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Everything posted by Jenbo

  1. im so tired i will probably be in bed by 8:30, the girls are doing great, im hoping we can ketchup this weekend. *waves hello and warm hugs and good wishes to all 2 leggers, and all other beasties*
  2. We are sorry those nasty ticks got to you , Fancy, but we are oh so bery glad dat its nuthin worser. Lupin, we forgot to say how hansum you are Habs a gud day, ebereewun! Summer and Dio
  3. backandforthing for FancyToo! We are jest posting snax there is no hidden meaning here with the chips and dips.
  4. I really wish we had a GIG on the west coast. Utah is too far for us and we love Solvang but it's really pricey.
  5. Thank you for the new club AndiPants and the poem, Chris, it does feel like everything is broken some days.
  6. (I shouldn't laugh, Summer does the whining, jumps off the couch, and then whines until I invite her back up and then she settles)
  7. Awwww, Punkin, looking good! Summer (13) and Dio (7)
  8. and Summer's amazing face of woe And here's Dio, my holy diver trying out the couch her anteater/face of woe they almost snuggle once in a while if it's very cold a bendy nose contender The best jimjams and halloween costumes
  9. And now for some broodie photos. Summer arrived right before the pandemic/lockdown. She's turning 13 this month. she hadn't been in a house before but she found the couch. she loved toys right away those tiny little teef she's upside down a lot she's an excellent snuggler
  10. and a few more because.... one of these things is not like the other Xan made a painting of this photo above
  11. My sweet girl left me in June of 2020. I miss her every day. This photo somehow reminds me of her smells-like-a-flower head and her warmth and silliness. My heart.
  12. Godspeed, sweet girl. That 2nd photo you can see how happy she was with you.
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