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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. OMG! The cuteness! Another THUD. Thank you for the pics. I could stay in this thread all day.
  2. Happy Gotcha Day Petunia! I'm so glad you made your decision--and conquests--so quickly. Senior broodies are the best.
  3. I was logged out tonight (first time). I logged back in and it worked okay.
  4. I bet when she got to the bottom of the stairs, she thought, "Two can play at that game."
  5. It's so much more fun when the ill-mannered and ill-mothered--or edible--distractions are behind glass.
  6. Par-tay! Don't you just hate it when your bum hits a squeaky toy? Or when you accidentally bump your sister and she snarks and Dad barks? Daisy wants to know where to get the squeakers. We rarely use them here because it gets too wild.
  7. I'm so incredibly sorry. Both your remembrance and your earlier appreciation piece are wonderful tributes to an extraordinarily special girl. Godspeed Lorelei.
  8. I'm so very sorry. He had to leave much too soon. Godspeed Moody.
  9. Agreed, Kate. I too spent some of the morning with a blanket over my head.
  10. He looks fantastic! Nice to hear from you.
  11. The default was expanded, but I clicked on Condensed after I saw your post, and it worked. I tried returning to Unread through the list of forums and the setting held.
  12. The condensed format doesn't seem to be working for Unread Content. The expanded format is now the default, and clicking Condensed doesn't change the display. Individual forums (at least, those I tried) still display as condensed. Aside: I tried to follow the instructions at the top of this forum to cut and paste information, but that page is apparently missing.
  13. Merry Christmas! Cletus looks great in his sweater. But maybe it should have a chikken on it, wearing a bow.
  14. I'm so very sorry. My condolences to Bella's mom and friends, especially you. Godspeed Bella.
  15. Ditto. I've been wondering for years why it seems to be dark at 7 am so much longer after the Winter Solstice than before. The other day I finally did some googling and found a similar article. I'm looking forward to the day when the sun starts rising earlier.
  16. Specky! A Standard Poodle is a worthy successor for craziness.
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