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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Fingers crossed for a smooth recovery and a benign path report. Gentle kisses to Bruiser, and hugs to you.
  2. Continued prayers Judy, for both of you.
  3. Judy, we will keep you and Bruiser in our prayers.
  4. Wendy I am so sorry. Rocky was a character, and those are the hardest to lose.
  5. My Jaynie is on low protein food after a bad drug reaction following her spay sent her into acute renal failure (not diagnosed for a crucial couple of days because her bloodwork going in was perfect). I feed Royal Canin / MediCal low protein supplemented by one egg daily cooked in organic coconut oil. People can flame me for the ingredients in that food but almost 3 years on she is the vision of health and I am not messing with success. If you want a non prescription alternative, have a look at Wellness Core reduced fat - unlike most companies, Wellness lists maximums instead of minimums for many important dietary components.
  6. Ruben sounds like a wonderful hound - easy to see why he was loved by many. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. Hope the flagyl kicks in quickly. I wonder if some famotidine (pepsid) would be help as well.
  8. What a beautiful tribute to an extraordinarily beautiful and special girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. In Toronto, Dr. Brendon Ringwood at VEC is an excellent surgeon. You'd have to ask about his LP experience. He does have GH experience and has done surgeries on my whippet. Dr. Carl Porter at TVEH also has an excellent reputation. I've been to him for diagnostics but not surgery.
  10. Totally agree and remember what you went through in 2009 and how thin Beau got. Hopefully this will resolve quickly!
  11. I am going through this right now with Jaynie. Dental surgeon thought it was probably an epulis but took a small biopsy sample to be sure. She said they don't want to disturb it too much til they know what they are dealing with. Should it turn out to be malignant there are various surgical options available depending on how invasive it is. If caught early, they can do a bone-sparing procedure that will remove some bone, but leave the bottom most line of bone. Otherwise they will remove a chunk of jaw. While there are techniques under these circumstances to keep the jaw from drifting, it was her opinion most would not be optimal in a greyhound. The jaw would therefore drift somewhat, but apparently the dogs adjust quite well. This was the gist of it - I am probably over-simplifying and in the process leaving out some important considerations. We don't have Jaynie's biopsy results back yet, so I have no more detailed information. All fingers and paws crossed here that Cooper has a simple epulis!
  12. Rickiesmom

    Rip Jim

    I am so sorry. While there is no good way to lose a loved one, it is awful not to have time to prepare. You gave Jim the best years of his life and I am sure he is radiating that love back to you from the Rainbow Bridge.
  13. Add me to the number of people who never met him, but wish they had. Rest in peace Father, and in the harmony of the love that surrounds you.
  14. I thought the column layout of the old version was helpful to see more easily what forum a thread was in, or who had started it (which made re-finding a thread easier sometimes). Also miss the subtitles but from what I've read above, that was removed in this version, and not a feature setting.
  15. As a matter of interest, would Capstar have caused the tick to fall off quicker? I don't live in tick country, but will be heading South soon. Bought one of the tick spoon-like removers, but was also considering bringing Capstar for good measure.
  16. I feel Wellness Core Reduced Fat to my whippet who will be 14 next month. This is based on a report in the Whole Dog Journal a couple of years ago.
  17. I am just seeing this. Sending prayers for more time, for strength, and comfort. This is just heartbreaking.
  18. Ingrid, what an uplifting and heartbreaking story all at once. I am so sorry Prince is gone. I was raised with German Shepherds, and think they are the most marvelous breed. My condolences to your mom, I can only imagine the hole in her heart right now.
  19. What an awful, heartbreaking shock. I am so, so sorry for your loss.
  20. Awww Robin, I am so sorry. Huge hugs to you and Rich.
  21. Another huge Dr. Radcliffe fan here. When I was getting nowhere (at great expense) here with my elderly whippet, I took him to Dr. R, who proposed a completely uninvasive treatment plan that returned Rickie to mobility. He just "got" all my concerns without my needing to voice them. I love him. At nearly 14, thanks to Dr, R., Rickie is more active than he has been for a couple of years. I can't say enough good about him.
  22. What a sweet tribute to a special hound. Please do post photos when you are able.
  23. FWIW, if one of my hounds had this and the surgeon didn't get clean margins I would look into the OSU chemo treatment. My whippet Rickie had this type of tumour removed from his hind leg in 2009 - margins were not clean. It came back almost exactly one year later. I was checking the site frequently and found it while it was still very small, took him to a specialist clinic and a very good surgeon got clean margins, though it took a very aggressive surgery to achieve that. The good news is that it hasn't returned again.
  24. Rickiesmom


    Brie, could this be her? BB Psycokimberly Sounds like she thrived in her group environment. I am so sorry for your loss of this girl that you cared for.
  25. Looks like staph to me too - that poor, poor girl! And poor you!
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