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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I remember this so well. I’ve had the opportunity to meet John and Deb at a greyhound event, so I’m not surprised they delivered.
  2. We'll be visiting other houndies...we could have a party!
  3. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Katie is a Broodie and was almost 7 when we brought her home. I knew we wouldn’t have a gazillion years together, however she’s been with us longer than the time we had with two of our other greyhounds. Bonus...she’s turned into a cuddle bug. Her race name is Crazykatiebug, but it should have been Cuddlekatiebug.
  4. Hi Alicia. I didn't go to any greyhound events this year, so hopefully I'll see you next year. Lovely pic...everyone looks so happy.
  5. Personally, if your greyhound is in that much pain, I'd have the surgery performed. The fb group thread is full of success stories, and since the pad is not involved, many walk without pain right away.
  6. Happy 13th Birthday Katie. I'm estatic to report that she is very happy and healthy...and loved and spoiled a lot.
  7. I’m so sorry for your loss. And yes, the pain can be so overwhelming and unbearable.
  8. I’m so sorry for your loss. He was so sweet looking.
  9. greytpups


    Lexi touched the lives of so many people in this world and leaves a quite a legacy. She was very special to so many, so thank you from the bottom of my broken heart for sharing Lexi and her fashion designs with us. What a girl!
  10. It is more likely that their size and deep voice is unsettling to her. I heard this from someone awhile ago and it makes sense. It also depends on how people approach her. If they come barrelling down on her, she’s sure to be a little fearful.
  11. Our friends live in Amherstburg (the small town we’re moving to on the Detroit River) and they have a greyhound, we have friends moving there a month before us and they have 3 greyhounds, and then 2 other friends with 2 greyhounds are moving there in the spring. We’ll be a delightful looking group walking along the waterfront.
  12. I know Jan. She’s incredibly healthy, so I hope I don’t jinx it. No hind end weakness or meds yet. Her sire lived until he was 14.
  13. Emmy turned 8 on June 27th and enjoyed her 3rd Gotcha Day on July 31st. We celebrated Katie's 6th Gotcha Day and her 12.75 years birthday on Aug 13th. We preadopted her May, 2009, but had to wait 52 months before she was ready to come home. This pic is precious because she was so aloof when she arrived, but now she loves to lay near me. It was Simon's 3rd Gotcha Day on August 25th and his 6th Birthday on Sept 4th. He's still as sweet and quirky as ever And lastly...we are retiring and moving from a region with a pop of 569,000 to a small town with a pop of <30,000. We are finally downsizing the home and upsizing the yard, for the pups of course. We don't move until December 31st, but I'm not sure if we'll make it to Dewey this year. We gone the last 13 years in a row, but haven't attended any greyhound events this year. I know it will be Katie's last Dewey. Plus we'll be farther from GiG and Dewey next year. We're hoping Katie will be around to enjoy her new bungalow and backyard and attend some more greyhound events.
  14. I’m so sorry for your loss so young and so quickly.
  15. Every dog needs a Cletus because it must feel really good
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