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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Charlie. I'm so glad he continues to do so well. I hope your emotions have flatlined a bit after the ordeal you guys have been through. For Charlie and for you Love the wonderful updates!
  2. They are never with us long enough.
  3. She's adorable. Will greyhounds ever be allowed in public unmuzzled?
  4. http://www.awesomegreyhoundadoptions.orghttp://www.awesomegreyhoundadoptions.org/ this groups provides service dogs for veterans, but may be able to answer your questions better than we can.
  5. Lori, I àm so sorry for your loss of Sheana. I will always remember her at Mh when I held her for the fun run
  6. hoping that it isn't the dreaded OS.
  7. You have a couple of options. Do you have a fb account or registered on a photo sharing site such as Photobucket? I can help once you provide some details. Also you can find detailed instructions under the "technical forum".
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss of pretty Laurie.
  9. How sad...I hope she still has many good quality days with you.
  10. He looks wonderful...hope he continues to do well.
  11. Mary Pat, I so sorry for your loss of Opal.
  12. sending along many many many good wishes for Charlie and his surgery
  13. Irene and Len, I'm just seeing this now. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.
  14. Robin, I'm so sorry your dealing with this again. Best wishes for Zander. Have you seen the other thread with lots of information from others dealing with OS?
  15. 6:30 am - 45 minute walk 7:30 am breakfast 1:00 - 60 minute walk 5:30 pm - walk 6:00 pm - dinner 11:30 pm final walk (15 mins when it's really cold) summer schedule is similar for meal times but walks are longer.
  16. Diane, I am so sorry to see this.
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