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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Welcome and congratulations...hope he helps heal the broken hearts.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  3. He's still new and getting used to his new life. He sounds like a perfectly normal content greyhound. I'm home all day with my 3 and they get more walks than Fusion, but inside the house, they spend most of their time sleeping or laying on their bed.
  4. Maybe he's just not hungry and forgets about them and then gets excited when you get home and eats then.
  5. sending good thoughts that it's something minor
  6. Why are you crating them? If they like their crate, you can always leave it up with the door open. If it's safety of the cat will a baby gate safely keep them apart? Some gters leave a space at the bottom of the baby gate so the cat has an escape route.
  7. Hope Desi is feeling better. Happy Birthday sweetie!
  8. I find vets are more expensive here in Ontario then anywhere in the US...but so is everything else so I guess it's all relative. Bailey was 6 when we adopted her and Katie was 7 and Bailey was more expensive health-wise but I imagine that can also contribute to adopting older pups. Katie cost us 5k as soon as we picked her up from AR because she had hookworms, something not common here. Perhaps if our vet knew what we dealing with right away we could have reduced the costs somewhat, but since she was so sick, we did everything (tests, 24 vet care) possible to save her. Ben and Brooke, both adopted as 3 y/o have been realtively healthy. Brooke has not had any emergency care, just annual exams. Ben, at 12.5 years is starting to incur more costs because we do acupuncture ($60) when required and he gets monthly cartrophen injections which cost $35. My point is that age may have an impact as well.
  9. hoping nothing but the best for Sparticus.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss...your tribute is beautiful.
  11. Derek, it was such a beautiful tribute to a life well lived and well loved. Even though I knew you lost Brucie I can't help but write this with tears in my eyes, even though it is a celebration of his life. Thank you very much for sharing Brucie's (and your family) life with us. Did you see this poem called "Never Forgotten" on fb? It reminds me of you and Brucie. You'll never be forgotten, that simply cannot be As long as I am living, I'll carry you with me Safely tucked within my heart your light will always shine A glowing ember never stilled throughout the end of time No matter what the future brings, or what may lay ahead I know that you will walk with me along the path I tread So rest my angel, be at peace and let your soul fly free One day I'll join your glorious flight for all eternity. Happy Birthday sweet Brucie, may your light shine on...
  12. Was the nose bleed unilateral or bilateral? Perhaps your vet is concerned about nasal cancer if it's unilateral.
  13. Congratulations. Good job Abbey...did you work your magic on your new dad She's so cute, I can see how the rule was broken.
  14. Ben used to take shoes and gloves to his bed but stopped quickly once he was settled. And the visual you painted of your backyard made me
  15. Your tribute was so touching and full of love....I'm so sorry for your loss.
  16. Have you checked out the osteo thread...lots of people and hounds with lots of experience (sadly )
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