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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Poor Jake. Hope the doxy helps. I don't suppose there is any point in re-running the titers, either at Protatek or NC State?
  2. Rickiesmom

    Augie Dogie

    Heather, your tribute made me love a dog I never met. So many wonderful memories to fill your heart and gradually, slowly soften and dissolve all the hurt.
  3. Just seeing this Toni. How awful. I hope AC does something useful. My heartfelt condolences to the hounds mom - a horrific thing to witness, and a tragic loss. RIP sweet babies. ETA: Good the owner is taking responsibility. Sounds like he knew the dogs were an accident waiting to happen.
  4. Fly on gossamer wings sweet angel. Shine down on those who opened their hearts, now hurting .
  5. Warmth radiates from those pictures. Easy and heartbreaking to understand how much you miss him.
  6. Great news!!!!!!!!!!! We are doing a serious happy dance here And now that we know things are OK, how did the Ekko visit with the vet go?
  7. Godspeed sweet Renny. You will know nothing but love from now on.
  8. What a gorgeous hound of many faces, all wonderful. My heart goes out to you.
  9. Adding prayers for continued healing and coming-home-soon!
  10. My heartfelt condolences to Jennifer and all who loved Phantom.
  11. Rickiesmom


    Wally did indeed have a wonderful smile. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  12. Claudia, all good thoughts beaming to Lenny and to you. Please let us know when the appointment is. Hugs!!
  13. Sending prays this sweetie will eat and heal without further setback.
  14. Good boy Lenny - we are looking forward to the "no more limp" post - keep working on it!
  15. Just seeing the latest. Poor little thing. Sending many, many prayers.
  16. You can't edit stuff from the old board without it screwing stuff up. Ah, that explains some issues I've had. I tried to edit a post created after the server move, and all the text clumped together, however, the thread containing the post was created pre-move. So editing works only on posts in new threads, not on new posts in old threads, correct? Also, as an aside, the number of replies isn't clickable - it wasn't, then it was, and now it isn't. Not complaining, just letting you know. As others have said, this has been a remarkably smooth transition, which takes good planning and a lot of work. Kudos!!
  17. We saw Dr. Norris on Monday for a recheck. (Jaynie's original story is here and follow-up is here.) The good news is that her weight is up to 60.5lbs, and her spleen, which had been very enlarged, is back to normal. Her blood pressure is still a bit high (systolic is 173 and shouldn't be higher than 150) so he is increasing the benazepril dosage a bit. Her blood values were good on the whole, however, Creatinine is up from a month ago to 211 (was 196 and top end of normal is 141). This is a big disappointment, as is her urine specific gravity, which is 1.017 - slightly better than last time, but well below minimum normal of 1.025. Platelets were a bit low but the report indicated there was clumping, so he's not concerned about this. He is having the tick titers run again at North Carolina State University - those will come back in about 10 days. He is interested to see what the Babesia in particular looks like, as she was a low positive on the test run in October. Ignoring the tests, outwardly, she is a happy, lively dog - hard to believe how critically ill she was less than 2 months ago. She does zoomies (inside and out) eats with gusto, and kills stuffies with great energy and enthusiasm. A bit of a goat though - left to herself she'd eat the bits she pulls off. So we will continue with a restricted diet (supplemented with her buttery one egg omelets) and the benazepril, and hope for better creatinine, BP and SG values at our next recheck in February.
  18. Better is good - even a little. Hope it's even "more better" tomorrow!
  19. Lenny, you rest that leg, and feel better very soon! Sending prayers Claudia.
  20. This is a small thing, but you used to be able to click on the number of replies for a thread and see the number of times people had posted. I found this handy in threads with a lot of replies, where I was mainly interested in the original poster's messages, for example, in health and medical, checking this enabled me to know if there was an update from the thread's originator.
  21. Poor baby - sending lots of prayers for healing and strength.
  22. Xan, what a wonderful tribute - made me feel like I got to know Happy a little, and sorry that I didn't. Fly on gossamer wings sweet one. My heart goes out to the human and hound family who miss you so.
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