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Larry Update

Guest Adrianne

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Guest Adrianne

I apologize to everyone for being so late with an update on Larry. Neither he nor I slept last night, so when he rested today, I tried to rest. Throw some work into the mix... (I photographed a beauty pageant Sunday, a fundraiser for Relay for Life, and I've had five or six phone calls & emails just today wondering when the photos would be online.)....and it has been quite the day. Anyway, here's the complete update. Lots of info here and several questions. I'm looking for good, practical advice.


Larry was supposed to get a visit from my vet today. My vet doesn't do home visits, but taking him in this morning would have been not only stressful but next to impossible given the amount of pain in both legs on his left side. I guess my vet couldn't stand to hear me cry, so he was going to stop by after office hours. Well, he's also an equine vet and had an emergency after hours and couldn't come. That turned out to be okay, because Larry had a very quiet afternoon. He slept peacefully for several hours and was up only once or twice. When he did get up about dinnertime, his limp was much better. He didn't seem to be in near the pain he was this morning, and he even had his appetite back a bit.


So, I take that as a good sign. Perhaps this is just muscle strain, and perhaps he did just overdo it yesterday. Question 1....how do I keep him resting quietly for the next few days so he doesn't overdo it again.


In watching him try to get up these last two days, it has become obvious to my hubby & me that Larry did NOT fall Sunday night. When he tries to get up from a lying position, he gets the front of his body up and then his hind end slides backwards until he hits an obstacle. We believe Sunday night that he was trying to get up and his hind end slid between the recliner and end table. He was in the very same position that night that he gets himself in now. If he is in what I call the Lion position, he can raise himself up. He got a treat tonight, and he did his usual Lion position to enjoy his treat and then got up without any problem. Question 2....is this indicative of hind end weakness or pain from muscle strain?


Because we believe he didn't fall Sunday night, we believe these problems are the result of his run-in with the cat on Friday. (I won't express here the thoughts I have been directing toward my neighbor today.) I have already been told that it's entirely possible he would start exhibiting pain on Sunday after falling during the attack on Friday. Anybody with more experience with this to share?


Larry snapped at me this morning when I tried to rub his front left leg. I didn't realize he was having any pain there, but he made it quite clear that he is. My hubby then told me that Larry yelped on Sunday when he rubbed his front left leg. He's limping on it too. Next question.....how do I help him maneuver with pain & weakness in both legs on one side? I know the things I can do to help support a weak hind end, but this is weakness in both hind legs, pain in the left hind leg, and pain in the front hind leg. That leaves him with one good leg, and I don't know what to do to help him. Also, what can I do to keep further strains from happening? And is there anything I can do to speed the healing. And are massages really good when the leg is painful even to be touched?


Okay, big questions here. The Deramaxx seems to do wonderfully for his pain and the inflammation, but it just doesn't last long enough. I want to add another pain medication in with it; I'm considering Tramadol because I know he's been on it before. I want him as comfortable as he can possibly be. Recommendations? Larry has stressful nights; he's been like this since the day he arrived. I suspect, although I certainly can't say for sure, that it has something to do with his first Daddy dying and Larry being alone in the house. He needs the rest at night; I need the rest at night. I want to add something to the mix that will allow him (and me) to rest. I absolutely hate the idea of drugging him, but I think it's necessary while he's healing. Suggestions?


Finally, Larry will not be alone for the next three days, so no problem there. However, unlike when Wilbur broke his leg, I can't clear my calendar. I'm contracted to photograph more weddings and portrait sessions this year. Hopefully, it will work out that my hubby will be here on days I'm working, but it may not. I guess my question is "What do I do?" but the obvious answer to that is "Have somebody sit with him." And that makes sense for longer, planned absences. But I don't think I can leave him for even ten minutes for even an emergency. Any advice on what you would do in this situation if you just HAD to leave unexpectedly without time to find a sitter?


We're seeing the vet tomorrow, and I know he can answer these questions. But I would like real-world advice from fellow greyhound owners. I was woefully uneducated last year with Wilbur, and he paid the price for my ignorance. I won't let the same thing happen with Larry. I want to help make the decisions for Larry, not just follow the advice the vet gives me.


So, to sum up......I have hope tonight that Larry is just suffering from pulled muscles. At the moment, he's resting very comfortably. and I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that he'll sleep tonight. I'm sleeping in the living room with him. Just keep sending those prayers, good thoughts, and white light.



Oh, on a side note, I'm preparing myself to speak with my neighbor about the cat and kittens. Based on her track record, she'll keep them all and let them be outside kitties. Unfortunately, once the kittens come out of the box, they'll inevitably wander into my yard. My cat, Riley, is an avid hunter, and he HATES other cats, no matter the size. And as sweet as Ollie is, she's very territorial and she loves to chase small furry animals. Those poor kittens wouldn't stand a chance, and I absolutely am not going to have that on my hands.

Edited by Adrianne
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Guest zoolaine

Poor Larry. When Sunny had a run in with a cat, he started limping badly, but it was within a few hours. He also went on heavy duty antibiotics due to immune suppressing meds he was on for GI issues. Maybe Larry got bit on the leg and has an infection going on that is causing pain &/or weakness???? Sunny's ER vet said cat bites can be very painful, especially if they go into the tendon and can cause an infection. Does he have any swelling or abnormal warmth??? Just my random thoughts.

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I am glad to hear Larry had a better afternoon :bighug I can't offer advice on all your questions, but I do have a few recommendations.

First, give him as much pain medicine as he needs. If he has had Tramadol before and tolerated it well, that would be a good addition. It will keep him comfortable, and hopefully "sedate" him a bit.

Second, if you don't already have an assistance harness, that would be a good thing to help him get up and around. Since he already has some hind end weakness, this will be a help even after he recovers from his current problems.

Third, if acupuncture is available in your area, I think it could really help him, both with his current pain and his back end weakness.


:candle for you and Larry, and a little white light for the poor kitties who caused all this, not really their fault.

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Guest Adrianne

Poor Larry. When Sunny had a run in with a cat, he started limping badly, but it was within a few hours. He also went on heavy duty antibiotics due to immune suppressing meds he was on for GI issues. Maybe Larry got bit on the leg and has an infection going on that is causing pain &/or weakness???? Sunny's ER vet said cat bites can be very painful, especially if they go into the tendon and can cause an infection. Does he have any swelling or abnormal warmth??? Just my random thoughts.



I thought about that, but if he got bit, I can't find it. No swelling, nothing to indicate infection.


He did fall down during the attack. I wasn't here when it happened, and when my hubby got outside, Larry was getting up. He doesn't know if Larry fell back on his hind end or if he fell all the way over on his side. Nothing happened between then and Sunday night to account for his condition. We're just speculating that the cat attack is the cause, but it seems to fit.


I am glad to hear Larry had a better afternoon :bighug I can't offer advice on all your questions, but I do have a few recommendations.

First, give him as much pain medicine as he needs. If he has had Tramadol before and tolerated it well, that would be a good addition. It will keep him comfortable, and hopefully "sedate" him a bit.

Second, if you don't already have an assistance harness, that would be a good thing to help him get up and around. Since he already has some hind end weakness, this will be a help even after he recovers from his current problems.

Third, if acupuncture is available in your area, I think it could really help him, both with his current pain and his back end weakness.


:candle for you and Larry, and a little white light for the poor kitties who caused all this, not really their fault.



Thank you, and absolutely, it's not the fault of the kitties. I don't blame them in the least, but I've been having very ugly thoughts toward my neighbor today. :angryfire

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I second the use of tramadol. I always start with an anti inflamatory med, then add the tramadol if that just isn't cutting it.


It's possible that he has some hind end weakness. If he is hurting elsewhere that puts a strain on already weakened muscles. It also could be muscle strain. Yes, it could be related to Friday's incident. Jake fell up the stairs on Wednesday last week. If you read his H & M thread you'll see he has continued to have issues that didn't show until Friday really.


Restless night - try melatonin. It's a naturally ocurring substance in our bodies and theirs. It should help him settle and sleep. Which he really needs right now to heal. I would start something like that asap. Pharmacies carry that here now.


An assist harness would really help. Massage therapy would be helpful as would accupuncture. Once he is better I'd say chiropractor too. MT and chiro can help asses if there is anyhting to help with the hind end weakness as well.


I hope you get some answers that help you and Larry. :grouphug to both of you.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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If the dog can tolerate the meds, a Deramaxx / Tramadol combination works very nicely. If Larry has been on Tramadol before and handled it, I would have No hesitation to get him started on it. There is much room for dosage adjustment as well, so you can start off with a low dose (50 mg) and know that you can go higher as is needed (up to 150mg) twice a day; of course get your vets' recommendation on dosage, this is what works for us. Every dog reacts differently, but for pain management it can be tremendously relieving. For sleep, Melatonin. For support, an assistance harness or even a sweatshirt is good.


That Larry snapped at you tells me that he was in more pain than he had been letting on. The fall from the attack and then getting stuck on Sunday make me think that there might be some nerve damage somewhere, and that could account for his reaction. (btdt)


When you have to be away, I would baby gate Larry in a safe area, small enough that he can't hurt himself yet with enough room that he can move around a bit when he feels the need to get up. I think keeping him quiet but not totally restricted will help because you don't want him to overdo it but you also don't want him getting sedentary and losing muscle tone. You might restrict him from using the dog door while you're away so that you know he hasn't hurt himself while using it, and use a belly band if you are worried about him going in the house (or not, if you don't care).:blush


I'm glad that the vet will see Larry today. If at all possible, I would want more information about what might be going on with Larry before I started trying this and that. If you can't get an answer, massage, a/p and chiropractic can be wonderful modalities to consider.


Keeping you both in my thoughts today and for the journey ahead. Please give that sweet Larry a hug from me and one for yourself. :grouphug

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest racergirl435

Just a thought...could any of Larry's symptoms be at all related to cat scratch fever? I've read that it can affect lymph nodes and cause swelling and infection.


Poor Larry. :bighug

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I agree witht the deramaxx 75mg first thing in the morning with something to eat. if after a day or so, no improvememnt, add in 50-100mg of tramadol bid.


Deramaxx is a greyt drug and hoepfully that alone should do it. As he gets better, you can do every other day.





ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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Guest Energy11

I, too, like the suggestions of the Tramadol and Deramaxx (*You CAN also try giving 1/2 (Deramaxx) in the morning/1/2 in the evening to make the effects last longer). They do work well together, and as the others have said, you might get a sedation effect from the Tramadol.


There ARE muscle relaxers out there as well, but I'd discuss this with the vet to be sure Larry would tolerate them well.


RE: an on call pet sitter, there is a service called Care.com, https://www.care.com/member/myAccount.do;jsessionid=8EB1CB1839A07E10DA6D1BB4FA7D6417.app3?null which has background checked care providers. I joined this, JUST for the same possibility .... if neither DH or I could be here with the pups. We dont' leave them alone (*no doggie door here) too risky. I'd get someone in place from Care.com for Larry. I did get a caregiver from there for my Dad in NY State, as well.


Lastly the ONLY other mobility suggestion I can give you for Larry is an assist harness. Carol Becker from God's Greyts makes them http://www.etsy.com/shop/godsgreyts ... I know quite a few people who have used them with good success.



And, remember, you can always call if you need to talk :-))


We send all our love to you and to handsome Larry! Dee and The Five

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I think you're doing all that you can to help him-wish I had some suggestions but you're doing everything you can do. God Bless You! In the meantime I will continue praying for sweet Larry. :hope I know the thoughts you spoke of about the STUPID IRRESPONSIBLE cat owner. Minny cut his toe pawing at the door because of a stupid persons dog running loose :angryfire and after 3 weeks of his pain:angryfire & bandaging &expense&time etc. & it may never heal properly now as it is in a bad location. I realize thats not a biggie but it infuriates me:angryfire that he might develop a chronic problem and have to wear Therapaws because of some stupid irresponsible jerk letting their dog run loose. I know how you feel- you put Larry's well being above everything and do everything humanly possible to protect him and then he gets hurt because of dumb --- cat womans negligence .:crying:sad1:angryfire Love and kisses to Larry!

Edited by racindog
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Guest Energy11

Just a thought...could any of Larry's symptoms be at all related to cat scratch fever? I've read that it can affect lymph nodes and cause swelling and infection.


Poor Larry. :bighug



WOW ... good call here! It is surely possible! Another thing to discuss with the vet. Humans get this a lot from cat scratches.

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If I remember correctly you didn't do xrays. I would do them now. It could be that he already had something going on and the run-in with the cat just exacerbated that. Hugs and prayers for you and Larry :grouphug:hope :hope



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Guest PhillyPups

First :bighug to you. Excellent advice here. I just want to add one thing. If I was in your shoes with Larry, I would close the dog door and leash walk him until he is feeling better.


:angryfire to loose kitties too. I had one get in my backyard this morning WHILE I WAS THERE WITH THE 5 scooping poop, and I have a huge privacy fence around the property. Kamikazee kat!! I managed to get all 5 in safely, no scratches, etc., but cannot say the same for the kitty, but it did get out of the yard. UGH!!

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I'm so sorry this is happening to Larry. Because of the timing of this...cat scratch, then pain and weakness several days later...could he have what is colloquially known as cat scratch fever, or a Bartonella infection? I've been reading about him since this happened and when his pain began with his leg it reminded me of a friend who had been scratched by a cat and quickly developed cat scratch fever. The doctor thought it was a dozen different things from Sunday, including HIV/AIDS, but after my friend went through a surgery, they figured out it was infection from a cat scratch. Symptoms in dogs may include:


# Some dogs may show no clinical signs of illness

# Lethargy

# Fever

# Lack of appetite (anorexia)

# Weakness

# Nasal Discharge

# Bloody nose (Epistaxis)

# Lameness

# Vomiting

# Diarrhea

# Coughing

# Lymphnode enlargement

Edited by seeh2o

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I know I emailed you this morning, but I'll throw in another vote for the tramadol/deramaxx cocktail. It worked so well for Peanut. I hope Larry is feeling better today and you are both in my thoughts. Many hugs!

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Guest Adrianne

My heart is breaking. The vet has found a mass in Larry's front left leg. We are saying goodbye and releasing him tomorrow afternoon here at home.

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My heart is breaking. The vet has found a mass in Larry's front left leg. We are saying goodbye and releasing him tomorrow afternoon here at home.

My heart is breaking with you, I am so very sorry.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I am so sorry for you and Larry. These babies are blessed to have the love that you give them in their senior years. Many prayers for you to find peace.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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:weep {{{Adrianne}}} No one loved Larry more than you guys. He was guided to you by someone very special who knew that you could help him when he needed it most. Have the best moments that you can with him. My heart is broken for you, too. Edited by FiveRoooooers

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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I have no words and am just devastated for you. I know how much you love sweet Larry and how much he has loved you. I will be surrounding you with love and thoughts of peace in the coming days. :weep:weep:weep:weep:weep My heart is breaking along with yours . . .

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