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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Mlindau - agree with others - have the x-ray done - it's easy, non-invasive and will help with the diagnosis.
  2. Judy my heart sank when I saw this thread. I am so, so sorry.
  3. I am so sorry for your joint loss - the heartache is palpable.
  4. Just seeing this Brie - sending good thoughts for your girl and a hug for you
  5. Poor girlie - sending healing thoughts for you pretty girl.
  6. Rickiesmom


    My heart sank when I saw "Remembrance" beside Steak's name. I cannot imagine the shock and heartbreak you are feeling, and am so, so sorry.
  7. I was so saddened to see this thread. Though I never met her, Bee Wiseman was a hound I always loved to hear about and see pictures of. When I saw the photos from Dewey I hoped that meant she was doing well and you still had time. It is wonderful that you were able to take her to that special place. May those memories in particular bring you flashes of joy and peace in the midst of your sorrow.
  8. Here is an update: "The new vet she saw on Tuesday immediately took skin scrapings and cultures of the affected area and also did a culture on the eye itself. He also did a dye test of some sort on the eye (not sure what it was for though) and did a thorough examination of the ye itself. Thankfully the eye is in good shape and not affected at all. He thinks she has a really nasty case of ringworm! (There has been an huge outbreak of ringworm in some areas of Alberta this fall.) He put her on oral meds for the ringworm, and 5mg of prednisone a day to reduce the swelling. He opted not to prescribe any ointment, as it is just too close to her eye. After two days on the pred the swelling is now completely gone and the redness is going away. They should have all the cultures back by next uesday when she goes in for a recheck." Thank you all for your suggestions - some of you definitely nailed it! I know everyone who saw that photo will share my relief that the inflammation and redness are going away. It hurt just looking at it, it must have been miserable to endure.
  9. Just seeing this now Diane - praying all went well, and looking for an update.
  10. A friend in Alberta posted about this hound on a whippet board we both belong to - vets so far are stumped. Initially this was diagnosed as a blepharitis infection, but it was unresponsive to combined topical and oral antibiotic treatment for 10 days (I have asked which abx) along with warm compresses 4 times per day. This treatment has had no material effect, and the vet is now suggesting an eyelid biopsy (for $1600!!) to see if it is an auto-immune issue. The owner originally thought the dog had bumped itself as the area around the eye started out a bit swollen and blueish. It has now turned red and scabby. The eye itself is apparently fine and the dog is acting normal otherwise. Has anyone seen anything like this, and if so, what was it, and how was it successfully treated? Thank you for your help - that much swelling has got to be painful - the sooner this poor baby can be helped the better.
  11. Rickiesmom


    Oh no! I saw the post about her fall. I am so, so sorry for your loss of Bree.
  12. What a special girl shines through your tribute. I am so sorry for your loss of Blast.
  13. Sending prayers for strength for you and a peaceful passage for Rainy.
  14. As a matter of interest, what did the vet put him on? Hope they work, even though the pouch isn't bothering him.
  15. Harrison sounds like one in a million. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special hound.
  16. Poor Astro. Not twice, that's for sure, but Jaynie tore the nail off a dewclaw while tearing around the back yard last year. In her case it was clearly painful, so I took her to the vet who shaved it off and put her on Tramadol for a few days. As you are doing, we didn't bandage it, but did keep an eye on her so that she wouldn't lick. This meant she got to sleep in bed at night which is supposed to be a Rickie-only privilege, so it wasn't too hard on her The nail did grow back, and has since been very easy to keep short on "dremel Wednesdays". Hope Astro heals well and quickly.
  17. I personally don't like them, and now don't use them out of caution. Some time ago in Amber Alert a pair of dogs coupled together broke away from the leash and ran into a wooded area. The potential for getting caught on things, pulling each other this way and that leading to injury, etc., so frightened me that I would never use one now. But that's me, lots of people use and like them.
  18. Welcome Rachael and Joe! He's gorgeous, not that we're partial to cowdoggies here <wink>.
  19. Hope the compresses help Toni. The girls are giving me mean looks for taking so long to catch up on what happened today!
  20. Just seeing this Toni, and sending good thoughts for the Pirate. I don't know whether to hope it's gone by the time you get home, or to hope it's still there so the vet can see it and advise. The girls and I will be watching for an update.
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