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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Jaynie's pick-up is delayed. Clinic called, the incision is weeping a bit so they want to watch her awhile longer. They said there was nothing to worry about, hope so. They close at 7PM, so that's the latest I would pick her up, presumably. All my girls have been spayed before I got them, except for Arlie and that was several years ago, so I don't recall the sequence of events exactly to be able to compare.
  2. Just got a call from the clinic - Jaynie is awake and recovering better from anaesthesia than last time (which is very good news!). They said she should be ready to come home by 5PM. I asked them if we could aim for 4PM and then delay if she needs it. I can hardly wait to have my baby girl home again!
  3. I dropped my girlie off at 7:30 - they called a short time ago to say she'd been induced, so I guess the procedure will start shortly. A question about pain meds: they are planning to send her home with metacam. Is that enough? I was sort of expecting something stronger.
  4. Good news, and I agree, a picture would be wonderful!
  5. Checking in for an update - fingers crossed for good news.
  6. Jaynie's spay is scheduled for Monday morning at around 9:00. Based on the issues she had following anaesthesia for her dental, the protocol is being changed, and she will be treated for reflux prophylactically following the procedure (we still don't know for sure if that was the issue last time). Based on research the vet did, I will also give her a snack at midnight, so her tummy won't have had all the hours since dinner to build up acid, and yet should have cleared before the procedure. I have the option of giving her clear broth at around 3am, but have mixed feelings about that so may not. I have arranged things to be with her all next week, with my laptop set up on a TV dinner table beside her crate, so I can get things done and still be close to her. While she will be in good and caring hands, if you can spare a thought for her on Monday, it would be so appreciated.
  7. Good news - hope to get a snuggle-update soon!
  8. Checking in as well, praying Iceman feels much better today.
  9. Alisha, we are beaming good thoughts and strength, and many prayers for your precious Iceman.
  10. If you don't have a cone, then spray the sock with bitter apple or tomorrow, if they have it, get some Dermicare spray from the vet and lightly spray the sock - the stuff is really awful (which is a good thing LOL).
  11. Is she wearing a cone so she can't lick or otherwise damage the site? This is critical. no matter how much she hates it. It sounds like she's not moving around a lot anyway, but keeping a lid on exercise (including short leash walks only outdoors) and ensuring she isn't jumping up on things indoors is also important. My suggestion would be to get her in tomorrow as soon as you can - they can look at the site and make sure they are happy with it, and then rewrap. If they expect you to rewrap, then they should show you how. You can get pain meds at the same time. If you do attempt to rewrap in the meantime and are covering the soft bandaging with vetwrap, be very careful not to wrap too tight, i.e., do not at all stretch the wrap as you put it on or you can cut off circulation. Also, be sure to keep everything dry. Please keep us posted on how things go with your sweet Bella.
  12. The vet who did the surgery should be able to give you pain meds tomorrow. Call and tell him Bella is in pain, and also refusing to eat. I've always had good luck with Tramadol, alone or in combination with Metacam, as long as they are given after the dog has eaten something, but as with any meds, a reaction to one or both is always possible and you may get additional suggestions. Hopefully you can keep finding things for her to eat - sometimes mixing it up helps. I've had good luck with cheese, chicken, boiled beef balls, ...
  13. Agreed - Tylenol is toxic for dogs. Aspirin which you can also get OTC is risky post surgery without a vet's consent as it is a blood thinner and also hard on the stomach, which you are already dealing with, with the Clavamox.
  14. I agree - I can't believe they didn't send her home with pain meds! I guess on second thought they won't be open til tomorrow because of Thanksgiving - is there an e-vet who might be able to give her something? Animals, like people, need to be without pain in order to let their bodies concentrate on healing.
  15. If there is a specialty clinic in Winnipeg, I'd be very tempted to call them and bring her in there for a post-surgery consult.
  16. Happy Birthday special Bridge girl
  17. Dee I asked about infection as that was what I thought when I brought Rickie in. The surgeon said no and as you know, I totally trust him. There are no other signs, i.e., no temperature, no heat at the site, no puss, etc., so although like you I was surprised, I guess it's possible.
  18. Rickie had surgery 3 weeks ago to remove a tumour from his chest. Everything went well, and overall the incision is healing, however, we have had a couple of seromas, a small one of which burst today, and there are areas where the suture line has opened a bit and there is redness and swelling. The surgeon used the same suture materials as he did on Rickie last year in a much more invasive surgery, but is wondering if maybe he is having an allergic reaction this time. He wants him back for regular monitoring, and we are to keep the area cleaned with saline, and continue with warm compresses a few times per day. Before anyone questions the skill of the surgeon, I just want to say he is superb. If anyone else has run into an allergic reaction like this, I would be interested to know how the symptoms presented and what you did to manage it.
  19. They are now learning about "Trevor moments" at the Bridge. Donna, I am so sorry.
  20. Glad it's over Tina - 10 cm is pretty big! We found warm compresses alternating with cold really helped bruising and swelling. I didn't switch from one to the other right away - we spread them out for a total of 3 - 4 per day. As he got better I dropped the cold and just did 2 - 3 warm per day. Not sure if compresses would also help Booker, just thought I'd mention it. Hoping for a good path report. Meantime, as others have said, get some rest.
  21. Your Felicity sounds like one in a gazillion. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious girl.
  22. A beautiful, loving tribute to a very special hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
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