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Guest MikBee

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Guest MikBee



My name is Mikio. I am both new to the forums, and pretty new to greyhounds. My husband and I adopted our first grey (which is also our first dog) about 6 weeks ago.


We named him Odin, after trying for a few days to figure out a name we both liked. His racing name was Michelangelo, he's 5 years old (his birthday was actually the day after we adopted him!) and he's been really amazing so far.


I wanted to join so that I can have a space to share stories about him, and read about everyone else's greys!

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Hi Mikio, and welcome from the SW of England :welcome


Let's hear some more about Odin and some photos which you can share by copying their URL from a hosting site.


My Peggy has two crows in the park which often follow me for dog treats. I call them Huginn and Muninn ;-)

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Hello and Welcome from Colin, Andy and Paddy from Germany.

Odin is a beauty.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Guest MikBee

Thanks Greyaholic! He's been awesome. I love that picture of him!


Here are some new ones: :)









Like I said, we've had him for about 6 weeks. My husband and I had been talking about getting a dog for a few months, and decided on adopting a retired racing greyhound, since you only ever hear good things about them!


Odin has been everything we wanted in a dog, and more. He's very laid back, but does enjoy going for walks and coming to the pet stores with us. He loves getting all of the attention from people! He leans on whoever will pet him, and tries to follow them around. He didn't want to leave the store last time, because it was crowded and he was enjoying all of the extra attention!


At home, he's lazy. The only thing that will convince him to get up is his leash. And even then, that doesn't always work. :P He does get a little excited when we get home, though. He changes from his lazy slow walk, to a faster walk and some bouncing. LOL. We haven't seen him run, yet. Although we did take him to a dog park a few weeks ago, but I don't think he knew what to do. Now it's too hot!


He's quiet. No barking or singing or anything! He does whine a little bit first thing in the morning, because he has to potty and is ready for breakfast. The rest of the day, he's silent. I even tried playing videos of other greyhounds singing, to see if I could get him going. Nothing! He perks his ears up and comes over, that's about it.


He seems to have a very low prey drive. There are lots of barn cats here, some are feral and run around. Two are overly friendly and will rub themselves on him. He ignores all of them. He does show some interest in the free range chickens that run around, but I'm able to get his attention if we have to walk close to them.


He's learned already how to go to the door to ask to go out, and he hasn't had a single accident in the house. That impressed me! I know even some house trained dogs have accidents in a new place. He also learned stairs his first day (there are a couple that go up to the front door, so he kind of had to. But he didn't have much difficulty with it) and he's learned how to get into the car now, too.


He also walks really well on a leash, and just stays right next to whoever is walking him.. which is also awesome!


I think that's it. I could brag on him all day, though! Lol

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Welcome and congrats on your new family member! Odin (great name) is gorgeous and it sounds like he's settling in perfectly.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest MikBee

Just realized I failed at reading the names on the forum. I'm on mobile and had the site on desktop version for some reason!!


Anyway, meant to say thanks to Roo!

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Oooh, Odin is stunning! He may stay as laid back as he is now, or you may see him become more active as he gets used to being a pet instead of a working dog.


He didn't want to leave the store last time, because it was crowded and he was enjoying all of the extra attention!

classic greyhound :lol


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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