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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. All fingers and toes crossed here for your sweet girlie.
  2. Robin, I hope as long as a distraction takes her out of it, it's nothing to worry about. Will be looking for an update following your Wed vet visit, and in the meantime, huge hugs to you and Chloe.
  3. I think Dasequin may be called Flexadin in Canada, something to check if you can't find Dasequin. My whippet has arthritis (he's almost 12) and we have dealt with it successfully using the following daily supplements: - Flexadin (from vet) - Wobenzym (you can get this at a health food store) - Zeel (also from a health food store) Last year after he lost a lot of muscle while recovering from a surgery that required restricted mobility, we also enrolled him at a local rehab centre, where he received laser treatments and spent time on the underwater treadmill, and I was shown some passive exercises to do with him to maintain / increase flexibility, all of which helped immensely. Good luck with Hayes!
  4. In pictures your Mokka always looked to me like she was floating - something about her coat when she was in motion. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special girl.
  5. I am so, so sorry. My heartfelt condolences to Chance's foster mom and all who cared for him.
  6. We use Program. It's not an insecticide and is supposed to be very safe for dogs. Certainly after years of use on many dogs, we've never encountered a problem. Novartis who makes it provides this information. Have never used the injectable, probably wouldn't, only the monthly tablets. One consideration - we don't have much of a tick problem here - Program is effective against fleas but not ticks. Finally, as a sidebar, we use Interceptor for heartworm. The active ingredient is relatively safe compared with others, and also deals with a number of intestinal parasites. Novartis makes a combined product (Program + Interceptor) which I believe is called Sentinel, but I prefer to give them separately, two weeks apart just as a precaution (not to overload the system).
  7. Someone said to me once, there is no statute of limitations on grief. You and your angel Fly are in my thoughts.
  8. Welcome Kevin! Another fan, and also grateful for your generosity to adoption fundraising.
  9. Can you get on a cancellation list for the vet? You are going to worry so much between now and Friday, when it might be something completely innocuous.
  10. Did your vet do urinalysis? Get a first catch of the day asap to the clinic for analysis - you want to know what the specific gravity is - a good indicator of whether the kidneys are functioning properly or not. I concur with others - get a second opinion. Also, if your hound does need to be on a kidney-friendly diet, there are other options for prescription kibbles than Science Diet, including ones made by Purina and Royal Canin that many feel are better for ingredients and palatability. Please keep us posted!
  11. Just catching up on the latest Lynn. When is the neuro consult? Keeping fingers and paws crossed for something simple!
  12. Ooooohhhhhh - there's that handsome boy! He sure looks like he knows he's home Tina! Hope with all your care and the rehab that your Monkey will be fully recovered before the end of summer. What a long haul! Congratulations to you and Eric!
  13. Lisa, I am sorry to hear about Jazz. Hope he responds to medication and you have a long time with him, spoiling him within the parameters all the way.
  14. What an awful, sudden loss. I am so sorry.
  15. Glad she's feeling better! Hopefully "just one of those things".
  16. Lynn, just checking in for an update, hoping your girl is feeling better and has finally managed a proper poo.
  17. Welcome back Tina - thank you for the great hound family pictures! Hope you Monkey is healing well
  18. Robin, a few years ago Arlie had the full gamut of thyroid tests done at MSU including fT4 by equilibrium dialysis. They and OSU concurred she was normal for a greyhound. We're due for her annual check-up in May and I will definitely ask about a possible connection, but based on past results, that may not be the issue.
  19. Back from the vet. She watched Robin's videos (thank you again for posting) and thought they looked like a focal seizure like Dee said. I talked to her about ideopathic head bobbing, and she pointed out ideopathic just means the cause is unknown. That said, she also said that unless this happens more than once within 24h, or again within 6 - 8 weeks, not to worry. (In retrospect I may have missed something about that last bit.) Based on everything you have all posted, I am not concerned for now - thank you so much for your help!
  20. Thank you for this information - I have written down a few things to take with me to the vet this afternoon.
  21. Robin, thank you for the clips - what Arlie did was very much like that. Very unlikely to be fertilized grass - it's still too early in the spring here for people to be applying fertilizer (we still have a bit of snow) and we don't use it at all in our yard because of the dogs. Very happy to be able to rule this out!! The log is a good idea - this is the first time I've seen this behaviour, but perhaps not the last. No nystagmus involved and I am confident about this because a (human) friend of mine has this condition so I know exactly what it looks like.
  22. I am sure I've seen threads about this in the past, but wasn't successful finding them via search in H&M. A few moments ago, Arlie, who is resting on the couch, raised her head and it was trembling fairly strongly sort of side to side (vs up and down). She was fully alert and didn't seem to be in any distress, it was as if her head was acting independently. It seemed to stop after not too long and then started again, not as hard as before, but it went on longer (I was too busy watching her to time it but we're talking maybe a minute to a few minutes). She's completely still now, and has returned to her snooze. I've never seen her do this before, and don't know what to make of it. Arlie is 8.5 years old. Please post if you have experienced this in one of your hounds, or otherwise have some idea of what is going on. Thank you! Coincidentally we have a vet appointment at 5PM today (anal gland check) so I will definitely mention this to the vet, but your thoughts on this would be very much appreciated in the meantime!
  23. Claudia that is so awesome. I've always wanted to have a communicator tell me about my hounds. PS No wonder you want to move - your neighbour sounds like an 11 on the 1 - 10 PITA scale.
  24. Unlikely this is the issue as it would have been found, but when Arlie cried out when trying to poop last year, it was a sign her anal glands were full, and in fact one was on the verge of rupturing. (We go every couple of months now to have them checked. Ounce of prevention.)
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