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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Poor baby. Hopefully it's a bladder infection and the Clavamox will do its job, and in the meantime the Tramadol will make her comfortable. Rotten luck on the blood vial, but good they are willing to come to you for a replacement. Gentle hugs for your girl from us!
  2. I think Pat nailed it! Seriously, bet as others have said, she's picking up on the change in your patterns and your feelings. Your wild child is very bonded to you.
  3. Lynn, how scary for you and for your girl. Sending prayers and good thoughts the symptoms are worse than the cause. Please keep us posted.
  4. I have e-mails from her early in her illness that I cannot give up. Her e-mail name - Firewoman - suited her so well. I miss her.
  5. Robin, I cannot believe it has been a year already since your precious mamma dog left you. My heart breaks for you all over again.
  6. Welcome fron Toronto Vic and Ted! Can hardly wait for pictures!
  7. Nothing useful to suggest, just hope that you will find a diet that will work for Ollie. With your crew you must be approaching expert status on special diets!
  8. Another vote that Hank should go to the vet (and a sample for them if possible). FWIW I wouldn't give any medication before seeing the vet, in order to avoid masking symptoms or being in conflict with the vet's chosen treatment approach. Please keep us posted - the blood is very worrisome.
  9. Fingers and paws crossed here for a simple UT!!
  10. Rickiesmom


    How unspeakably sad. My heart goes out to the foster family who opened their hearts to this girl, wanting to heal her heart with love.
  11. You might want to check out Carol Becker's assistance harness - it is well padded and can be worn 24*7. Here is a link for more information: Assistance Harness In addition to a harness description, there is a link for Carol's e-mail address. So happy to hear your boy is eating and has some pep!
  12. Rickiesmom


    DeVon I am so sorry your fears were confirmed. Sending you prayers of comfort and heart-healing.
  13. Devon, we are holding you and Biscuit in our thoughts and prayers today.
  14. Devon, I am so sorry. Sending prayers of comfort to you and to Biscuit.
  15. I am so, so sorry. I will light a candle for your sweet girl tonight, and pray for your heart's healing and comfort. Godspeed sweet Brandy.
  16. You don't have enough posts to PM (think you need 50) which is probably why you aren't seeing it. I have just read through your entire thread - no advice, but tons of prayers and good thoughts streaming your way. Will be watching for updates following your vet visit this afternoon. Hang in there!
  17. Another vote for hulling - I e-mailed my vet the article on how to do it as he'd never heard of the procedure before - he read the article and then took my whippet's corn off right there in the office - not even a drop of blood and from the size and hardness of the corn that came out, no surprise Rickie was a happy boy afterwards. We know we may have to do it again if it grows back, but it's such a simple procedure we don't mind.
  18. I defer to others with more expertise, but isn't Pepcid supposed to be given before eating? Though I guess you are trying to get him to eat pretty much anytime he's willing, which would decouple the med-food schedule somewhat. Agree with others, seems surprising he wouldn't have any pain meds for the first while post-op. FWIW, many years ago we had back surgery done on a lab cross about the same age as your grey. It's too long ago to remember what meds he was on afterwards, but he recovered just fine, lived for another few years without back problems, and was eventually lost to completely unrelated issues. We pray after these initial bumps in the road, that your boy will have a smooth recovery.
  19. Dee, just seeing this now - very relieved Goldie seems better - sending prayers and watching anxiously for an update!
  20. What a handsome, handsome boy!! And he sounds perfect
  21. Shine down on your family angel Apollo, they love and miss you so much.
  22. This happened to me after Rickie's big surgery a couple of years ago involving a skin flap. My understanding is that the vets prefer not to interfere if possible, as it can compromise the integrity of the suture line. However, and this was the case with Rickie, the "escapee stitches" were very obtrusive in some places and the vet clipped them. My understanding, which may be mistaken, is that it's best not to pull on internal stitches as they are done in a continuous series, rather than as individual stitches the way external ones are. More recently when Rickie had a smaller surgery, he had a bit of reaction to the internal stitching material and developed what the surgeon called "suture rash". I kept it cleaned and soothed with saline applied with a surgical sponge and it settled down, though we had the occasional smaller flare up for awhile. In the case of this suture line the couple of stitches that surfaced weren't a bother so I left them. They disappeared - my assumption is that the material under the skin on either side dissolved, and these then dropped out. If it's the same kind of internal suture material Rickie's surgeon used, it can take about 6 months to dissolve. Good luck with Bonnie!
  23. Congratulations! Graham is one good looking boy, and already right at home.
  24. A bit different situation, but my Jaynie went into acute kidney failure following a suspected bad drug reaction. She is on Royal Canin's prescription food, and also on benazepril for her blood pressure. Over time her values, which like Logan's, were off the charts, have improved though she still has rather high creatinine and somewhat low urine specific gravity. In addition to the prescription kibble I also give Jaynie a one-egg buttery omelet per day (no seasoning in egg, unsalted butter). Before doing that with your pup it would be best to check with your vet - eggs have very bio-available protein but are also somewhat high in phosphorus. There are a couple of Yahoo groups for kidney dogs - you will be asked, when you join, to file blood and urine results. Here are the links: K9kidneys: http://pets.groups.y...p/K9KidneyDiet/ K9kidneydiet: http://pets.groups.y...p/K9KidneyDiet/ This all started with Jaynie last October, so I don't have a long term perspective, but so far agree with others that with good management and ongoing monitoring, things seem to be stable. No one would ever guess today, how very sick Jaynie was - she's a very active, happy, stuffie killing girl! We wish you and Logan nothing but the best.
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