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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Judy the news about his heart is so promising. Hopefully they can narrow the cause down for you soon, and very hopefully it's not his liver. We continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
  2. Jaynie has the best skin and coat I've ever had in a dog. She gets a one-egg omelet every day cooked in organic coconut oil. She also gets omega oil supplements but I think it's the omelet that does it. I should add that I don't know if that would be good for all dogs, but it sure seems to work for her. She's a cowdoggie but the black parts are shiny black and her sensitive skin is fine. Hope you find something that works for your Bella.
  3. Judy, you, Mike and Bullitt are surrounded by all the good thoughts, white light and prayers we can muster.
  4. Please have them send the blood sample to North Carolina State University which is the current gold standard for testing. You have been through so much lately, my heart goes out to you.
  5. Yesterday I took Rickie into the vet - although his tail didn't seem to be bothering him, that the tip had a life of its own bothered me, as did a growing bump at the junction. Xrays confirmed it's really broken. Vet and I agreed the best middle ground would be to splint it. So (bearing in mind this is a whippet) she wrapped a tongue depressor in tape (no splinters if it broke) and taped that to the bottom part of his tail in 3 places so that it wouldn't be too hot and so there would be less chance the tape adhesive would be irritating. This is the kind of tape that peels off pretty easily, happily. We go for a recheck on Saturday morning, and if all looks good she'll give me supplies so I can change the splint myself, for, probably 3 - 4 weeks. This needs to be kept dry so of course after an almost entirely dry summer, it is raining today and will for the next day or two. Eternal gratitude to Glad for Press'n Seal
  6. I haven't read all the responses but do have a few observations: - back in the early 90s my lab-beagle cross had back surgery at the age of 12 - we never went through anything like you are; he was on pain meds for a period of time (codeine) and had to be kept quiet (xpen in living room) leash-only walks etc., but we did not have any issues with whining etc. - between all my dogs we've been through a lot of surgeries, still nothing like you are describing; no idea if it's pain or a drug reaction, but something is wrong - I've used two facilities here for water therapy with my whippet, and the owner is *expected* to be there. Something is wrong with this picture.
  7. Godspeed Matt. Heather, I am so sorry. Matt sounds like one of those quiet hounds who softly creates a larger and larger place in our hearts, and a huge void when they leave.
  8. I noticed when I walked Rickie (whippet) before bed last night that his tail has a kink about 3 - 4" up from the end. No idea how this happened, but it wasn't there before. There is no wound and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. I searched H&M and most people whose hound had a broken tail were also dealing with a wound. In the one case that wasn't, the recommendation was to monitor to make sure there is blood supply to the tip, but otherwise leave it. Does anyone disagree with this, and if so, what is your thinking? He's 14 years old and gets very stressed at the vet, so all things being equal, my inclination is to monitor it but otherwise leave it alone. If the kink doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother me. Although, maybe I should wrap it, not too tightly, for stability? How long it will take to heal? Thank you for your thoughts on this.
  9. Thank you for the suggestions. Biotene was what I was thinking of and couldn't remember the name. At this point I don't think there's much going on as there is no swelling, just a thin red line where the gum meets the tooth. However, if biotene doesn't clear it up quickly I will follow-up with the vet.
  10. I brush the dogs' teeth daily. Lately the gum below one of Jeff's teeth is red where it meets the tooth. I pay more attention to it when I brush, and thought that would clear it up but it hasn't. His mouth overall is in really good shape, the problem is isolated to this one tooth, so I'm wondering if there is something I can put on a q-tip and apply to the area to clear up whatever is going on. Suggestions? Thank you!
  11. Just seeing this - sending good thoughts and hoping this is something simple to fix!
  12. Glad everything went fine July - sounds like things are returning to "normal".
  13. My goodness Judy, that's way too much going on at once. We'll be thinking of all of you, and especially the boys will be tucked into our prayers.
  14. I was so disturbed by that story it was awhile before I could move on to do anything else . Rest in peace sweet soul.
  15. You might consider setting up an xpen (exercise pen) in the living room or where ever people tend to be a lot, if possible, positioned with a view to a hallway or other spaces within your home.
  16. Just catching up Judy. I hope you get the antibiotics you need today to get rid of this thing once and for all. Hugs to you and the Bean!
  17. This is a very good idea. You need rest to take care of Da Vid and yourself.
  18. I'm sorry but I have forgotten. Do you have more than one grey? If yes, is it possible that if you can get the other one to go up the ramp, that Da Vid will follow, especially with a special treat (which I know you've been trying). The other thing is, he may not like the surface material on the ramp. I wonder if you can wedge the top of a rubber backed runner between the top of the ramp and your vehicle so it won't slip, if he might like it better. All fingers and paws crossed here!
  19. I second the suggestion about discussing after care with the surgeon!
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