquisition system, heart sound recording and analysis software. What to Expect The majority of patients seen by the cardiology service are seen on an outpatient basis. Depending on what diagnostics are necessary, appointments and work-ups can take as little as 1-2 hours or up to the majority of the day. Echocardiograms and other cardiac diagnostics are provided on the same day as the cardiology appointments. Some patients with more serious cardiac disease, or those undergoing procedures, require hospitalization in the intensive care unit where they continue to be cared for by our service. We provide ongoing care of our patients through scheduled rechecks, and emergency services are also available. Undergraduate and graduate students (residents) are a part of the cardiology team, being involved in the appointments, diagnostic processes, and patient care under the supervision of the faculty cardiologist. Prompt and ongoing communication with the primary care veterinarians who have referred patients to our service is a priority so that ongoing patient care is optimal. Lynne O’Sullivan, DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology)
  9. Rest well sweet George...we'll miss your adventures.
  10. For Toby and for you Rita Hopefully he will feel much better after the sx.
  11. Ben wakes me up every night to put him to bed. I'm not sure how long ago it started, but sometime after we adopted Katie last August. He comes in the bedroom and stares at me. If I don"t wake up and open my eyes, he'll whine. Then I get up and go over to his bed and call him over. Sometimes he stands there until I pet him. Then he circles around, gets comfy and moans and sighs. I don't mind at all because I know someday I will miss this as it becomes a memory.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss, especially so young.
  13. Training overwhelms me at times. For example, if you are teaching your dog to lie down, you have to be very careful to treat when they are down, not when they are just about to release or then the associate the treat with the release. Perhaps you need to take a video and then get more help when others can see it objectively.
  14. Hopefully, someone will post the signs regarding quality of life. I don't know them off the top of my head. Personally, his quality of life seems quite good to me.
  15. Thanks, but I can tell you which ones don't work, for me anyway. 85, 83, 77, 71, 56, 54, 53, 48, 45, 38, 35, 23, 25, 7, 10, 11. What does it do to your arteries though? I know some claim that saturated fat clogging arteries is a myth, and I know coconut oil is made of of mct's so it's metabolized differently, but I think I'll stick to using it as a moisturizer only. I have used it on my feet and it didn't help with my fungal infection, nor has it helped with psoriasis. Darn, it would be a whole lot cheaper if it worked on many of the points listed. Thanks for taking the time to post these.
  16. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss...she sounds like a very special girl who left a big hole in your heart.
  17. Coconut oil is highly saturated. Does anyone know why it's so healthy? I'm sure I can look it up, but I'd appreciate hearing about it in a simple format. tia
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