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Ava Has Lost All Control Of Her Potty Habits

Guest avadogner

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Guest avadogner

Hi GT Friends,

I posted earlier about Ava's Lumbar Stenosis diagnosis. Our vet told us we likely had less than 6months before she is paralysed from the hips down. He inected steroids into the spinal column and we put her on heaavy steroids. We hoped this would slow the inflamation and neural cell death that LS causes. We confirmed she no longer feels her rear feet and knucles her feet when walking. At the time if the diagnosis, she was having occasional 2-3 accidents in her bed a week. The loss of bowel control was the biggest factor in the poor prognosis from our vet.


We saw an improvement in the first couple weeks of steroid dosing. We started making her and Augie go out for potty time every 2 hrs in the day and every 3 hrs at night. Sometimes she is able to get up on her own and sometimes DH has to carry her which she hates. In the past, both hounds used the dog door at their leisure and as needed.


The new forced potty time routine has helped with her wetting in her bed but I supect that is related to the marking competition her and Augie have going. Poor girl has had every BM (stooling) in her bed. This is breaking my heart to see my girl laying in her own poo because her legs just won't cooperate with her. She is therapy trained and every time it happens, she shakes and whines. I comfort her, clean her up and take.care of the mess. She had two episodes today.


With the exception of when the accidents happen and when DH has to carry her, she is comfortable and happy. The pain meds keep her pain to a minimum and she doesn't show signs of pain. I spoke with our vet today again and he said we should begin considering at what point do we let her go. My criteria is when she is in pain and or when she no longer seems to enjoy life. He said some people decide to put their pets down when they are incontinent. I told him I am not one of those people. He knows that but was just telling me what some people do.


Ava has nursed me through 8 surgeries and countless days of pain and illness. She guards my body when I pass out and until just a few months ago, she prevented more fainting episodes. She would block me from getting out oof bed when I was unaware of how low my blood pressure was thus keeping me from fainting and hurting myself. She would refuse to leave me to eat, drink or go out to potty. I owe her the love and care she has given me. It is difficult to deal with the daily accidents especially with me beiing immune supressed but she is worth it to me. She still enjoys her cuddles, bully sticks and bossing her minion Augie. I pray I can have more time with her and be strong enough to let her go when she is ready.


Thanks for listening. Y'all rock here on GT!


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I am so sorry :bighug My old girl started having spinal issues (not LS, but the effects were similar) and she hated being helped. We got her stabilized and she improved for awhile. I promised her when things got bad again, I would let her go while she still had her dignity. It was hard, but it's what we owe them. I know you will make the right decisions for Ava, no matter how hard it is for you :sad1

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Guest HHHounds

My heart hurts for you all... We had to send Candyman to the bridge in June after a long illness and it was so hard. I still miss that big ole goof! I will be sending some prayers your way. On a lighter note, a few weeks later we adopted Snoopy who will be 5 in December and is fresh off the track...

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

It's so hard to know when and only you can make that decision. Morgan survived osteo for 3 years without a recurrence but developed LS. At 13.5, his LS progressed to the point where he was losing control of his bowels. At that point, we decided to let him go.

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I'm so, so sorry to read this. It is terribly troubling for all involved when it gets to this point. As long as you feel confident she had good quality of life otherwise & that you, her humans, are also able to cope then it will just be a matter of getting a system that works. It won't make the rest any easier nor the knowledge that things are progressing. Nothing really makes that easier.


A potty schedule surely helps. Do you know how to express her bladder & induce her to defecate? (Sorry, I know that sounds gross.) Both can be done outside. After initial trial & error most adjust to it rather well. I have not had to do this. (Though I did have a dog I sometimes had to catheterize. Doable, but sure not fun.) You may want to ask your vet about this. If you would like instructions PM me & I can get some to you. The only worry I would have is technique. It isn't painful or uncomfortable for most dogs but not sure about an LS dog. Someone I know did it with her LS dog but am no longer in contact with her.


Sending lots of gentle, comfortable, happy vibes to Ava & her mom.

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My heart just hurts for you. Your love of Ava has always come through so clearly in your posts, as well as her love and care for you. It is so very hard to watch our pups go through anything hurtful to them. Keeping you and Ava in my thoughts and prayers.

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Oh, I know what you are going through. My poor Ivy-Blue, who passed away today but 2 years ago had that same problem for the last 6 months of his life. He had lost control and first his hind legs didn't work properly

and then finally his front legs started to loose control too. His four legs wouldn't obey him anymore and he knuckled over and stumbled and hardly could walk. I didn't mind the loss of potty control, but when the legs

refused to work he had such a hard time that I had to take the final decision. He had a serious spine problem too and finally steroids didn't help anymore. It's so tragic to see an otherwise healthy hound with good

life spirits and good appetite getting abandoned by his legs...I wish you that uyour hound still can at least walk a bit and maintain his daily routine.


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Marion, Ivy & Soldi


Perseverance is not a long race...

it is many short races one after another.

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Ah, I'm so sorry. I can understand how difficult this would be for you. You and Ava have such a strong bond, it's almost impossible to think of her not being there for you. Treasure your days---I hope there will be many more good ones---with your precious girl.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Your post displays the love and relationship you and Ava have. I wish there was something more that can be done to help Ava. No matter what your decision is, we are here for you.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I'm so sorry, Alicia. You will know when it's time. :grouphug :grouphug

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest FreddyGirl

Your obvious love for, and the respect you have for Ava will help you know when it is time. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and kisses for Ava.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you. From all that you have said, both you and Ava are blessed to have found each other in life. I am confident that no matter what decision you make - and when you make it - it will be the right one for Ava.


I know the dignity question and quality of life questions are so difficult to answer - and only you, as her Mom, can look in her eyes and know how she is feeling about herself. Maybe to her the moments where she is dependant on you are overshadowed by an overall good quality of life....and when the time comes that they are not - you will know.


Again.....wishing you comfort as you make your decisions.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest RiverCityGang

Alicia, my heart and thoughts are with you and Ava. Your closeness and love is so evident.

Sadly, i am somewhat in the same situation. Momma Sophia will be 13 in September. She has always been healthy except for some arthritis and I had every belief that we would celebrate that birthday. Now, I'm not so sure. Her kidneys are going and her back end is getting weaker and weaker. I have to tempt her with special things to eat and I carry her bowl to wherever she is . She will no longer stand at her bowl to eat. It's sad to watch her on the steps. She is slow and tentative. My son tried to carry her down when he was visiting and she wanted no part of that. Same with me. She will let me steady her back end, but that is the extent of help she is willing to accept right now. I will clean up after her pee accidents as long as she needs me to. So far, no bowel issues.


My fear is that she will be in pain and not show it. And that she might fall while I am at work and be in pain till I get home. I don't want to make the decision too soon, but neither do I want to wait too long if she is suffering.


I didn't mean to hyjack your thread, but I just wanted you to know that I truly understand what you are dealing with now and how very, very hard it is to know for sure what is the right decision to make for our beloved hounds.

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Guest avadogner

Hi GT Friends,

Thank you so much for all the love and support! I really mean that. It is so comforting to have people who understand the Grey/human bond. Y'all know what I mean, like how we will stalk down someone in the Petsmart with a grey just to tell them you have one too. I can look like bum in no makeup and I'll just introduce myself. It's just a greyhound thing lr as my brother says... a cult.


Ava had a couple bad days on Mon &Tues. Her back legs just wouldn't cooperate and she couldn't get up on her feet. She pooed in just about every bed and evenn Augie's food bowl in the house over the course of the week. Her meds keep her pain free but I can tell the loss of her control is really hard. I had a hard time myself with it when I had to quit working and couldn't do all the stuff I used too. I am very type A and my besties call me "the Martha Stewart you actually want to be friends with". I went from assisting 12 baby births a day to not being able to get up without fainting. I watched and assisted the birth of my friends children while being told I could never carry a child. So, I get the fustration she feels.


Last night, I sat down with Ava in her bed and combed and petted her for a good 90minutes. She loves doing tricks and pleasing me. Since she is unstable on her feet, there are just a few we can do, so we do them over and over. When I ask her "who is the best Mummy?" she puts her paw on my knee. Last night I asked her but didn't realize my leg was too far away. She stretched her leg out and couldn't hit my knee. I started to move but she got this funny look on her face. I stilled myself and she scooted her body over by dragging her body over in a couple pulls of her upper body. I teared up and she just put her paw on my knee and looked at me with such pride in herself. It was such an amazing, beautiful moment!


As I fell asleep, I had long chat with God about giving me the wisdom to know when she is ready. When I woke today, i found her sunning herself in the backyard! Yes, she got up on her feet, went out the dog door and stretched out in her fav spot! It was like a message saying she has a little more time. We had our first day of no accidents too! She even got sassy with Augie and stole the nub of his Bully Stick he leftin his bed. She had already 86ed her 12 in stick too. After dinner she came into the den and gave us lovies instead of us going to her. IT WAS A GREAT DAY!


I know tomorrow may not be like today but I will just keep spoiling her until she lets me know she is ready. Thank you all again for listening while I go on and on. I really do appreciate you listening. I hope to be a comforting listener when y'all need me to be someday. All the small acts of kindness that happen here on GT really do make a difference. I guess we have become a pack like our hounds do. We have the bossy Alphas, the instigating pups, the peace keeping betas and the long time supporting seniors.

Thank you,


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Guest FullMetalFrank

What a strong, amazing girl you have there... (You're pretty amazing, too :) ) I hope you have many, many more good days.

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