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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I just read your entire Gifted Suzy journal, loving the love story, sharing your heartbreak through tears. Your connection is deep and forever. I will light a candle now in honour of a very beautiful soul. My heart goes out to you. My eyes will look for a special star tonight when I take my hounds out for a walk.
  2. Lexi, you are so beautiful. Sending you and your mom many prayers.
  3. Will be watching for an update on Saturday! Sending "it's nothing" thoughts your way and Phene's.
  4. Sending ongoing prayers for Lexi and for you.
  5. Rickiesmom


    Diane, you know how clearly this speaks to me, for your own tragic loss, and after Jaynie and Metacam post-op. Never again. And without your shared experience I might have continued to give it to her orally as prescribed, instead of Tramadol which I luckily had on hand. We don't know for sure if Metacam is what sent Jaynie into acute kidney failure. But if the tick panel comes back clear, and the lepto retest isn't positive, there isn't going to be much else to point at. The lessons we learn at the expense of our hounds are the hardest to bear. But what they know and understand at such a fundamental level is that we love them and do all we know to help them. Eliza will greet you with the greatest joy and uncountable kisses.
  6. I am so sorry. Thank you for loving her in the time you had her.
  7. Run free sweet one. Wendy, I am so sorry for the loss of your little guy.
  8. Sending prayers the meds show results soon for your Lexi!
  9. Jaynie is home. I have started a new thread in EEG. Decided not to put it in H&M as hopefully that's nearly all behind us now! Thank you all for your prayers and incredible support - please join me in celebrating Jaynie's homecoming!
  10. I just know this new night walking schedule is going to result in another bag-in-the-tree!
  11. Jaynie is coming home today YAY! Her discharge appointment is at 2PM. Her BUN is 6.3, up from 5.x yesterday, but within normal range (2.14-9.8 mmol/L) Creatinine is up to 250. Not a huge change, but up rather than down which is disappointing. Normal is (44-141 umol/L ) Dr. Norris didn't mention platelets and I forgot to ask. I can do that at discharge, but expect they are fine or he'd have raised the subject. He wants to wait til her recheck to do a urinalysis - toward the end of this week / start of next week. No culture or UNC results yet. She'll be coming home on a bunch of meds and on a prescription diet. He wants to keep her diet pretty strict for the next 5 - 6 weeks, til we see where she ends up both for her kidneys, and the enlarged spleen. She's been getting canned but dry is available, and I prefer the idea of dry. I'll have to brush her teeth more often to make up for no hard chews, and also check out the resources Dee and Carole mentioned, for which thank you, belatedly. I'll try to get some pictures posted of her, either later today or tomorrow. I am so excited and relieved to be bringing her home!!
  12. Oh no Diane. Just seeing this. I loved Pablo when we met him, and as you know, Vikas was smitten. I am so, so sorry. Of all silly things to remember, his "stripy" tail was just so gorgeous. As was his soul.
  13. Linda you are right - I had lost track of the importance of a urinalysis because it was pointless for so long. Thank you for reminding me - something to ask about tomorrow.
  14. Misty Claudia, I believe souls that bond remain so. Your connection to Misty is forever.
  15. Continued prayers for your Lexi and for you.
  16. Nothing raises the spirits like a good update! Lexi, keep getting better!
  17. Spoke with Dr Norris this AM, Jaynie's values are pretty status quo. Her creatinine today was 230, so she's fluctuating within a pretty narrow range. It's good of course, that it hasn't continued to go up, though I was so hoping it would go down. Regarding the blood in her urine, he said it could also be a vaginal discharge. So they are going to culture her urine and also a swab from her vagina to figure out what's going on. I should be there for one of her walks this afternoon, so will hopefully get a sense of whether there's and change in the appearance of her urine. He surprised me a bit by saying they would probably take her off fluids altogether today, and see how she does. I had assumed they'd bring her down a bit more from 1.5x before doing that, but apparently not. He didn't mention coming home, I guess the earliest will be tomorrow, so they can monitor her for however-long off fluids. (Edited to add - I just counted - she's been on fluids for 12 days.) He knows I'll be there this afternoon, so if there is any more news, the UNC tick panel results in particular, hopefully he'll drop by for a moment with an update. Thank you for your continued good thoughts - must say yesterday's rising creatinine and the blood in her urine really gave me a turn. Off to make her eggs. Also, think tonight I'll prepare an omelet for our dinner - with all this recent practice they are coming out looking quite professional. Post-visit update: Saw Dr. Norris. Nothing in from UNC yet. With regard to the blood in her urine, he said based on the swab he's pretty sure the blood we saw is from Jaynie's vigina. Not sure what to make of that. Her spay was exactly two weeks ago. In any event, the swab and the urine will both be cultured. It was a good visit. Jaynie knows the drill and started searching for the ziploc with eggs as soon as I got there. Otherwise it was much as usual - some sleeping, some roaching. She seemed more alert today - took more of an interest in dogs being walked by, or people talking nearby. The IV is out so she's self-sustaining now. I am both excited and apprehensive to hear her numbers tomorrow.
  18. Dr. Norris called while we were out walking the dogs. He only left voicemail regarding bloodwork - nothing about the blood in Jaynie's urine. Things are holding pretty steady except her creatinine is up to 247 - not good. I hope to learn more when I speak with him tomorrow.
  19. Haven't heard from Dr. Norris yet today. The attending at the clinic called in the morning but didn't have any blood results yet. She did say that at midnight some stringy blood and mucus had been observed in Jaynie's urine. It's on her chart again for 3 and 6am, and I saw some today when we walked her at 3pm. As this coincides with the lowering of her fluids, I hope it doesn't mean anything really bad. As far as I can tell she's on 1.5x fluids right now. I'm not sure how fast they will continue to bring them down, but am starting to wonder if Monday will be the day after all. Jaynie's urine was cultured when she came in and was clear, but presumably it's time to do that again. We had a nice visit. Jaynie was asleep when I arrived, but became lively very fast when she realized I had nice buttery scrambled eggs in a ziploc. Gave her a little bit (which she made clear was not being dished out quickly enough) the rest are in the fridge for later. She slept a lot for the rest of the visit, some good roaches, a bit of grooming, and kisses. She likes her walks - poop not so great today, formed but very soft. I was told to expect a call from Dr. Norris this afternoon, and I hope he does call as I am anxious to know how she's doing overall, and what he thinks about the blood. Will post again when I hear from him.
  20. Nothing like a double good news update! Prayers they continue to do well and without complication.
  21. I doubt a single brownie will do her harm. Probably a lot more sugar than chocolate. Keep an eye on her but I bet she'll be fine.
  22. You go Lexi! There is a lot of love behind you and your mom, and tons of prayers for you to get better!
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