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Conrad The "broken" Greyhound....

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So when we adopted our dear Queen, she did not ROO, ROACH or play with stuffies... SHE did FIRST thing make a bee line to the couch but eventually she would roach, but ONLY on my bed and ONLY while I gave her belly scratches. Of course eventually I told HEMOPET they adopted out a DEFECTIVE GREYHOUND! Well she became my constant companion until, sadly, she came down with osteo and we had to put her down.


So back to HEMOPET and what do you know, another broken GREYHOUND! NO ROACHING, and he flat will not even TRY to get up on the bed. Then outside the other day when the police were going by code 3 he started whimpering and getting agitated, I gave him a little roo, and BANG off he went ROOING his head off. WHENEVER he wants to ROO he comes over to me and "asks permission" well except when he does it in the middle of the night. He still sleeps in his crate at night. He had not done anything that might remotely be thought of as a roach, BUT after he has defended the back yard and trees from the EVIL squirrels he gets of excited he has grabbed an out side stuffy and ran around with it for a little bit. not much but it is a start.


Oh and he has these ears that one goes east and the other goes south er north ah, well the kinda flop around. Finally he has learned to walk well with my wheel chair so I am afraid I am stuck with another "broken" greyhound :beatheart:gh_run2

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Congratulations! Those bargain bin hounds are quite a deal. :bgeorge


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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We also have a broken greyhound. Riley cannot roach to save his life. Every once in a blue moon he will attempt it, but he immediately tips over and gives up.


You should buy a lottery ticket. What are the odds of getting two in a row? :lol

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Congratulation on a new "broken" greyhound! You can get quite a lot of mileage out those boys.

Mine is broken too. He won't run. Even though he ran 226 races in his prime, he has made it

abundantly clear that he's done with all that nonsense. He's been with me for 4+ years, and the

most I can get out of him is a lumbering trot. Sometimes, even if it's broke, don't try to fix it. ;)

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Oh CONRAD does RUN, when he sees? smells? senses? squirrels he is in drag racer mode much faster than Queen ever was. ah...USUALLY I have got to get a video, sometimes he ah, well prances like one of the old looney toon cartoons I can picture it, the animal would bounce and it is like CONRAD. I MUST take and download pictures my old I PONE is just not cutting it. After several attempts he finally looked UP after treeing the tree squirrel { we have both evil animals the pest ground squirrel and the beautiful pest BUT protected tree squirrel}. Conrad seemed to lose interest, then when she came down, BOOM. QUEEN would keep the SQUIRREL in the tree for an hour. FUN watching the squirrel's tail twitching in frustration.


When I picked up CONRAD some of the staff were so happy he FINALLY got a forever home. I think we was so mellow that he did not get played with like the others and they were beginning to think he was going to be there forever. He is cat friendly which is one on my must haves [3 of the critters] and my wife does not want a "jumpy" dog with me in a wheelie chair. {and small grand kidlets} It took him a few days to understand that he is now HOME! :beatheart:gh_run2 The first couple of weeks he would only lay on his outside bed {we stay outside for several hours at a time} but after awhile he decided that Queens old digging/resting hole is A-OKAY and her secondary one is also worthy of plopping down for a rest. SO far he has NOT been a digger, but he sure does like to roo :rofl

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Especially nice that Conrad is enjoying the legacy of Queen's favorite digging holes. Welcome, Conrad!


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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He still is not clear on the concept of LOOKING UP when he trees the pretty but evil squirrel, but once up he watches and when she comes down...boom back he goes and UP she goes. eventually the squirrel makes it to the fence and freedom.


Now I watched a program about the speed of greyhounds and cheetahs. They said that the cheetahs beat the greyhounds in the turns as greys keep the same speed and cheetahs can pick up speed. WELL today CONRAD caught a ground squirrel flat footed and he was all over it. and he was turning like my old quarter horse, and KITTY was a trained cutting horse, she would literally turn in her own length {spin} without losing speed. and CONRAD sure looked to be doing the same thing, I think he has a little quarter horse in him. :beatheart:gh_run2

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:confetti Welcome home, Conrad!

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Welcome, Conrad! It's so funny that you ask permission to roo! Chloe is like that, too, but she is defective in that her rooing is suspiciously akin to barking. :)

Qui me amat, amet et canes meas...et felem.

Olivia (RDs Merrygoround, b. 4/6/07, Gotcha 12/19/11

Chloe (PAR Candice, b. 5/22/08, Gotcha 12/18/12)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talk about broken greyhounds. Of my 5 none go on the bed, only 1 roos, only 3 roach, 1 have a birth deformity in his front legs (the joints are twisted), 1 has Pannus, 1 has dry eye and has had surgery rerouting her saliva to her tear ducts so when she eats and salivates it moistens her eyes. I call my house "the house of misfits". And I would never give any of them up.

ANGELS: SUSIE (BANDIT SUE) 3/26/1991-5/13/2006, TIPPER (MPS KRISTINA) 7/23/1999-2/4/2008, LADYBUG (BB'S LADYBUG) 5/19/2005-7/9/2008,
HAPPY 12/2000-10/9/2013, RICHY (DON L RICHY RICH) 11/5/2002-5/17/2015, DARREN 9/24/2005-3/2/2017, TUCKER (AWESOME ABILITY) 12/29/2004-12/4/2017,
BUG (BB'S DANCING BUG) 5/19/2005-11/17/2018, Dee (KIOWA DIANDRA) 10/9/2007-6/20/2022, Buddy (PJ PLUTARCH) 11/21/2013-9/8/2023)

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Guest greyhoundhope

Oh I found someone who adopted from Hemopet!


I posted today to find out about Hemopet's adoption program and anyone with experiences there. Can you tell me what I have to do to get a hold of someone/anyone to set up an appointment? I've tried calling, and all I get is the voicemail!

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My boy doesn't roach or roo or get on the sofa, he does like our bed though, looks like someone forgot to give our pups the "how to be a greyhound" memo!

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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Oh I found someone who adopted from Hemopet!


I posted today to find out about Hemopet's adoption program and anyone with experiences there. Can you tell me what I have to do to get a hold of someone/anyone to set up an appointment? I've tried calling, and all I get is the voicemail!

Betty is hard to get on the phone, BUT if you just go on down you can visit and take as many of their beautiful boys and girls out for a walk around the compound, it keeps the dogs happy and you get to meet some pups, THE bad news is you cannot take ALL of them home. You can see a nice shot of CONRAD on their web page if they have not taken it down yet. I am sending you my phone number by direct message if you would like to call me.



Oh I found someone who adopted from Hemopet!


I posted today to find out about Hemopet's adoption program and anyone with experiences there. Can you tell me what I have to do to get a hold of someone/anyone to set up an appointment? I've tried calling, and all I get is the voicemail! oops, I cannot send you DMs yet you need to post more. so email me and i will get my # to you scionpilot AT me.com

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Guest greyhoundhope

Hey Dan, thanks for the info. Betty doesn't return voicemail, and this experience has become a little negative. It should not be this hard to talk to someone and get the application done. I am getting the feeling that their adoption dept. is not interested in helping all those greys find a home. And some have been there much longer than a year or two.

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Hey Dan, thanks for the info. Betty doesn't return voicemail, and this experience has become a little negative. It should not be this hard to talk to someone and get the application done. I am getting the feeling that their adoption dept. is not interested in helping all those greys find a home. And some have been there much longer than a year or two.

email has always worked well for me. She is always busy and they do adopt lots of Greys. If you need a cat friendly they currently {at least a month ago} had a male Haggard and a female. The male wanted NOTHING to do with my wheelchair and the female, was a bit too energetic for my DW. We have three small grandchildren and she did not want to take a chance. Conrad turned out to be a perfect fit for us. The girl LOVES having her belly rubbed while roaching. :beatheart:ghplaybow it I remember correctly they were both fawn colored. If small animal or cat friendly is NOT a problem...well they have just about any color you could want, again I would suggest going down when they are open and visiting with a few. Their adoption page with the pictures says email so....

Edited by dostacos
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He is turning into the most CHARMING young boy. He now started to play with a stuffy. When the squirrels get his motor running he will grab it, haul it around a little then play bows and grabs it and takes it to the tree. He usually stays on the patio, but has been to Queen's former dig/sleep hole, and dug a bit. Funny the only OTHER spot where Queen layed down, he has chosen the same spot.


We live on the top of a small hill and the backyard neighbor has a steep sloped hill. The other day he had some workers out clearing the brush and hopefully ICE PLANT {terrible plant for a hill, shallow roots and gets REALLY HEAVY when it rains} when we came out I saw a shovel leaning against our wrought iron fence. Conrad promptly MARKED the shovel blade...I think he got the guy's GLOVES too.... :hehe:beatheart:gh_run2 that's a my boy

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Guest june

He may be broken, but he is beautiful! Congratulations. All of mine have been broken in one way or another; they are the best!

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