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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. YOur Concerto sounds like a very special girl - love the part about bathing the cats. Although your hearts have a Concerto-size hole in them right now, I hope those memories and many others will gradually fill it up. Godspeed sweet baby girl!
  2. Pooe Jake. I hope this round finally knocks out whatever it is that is doing this to him!
  3. Fingers crossed it was just the long M & G day! Will keep an eye out after 4:30.
  4. What a beautiful tribute to a very special girl. I am so sorry for your loss of precious Lily. It's never enough time.
  5. Poor Jake. But he is getting the best possible care until you can see the vet. I know I'm too far away to help in any way, but we are thinking of you both.
  6. Janet I am sorry this seems to be starting up again. Will be keeping you and Jake in my thoughts, and hoping he feels better this morning. Watching for an update.
  7. Just read this thread now. I am so sorry for all you are going through, especially your very precious Lily. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
  8. We will be watching for an update after the Tuesday appointment, and in the meantime, are joining the B9 chant!
  9. *So* happy to read this news Robin - hope he keeps going in this direction!
  10. Someone recently sent me a link to an article that talks about calming signals. As well, the books by Turid Rogaas are available and not very expensive on Amazon.
  11. Robin I haven't been on so much lately and haven't read the entire thread, but isn't there some sort of vitamin B shot that is supposed to help stimulate appetite (I've only read about this, don't really know anything about it)? Would that be something Beau could have? I am so sorry you are going through this again.
  12. Robin, what a tough spot to be in. I hope the pred works and will stimulate Beau's appetite as well. Will be watching for updates.
  13. Sending good thoughts for Max - I agree with Robin, about the crazy weather we've been having, he may just need some catch up time.
  14. Coincidentally I was up at my vet's today and took this along - thank you!
  15. That last picture is especially wonderful. I am so sorry for Gus's and your loss of beautiful Rose.
  16. Hope Beau regains strength soon - hugs to both of you!
  17. I remember what a sweet boy Walter was, when Arlie came for a visit.
  18. Hard to believe it's been a year. Hugs to you Robin.
  19. Rickiesmom


    I am so very sorry for Dana's loss of this beautiful boy.
  20. Oh Robin, we're beaming positive thoughts for a "nothing serious" diagnosis.
  21. Bethany, welcome back, and gentle hugs for Charm. I'm with the majority as to guessing what may be wrong. Hope the vet can get to the bottom of it soon, he can't be happy. Will be watching for updates.
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