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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Phaedra.
  2. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Manero.
  3. Wow! I'm sure glad you caught it. I hope the treatment works quickly and he's soon 100%.
  4. I hope Rowdy is around for a good long while to come.
  5. Congratulations on both your boys! (I see Lexie is going to have some competition in the dog headgear and other torture department.)
  6. Annie has been here for almost three months, but this thread was delayed by my tardiness in posting Graham's Remembrance thread. About a week after I said goodbye to Graham, a return appeared on the GRA Canada Adoptables page: Sansa (Do Marcia). I noticed her because she was 9. But I didn't need or want another dog, and Bill of GRA can usually place a 9-year-old fairly quickly. That didn't stop me from having a look at her greyhound-data page. A few things stood out: she hadn't raced long, retiring shortly before her third birthday. She'd competed in Florida, and had probably been brought north by another group. Her birthday was September 3. That meant she was almost 10. And September 3 has been a big day here: Tally (1999) and Graham (2000) were both born on September 3, and Cora arrived home on September 3 (2007). Plus I think Sansa was added to the Adoptables page on my birthday. The annual GRA Picnic was on Saturday June 8. I wondered if Bill would suggest that I meet Sansa. Shortly after I arrived, I was standing with a woman who had lost her grey a few months earlier. Bill drove up. He said he wanted to speak to her. About Sansa. She said she could not adopt again until the end of July because she was going to be on vacation, but if Sansa were still available then, she'd meet her. Bill assured her that Sansa would not last the day--someone at the picnic would take her home. Someone didn't. When the list was updated to reflect the picnic adoptions, Sansa was still on it. In the meantime, I realized that I had arrived home without Poppy's muzzle. I thought it had fallen out of the car when I'd stopped near the kennel to drop off donations. I sent an email to Bill asking him to save it for me if it appeared. He called Monday to say that it had been turned in. He joked that I could get it when I came to pick up Sansa. He was astounded that she had not been adopted at the picnic. He said she was one of the sweetest hounds that he'd ever had there. I asked if he thought she'd fit. She'd fit anywhere. I asked if he thought she'd be OK crated. She didn't object at the kennel. I thought about it for a few hours. I still didn't need or want another dog, but it kills me to see an almost-10-year-old, who has been in a home for almost 7 years, back in a kennel. (Her family's schedules changed and she wasn't getting enough attention. She was very well cared for in that home.) I had room, and I expected to have even more shortly. (I was wrong about that, fortunately--all my old dears are still hanging in.) I checked to see if I could get her into the clinic for a checkup and bath, and made sure there was space for her at school. Then I called Bill and arranged to meet her. On Wednesday June 12, I met Sansa and brought her home. I wasn't fond of her name and she wasn't responding to it particularly well, so I renamed her to the sort-of-similar-sounding Annie. (Apologies to fans of Game of Thrones.) Bill was right. She fit in beautifully. Plus, after 4 losses in 7 1/2 months, she's been a breath of fresh air. I have a lot of pics, so here are some from the first few days. I'll post more and tell you about her in another thread. Greeting Bill and saying goodbye: Wondering what's awaiting her in the outside world: Waiting for me to join her in the turnout area: Getting to know her new Mom (She's since had a dental, and the lump on her neck visible in the second pic has been removed): OK, Mom, I'm ready to go! (I think the hands belong to a volunteer): Lying quietly on the long ride home: Standing on the driveway, checking out her new yard. I wish I'd gotten all of her ears: After introductory walks with her new sisters, lying a couple of feet from where she was in the previous pic, watching the world go by: We had a bit of a wait before we could go to the clinic, so she settled in and enjoyed the attention: Trying out the beds in the living room on the first night. Minnie, bottom right, thinks I should be paying attention to her: Also on the first night, sharing the beds in my office with Perry (cell phone pic): By the next afternoon, she was snuggling with Pink (cell phone pic): The day after that, she was snuggling with Poppy. Poppy is not a snuggler (cell phone pic): Pretty girl on the beds: Enough with the flashy box!: Welcome home Annie!
  7. Four of my five greys have this issue--all are over 10. Usually walking around helps a bit. Lying down is even better. It bothers me more than them.
  8. Am I ever glad the clinic is only two minutes away. I haven't been told to refrigerate the poop, so I don't. I do find a sun-free spot for it. Yesterday, that was the garage.
  9. Congratulations! I'm so glad you decided to adopt again. She's gorgeous. And obviously perfect.
  10. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Dixie.
  11. I am so incredibly sorry. I know that she just had the best possible last month enjoying her new life. I just wish she had been able to do so for much much longer. Godspeed Scarlett.
  12. Oh no. I am so very sorry. I shall miss his reports.
  13. That's very cute. She's having a blast. Betsy has this. Except that the commands are Speak and Trash Talk. She also has a bow. I did all three by capturing them. A couple of mine have a Tummy Rub or Show Me Your Tummy. Perry has Shake and Bye-Bye (Wave, except that I had to change the word because it's too much like Wait.) They all have the standard obedience stuff (sit, down, stay, wait, come, nose tap, etc. Most also retrieve.)
  14. I second this. It's helped immensely here at GITroublesRUs. Minnie, who definitely has IBD (diagnosed via scoping) has been chugging along for almost 11 1/2 years without extra meds. (The allergy tests were done a few years after the diagnosis.)
  15. Glad he's home. Hope the seizure was a one-time thing.
  16. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Shep.
  17. I have 3 (yes 3) old dears with similar pad problems. Boots for walks help. So does putting something on the pads before bed. I've been using BioBalm, but Bag Balm would work too. Two recovered enough after a few days to do walks without boots, the third will probably need boots long term (you should see the wear on her nails from dragging her feet).
  18. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to the pics.
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