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Lexi Is Fighting For Her Life:(

Guest greyvettech

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Guest greyvettech

I am asking everyone to please pray for my Lexi. Here is her story.....Sunday night she didn't eat her dinner which is pretty unusual for her. Monday morning I woke up, she was lay on the floor, not in her usual spot, and she had had diarrhea on the carpet. She was reluctant to get up. So, since I work for a Veterinarian, I took her to work suspecting she had gastroenteritis. She got anti-diarrhea meds, an iv cath and a cbc/chemistry profile. I took her home that night as she seemed to feel a little better. Her chemistry panel was perfectly normal and on her cbc her platelets were low but there were clumps in the sample so we didn't know how acurate it was. Monday night she began vomiting blood, had bloody diarrhea and had blood in her retinas and began to become partially blind. She was also very weak and painful.. I rushed her back to work and my vet diagnosed her with immune mediated thyrombocytopenia. Her platelet count was 9 (very very low) We started prednisone and doxycyline incase it was a tick borne related thyrombocytopenia. As I was on the way home, she vomited her meds:( I took her back to work and we started iv dexamethasone. The next day she developed petichia (bruising all over her skin). In my eyes, she was going down hill fast. We decided to check her blood values again. Now her chemistry profile indicated elevated liver and kidney enzymes just within 24 hours..my worst fear. At this point, my vet was boggled and knew something more had to be going on but nothing was making sense. we did extensive tick profiles, coombs disease titers, rheumatoid titer (immune diseases)..everything was negative. At this point, she seemed to feel a little better but was not eating. the next day she was worse than ever. Her kidneys and liver were starting to fail even though it seemed her thyrombocytopenia was resolving. So, I decided to email Dr. Couto at Ohio State and he got back to me within 12 hours! Just from the little info I told him, he already knew what could be wrong. the next morning he talked to my veterinarian and was able to diagnose her within 10 minutes based on her symptoms and all her blood results. He diagnosed her with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (this is something very very rare in dogs but he had seen it before)-stems from e-coli in the gi tract- (from when she ate raw meat while racing) Her body thought of e-coli as a natural flora in her GI tract and she had been vaccinated a week prior to her illiness and the vaccines affected her immune system and then she became suseptible to the e-coli and it began to reak havic on her blood cells and organs. I will never vaccinate my greyhounds again!!! Not only that, the only treatment for her at this point was plasma. He arranged to send plasma overnight free of charge!!!! (and I am in Florida) OMG- I love Dr. Couto! The plasma arrived this afternoon and we were able to give it to her a couple hours ago. This may not be a cure but it might be enough to get her over this nasty syndrome. The plasma which is full of antibodies and protein should kill the organisms that are attacking her kidneys. She has kidney damage and we don't know if her body can recover from this. She has so much adema she is so swollen she doesn't even look like my Lexi:( Now, it's a wait and see thing. We are repeating blood work tomorrow to check her values. She feels so poorly and I hate to put her through this, but if there is hope and I didn't do it, I would regret it forever.The main thing is- she has not had any digested food since Sunday! -despite a very small handful of i/d that she ate this morning. She will drink but refuses to eat. I have her here at home on her IV and steroid injections. I have down everything I can do for her. I don't know what I am going to do if I lose her. If she doesn't eat food by tomorrow, we are in big trouble. I am giving the plasma 24 hours to make her feel better and start eating again. I cannot stand to see her suffer:( I love her more than anything and I cannot believe this is happening, I have had no sleep because I am constantly staring at her... Does anyone else have any experience with this syndrome? I am trting to remain hopeful but it's so hard. Please keep her in your thoughts. Thank you for listening.. This is very long, I know...



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lots and lots of prayers for your girl.

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My God, no experience with HUS but I remember that Dr C mentioned that to Jaynie's mom.


All I can offer is many prayers for your girl and of course you!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest greytloves

Good golly, no experience. But fight on Lexi! Sounds as if she is one lucky girl to have you, your boss and Dr. Couto on her side! Who would have thought HUS?

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Guest runner615

I'm so sorry to read about your Lexi...please know that I'm saying an extra prayer for her that she rebounds and begins to get stronger with each passing day.


Stay strong and think positive...you're doing all you can do for your sweet girl (and you know she senses that :) )

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Praying for both you and Lexi. I hope hope hope she feels better with the plasma and starts back on the road to recovery now. Try and get some rest.


No experience with this illnes but have hunches over-vaccination caused an autoimmune disorder in one of our guys. Be well and be strong, Lexi.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


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Oh Kelly! I'm hoping that she looks better tomorrow. :hope


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Many prayers for Lexi. I hope that the plasma will be an answer to your prayers and that she makes a full recovery.


Carol Ann


Molly Weasley Carpenter-Caro - 6 Year Old Standard Poodle.

Gizzy, Specky, Riley Roo & Lady - Our beloved Greyhounds waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest Energy11

I am soo sorry to hear this!


Wow, you are were all over this, of course. I, personally think, Dr. Couto is a GOD, myself!


You are doing all the right things, and THANK GOD, you know how, and Lexi can be home with you! That is a blessing for sure!


Maybe you could try force feeding? I mean, you could puree some ID with some low sodium chicken broth, and use a turkey baster or 10cc syringe with most of the tip cut off. At least that way, you could get some nutrition into her, or even baby meats. They seem to love that. Thank God she is drinking and getting fluids to keep the kidneys going.


By the way, I don't vaccinate my dogs, either. Just Rabies (law). I will PM you my phone number, and please feel free to call if you need me. We could at least Brainstorm!


Hugs! Dee

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Oh God- how frightening. I am so sorry. Sending loads of prayers. Please update as soon as you can.



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Guest greyvettech
((((Hugs))))) I really hope she can pull through! What a nightmare. What shots did she get?



She received the distemper vaccine (7in1) the bordetella vaccine and lymes vaccine. She has been vaccinated every year for these (rabies every three) She has never had an immune reaction. Two years ago she had a vaccine site reaction which got better in a weeks time. At work, we recently did a vaccine titer on a dog who had been vaccinated two consecutive years- and you would not believe how much protection he still had in his system.(owner requested the titer) So, I could imagine with my girls, that have been vaccinated every year for 6 years, that they would never need vaccines again! I should have never done it. I guess all vets have different opinions on this. I have learned that, again, with a lot of things, greyhounds could have more potential for a bad outcome

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Gosh, I'm so sorry .. I hope she pulls through! Sending prayers from England! :hope


My dogs have always been fine after vaccinations, and they've been done yearly so they could go into kennels (it's required), but Mum and I have both developed immune-related diseases after vaccinations. In our case, not over vaccination, just one each - she had the flu shot, I had the pneumonia shot.


Crossing everything here for Lexi. :goodluck


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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