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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Diane, my heart breaks for you. Your sweet (and in your face) Gracie could never be with you long enough, but this was way too soon. I am so sorry I didn't know until now. I will light a candle for your sweet pita, because she was who she was, and you adored her. Which she no doubt knew and took full advantage of. You know deep down you have heart left, that is what makes you who you are.
  2. Rickiesmom


    I am so very sorry.
  3. Rickiesmom


    Many understand your pain and wish we could take away even a little of it, but only time and enduring love can do that. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Dee I am just seeing this now - great news!!!!!!!!
  5. Jaynie is a marking kind of a girl, but she learned pretty quickly not to pee on the main floor. The second floor though, took a lot longer, and that's why I got her the panties. You do put a sanitary pad inside. It helps but doesn't catch everything, at least in her case. Eventually this behaviour stopped. I was worried when we moved to the new house that she would start over again. Fortunately not. Good luck!
  6. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling.
  7. If, as I did when I got Jaynie, you are having them shipped across the border, suggest the sender put something more innocuous on the customs label
  8. Jaynie gets a one-egg omelet cooked in organic coconut oil every day - her coat is beautiful.
  9. Janet, when I got your e-mail yesterday it wasn't at all the news I was expecting. I am so, so sorry.
  10. Hope it was just a passing thing. About the stairs - I don't know how old Fixer is, but my whippet, who will be 14 in June, won't do stairs in the dark either. I think it has to do with deteriorating vision in his case, perhaps in Fixer's also. Fingers crossed!
  11. It is so hard to see them seemingly whole on the outside, while inside they are being stolen away. Cherish every moment and spoil her rotten - she has no idea and will love what you are doing, as bittersweet as it is for you.
  12. Judy I am so, so sorry. What an heartbreaking turn of events. All of you, hound and human, are in my thoughts. I will light a candle for Saint at dusk.
  13. What a wonderful tribute to a very special boy. I am so sorry for your loss of Stormy.
  14. SUCH good news Robin. Please give her a kiss from me - I know she's short of them right now.
  15. Thank heavens. Feel better Peanut, while they get to the bottom of this. Hugs to you both Janet, you must be so relieved, if a bit guarded still.
  16. Janet, I am keeping you both close in heart and prayer. I know how scared you must be.
  17. Burts Bees Hand Salve also works well - comes in a round tin.
  18. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry for the hearbreak of Allie's loving family, including Bert. Godspeed pretty girl.
  19. Hoping it turns out to be nothing! When will you have the pathology report back?
  20. Fly free Auntie Em. You may not have made it to a couch, but you knew the love of the farmer who cared and hoped for you.
  21. Rickiesmom


    Sweet Jewell. I will light a candle now to light your way and send a little extra love on its light.
  22. Run like the wind black beauty! I am so sorry for your sudden, devastating loss.
  23. I'm so sorry. What a wonderful and handsome boy.
  24. Congratulations - he is so sleek and shiny - what a handsome boy!
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