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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Here's what I do for Betsy, and now most of the other hounds: - Melatonin, one 3 mg tablet at 4, three more with dinner at 5:30 or so; sometimes I give even more - evening walk at regular time (~7 for her group) - ThunderShirt immediately after walk - a/c on, windows closed (standard here anyway) - TVs in kitchen and living room turned on _loud_ at dusk (~9pm), usually something they hear anyway (HGTV, Food) - for some, crates The others get less Melatonin, and only with dinner, but Betsy needs more of it and earlier. I've tried other things in the past, including cotton balls in the ears, covered crate, and so on. But the above prevents the total meltdown that Betsy used to endure. This is our holiday weekend. I think we might get some fireworks tonight, but Sunday (probably the worst) and Monday (the official holiday) will be intense.
  2. Not all dogs can tolerate NSAIDS. For those of mine who can, Metacam is a standby for both short and long-term use. At the moment, I have two on it--one has been for ages, the other just started recently and will remain on it (she's been on it occasionally in the past). I always use Metacam. My vet is not convinced that the generic is as effective, and we've had good success with the brand name liquid.
  3. I'm so sorry T. I too remember when Gil found Tilt's Mom, and Sahara travelled to you. Godspeed Sahara.
  4. My response is basically the same as Batmom's: If you otherwise like the trainer, explain what you will do. If she doesn't accept that, find another class. I've taught all my greys to sit, even big Graham. But each learned at a different pace, and there have been tremendous variations in how often and how long they would sit, especially early on. Some were so distracted during the first few weeks of class that they barely knew I was there, so I substituted other behaviours (mostly stand), until they were more comfortable. We almost always caught up by the end of the first course. I think most healthy greys can do 20 sits an hour and/or sit for a few minutes. But I don't think it's necessary or wise to push them to do so before they've got the hang of it. Most of mine have had a stand that's way more stable than most other dogs' sits.
  5. I'm so sorry. He was an incredibly cute little guy. He shouldn't have had to leave so soon. Godspeed Corey.
  6. I hope she recovers quickly. ETA: Hmmmm. I wonder if that's what Pink keeps wrecking. And Cora before her. Recovery takes forever, but both eventually did (Pink multiple times).
  7. I'm so sorry. He was as handsome as he was perfect. Godspeed Gilmore.
  8. I'm sorry Joe is not doing well. I know only too well how scary those symptoms can be. I hope you can find and treat the problem.
  9. I'm glad you have a diagnosis. I hope Minerva is feeling much better very soon.
  10. I'm so very sorry, for both you and Murphy. I hope you can keep him very comfortable for whatever time he has left--and I very much hope that it's longer than the vet predicts. Please remember that however long he has, he at least knows that he's loved...
  11. I tried a coupler for the poodles. Once. Minnie pulled Perry all over the place. I use individual web leashes. I found 6' too long and 4' too short, so I buy 6' web and have them shortened to 5'. I bring home older dogs with at least some training, so I can handle fixes even while walking others. If I had a complete idiot, I'd walk her alone until she had decent manners. I do walk Minnie in a Gentle Leader: she has good leash respect on her own, but tends to pull when in a group.
  12. I'm so incredibly sorry. She was a very pretty girl and she left much much too soon. Godspeed Heidi.
  13. I hope Cash remains OK, Lucy's IBD can be readily controlled, and you and your SUV are on the mend. I think you've been through more than enough for a year, let alone a week.
  14. I'm glad she's home. I hope she recovers quickly and well, and that the biopsy says it's all benign.
  15. I'm so very sorry. He was a special boy and he left too soon. Godspeed Fletcher.
  16. I saw the same thing as Jan--he's a bit off in front. His response to name is excellent. Nice work.
  17. Poor old girl. I hope she heals quickly and soon feels much better.
  18. Congratulations! She's lovely.
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