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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. What an extraordinarily beautiful hound! Congratulations!
  2. Regarding a transfusion - when Jaynie's platelets were very low (35K vs. low normal of 171K) I asked Dr. Couto about a transfusion and he said they were not very useful in such cases because the concentration of platelets in a transfusion was not sufficient to make a significant difference. I am sorry about the possible hemangiosarcoma diagnosis and hope your vet can get to the bottom of things. Did the clinic that did the ultrasound forward the results (including the images) to your regular vet for analysis? If not I would have your regular vet request that immediately.
  3. I am posting on behalf of someone not on this board, though I hope to persuade them to join. They are fostering what they describe as a skittish grey - here is the story: First time fostering a grey who has never been on a leash and is very skittish. She came from the farm at 17 months - she was not consistent with the lure. We have had her in the house for just over a month. We have a grey and a shepherd mix and the three appear to get along fine. She has adjusted to the house and we no longer close the crate at night. She will jump in the bed first thing in the morning and is friendly and energetic. She doesn't always want to come out and feed, she won't come to me if holding a leash, and sometime she won't respond to her name - she would just as soon lay down in her crate most of the time. Would like to get her more engaged and responsive - my other guys live for their walks in the park - she sees their reaction and gets excited, but won't come near the leash. Any ideas on getting a break through here to have her join in the pet world would be appreciated. If you have direct experience with this sort of thing please post, or, PM me and I will give you the foster parent's e-mail address. Thank you for your help!
  4. All your posts about Quilty have been wonderful, including this last, which made me cry. To Quilty!
  5. Jaynie went into acute renal failure following her spay. Since all other possible causes were eliminated, we think this was due to an injected loading dose of Metacam following her spay. Of course we didn't know any of that at the time, what we saw was: - day after, she was lethargic, didn't seem surprising considering - day two, would not eat, lethargic, drinking well - day three, continuing to drink, no food, didn't want to leave her crate, started to have muscle spasms - seen by two vets but due to her history, they were looking in the wrong places - day four - all the same symptoms, muscle spasms worse, admitted to clinic and put on fluids - bloodwork revealed what was going on - and by that time her kidney values were off the charts, liver values not thrilling, and platelets were way, way down It took 2 weeks in hospital under the care of an internal med specialist to bring her back. She is still on a kidney diet supplemented with a daily unsalted buttery one egg omelet. At last check, in February, her creatinine was still high, and her specific gravity was somewhat low. Her next recheck in end of June. If you suspect acute kidney failure, get your hound to a vet asap. And, before any fluids are given, ensure urine and blood samples are taken. Once the dog is on fluids, a urine sample is almost useless. Fingers crossed for your pup.
  6. Aw Lynn, my heart broke when I saw your subject line. I am so very, very sorry.
  7. Riley, sparkle on the wave tops, swim with the dolphins and porpoises, brush the shore, pound the rocks, leave ripples in the sand to let your mom know you were there. Rest well sweet one
  8. Thank you all for your input. I wanted to do due-dilligence on the Ovicollar, but was uncomfortable with it - too many medical unknowns, bad to be wearing a loose collar when unattended, not sure what the implications of grooming would be. I'm going to go with Program. Jaynie's internal med specialist, whom I totally trust, said it was very safe, in fact, he said I could use Interceptor as well, though I am still undecided on that one. (I use both products rather than the combined Sentinel so I can give them a couple weeks apart.)
  9. I discussed flea prevention yesterday with my vet. As much as possible I am not giving Jaynie systemic products due to her history of acute kidney failure and residual damage (as suggested by some of her blood and urine values). Normally I would use Program, which is very safe, but the vet mentioned a flea collar from Vet-Kem called the Ovicollar. It is treated with a growth inhibitor that supposedly remains on the skin vs. being absorbed. I'm torn about what to do - I don't like the idea of a collar that should be worn loosely and am not convinced the stuff isn't absorbed, making it more or less like giving Program, and it doesn't kill adult fleas unless they bite, again, like Program. Also, it's a new product so there isn't a good history yet. On the other hand, even though it's very safe, I hate to give Jaynie anything systemic, though I've used Program for years with no issue, though never on Jaynie (she arrived after flea season). I did check with her internal medicine specialist, and he felt Program would be OK. I would be interested to know your experience if you have or are using the Ovicollar. I couldn't find any information on the Vet-Kem website itself (!) but did find this and a few other articles on Google: Ovicollar for Dogs As an aside, we're not doing hearworm preventatives (normally I use Interceptor) - we'll do blood tests twice a year or so instead (there are incidences of heartworm here, but it's not all that prevalent). Please let me know your thoughts.
  10. This is very interesting. I knew it was used in humans, never thought about dogs.
  11. What a wonderful boy - a character! I am so sorry for your loss of this boy with whom you shared a special bond.
  12. Claudia, we love them all, but some just find an extra-special place in our hearts, as Misty did in yours. She sent you Lenny, and watches over you no matter where you are. Know you are loved, even now, as you loved her.
  13. Ali I am so sorry. What a tragic accident. Periwinkle was such a beautiful, well loved girl. Godspeed little one.
  14. Arlie did this recently, here's what we did, twice per day before feeding time - theory being, by the time she finished eating, she'd forget about all we'd done to the paw. - clipped the fur away (we have groomer's scissors with rounded ends especially for this) - flushed it liberally with saline (over a folded towel) - dabbed it with a gauze sponge to mostly dry it - applied antibiotic cream (polysporin) with a slathered q-tip - the q-tip helps you really get in there - sprayed it with Dermicare (makes bitter apple seem yummy) Immediately after it happened, in between the saline and the polysporin I applied peroxide, but on a one-time basis only Whenever we went out until it was healed, she wore a Pawz (those plastic balloon looking things you get from the vet) - size M, the blue ones. It took some time to heal (about 2 weeks) but it all went smoothly. ETA - The first step. clipping away the fur between her pads, we did only once, at the start.
  15. I am so, so sorry. What a beautiful girl. I will light a candle for her this evening.
  16. Pat I am so sorry not to have seen this til now. My heart goes out to you.
  17. Riley is in your heart, always. You may not always be able to remember everything at once, but it's all there. Special memories are part of life - and will surprise you in bittersweet, cherished, comforting and shared ways. Riley is always with you. Sending prayers of peace and comfort.
  18. Congratulations!!! I am so, so happy you have Miss Pinky Baker. Toni (Goofydog) and I were joking awhile back about who would take which of these girls if we could - Miss Pinky was "mine". I am delighted you have her and we can look forward to lots of pictures! Now we need a current (or future) GTer to adopt the lovely Cajun Blond!
  19. I am so, so sorry for this diagnosis. Sending warm thoughts and prayers for many good days to come.
  20. What a precious, funny girl. I am so so sorry for the huge hole in your heart.
  21. There is a listserv dedicated to TBDs with many knowledgeable people on it your friend could join.
  22. I used to have a coupler. But once I read the Amber Alert a couple of years ago, about two greys who got away joined by a coupler, I have never used one again. The awful possibilities under such circumstances were simply too much.
  23. I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful girl
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