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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. We will be beaming good thoughts on Wednesday, and looking for an update. Like so many, I know how hard this kind of worrying and waiting can be.
  2. My almost 14.5 year old whippet Rickie has been on Wellness Core Reduced Fat for some time - because he has had cancer I wanted grain free, and because as he aged he was gaining weight, I wanted reduced fat. Plus, this kibble has relatively low Phosphorus which is also a big plus. Problem is, he poops his body weight daily. OK, I am exaggerating, but he poops a lot (2 - 4 times per walk) and first thing in the morning, is likely to do it in the bedroom (a couple of times in bed, ick). There is way too much output. So I am looking for a kibble that is lower residue. It doesn't need to be grain-free as I think the high protein content may be a factor at this point. I looked at the Acana senior food today and it has 33% protein. I've picked up a small bag of the Wellness Senior food but it has a lot of grain - guess I was looking for something more in the middle. If you have found a kibble that works well for your senior hound please share! Thank you! Sorry - wrong forum - have asked the mods to move to diet and nutrition.
  3. Oh no, I am so, so sorry. Your tribute's greatest eloquence is your love for a very challenging and very, very special girl. Godspeed Edie, you had the best mom, and the bestest ears, ever.
  4. Jaynie had one removed recently. Because of the need to get margins they also had to remove a tooth. She is an anaesthetic risk due to compromised kidneys so the surgery was done by a board certified dental surgeon and anaesthesiologist. I am very happy we went that route - turns out the roots were bonded to the bone and it was a difficult extraction. Based on what we paid I'd say your quote was fine.
  5. Because Champion Foods, which produces Orijen and Acana is located in Alberta, I e-mailed them to ask if any of their "human quality" beef came from XL Foods. Here is their response: We do not purchase any product from XL Foods, so the beef recall from this company does not affect our ingredient supply. Our Quality Assurance department follows protocols for testing from the time ingredients enter our plant, through production, and packaging.Once the food is released to the warehouse it goes into a Quality Assurance Hold area. Our Quality Assurance technicians sample the product and send it to a Government Certified Laboratory for Microbiological testing. Every sample is tested for known pathogens: Salmonella, Listeria, Clostridium, and Enterobacteriaceae which includes E. Coli and other Coliforms. All of our finished kibble is held before shipping in order to have Nutritional testing as well. No product is shipped until all of our tests come back clear. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to write back. I have no affiliation or association with Champion, and in fact each of my 3 eats different food based on their specific needs, but Jeff eats Ranchlands, hence my concern. Edited for font size.
  6. I'd have to look for the article, but there is some research a few years ago that showed that some dogs will have reflux unless they have a late night snack to tide them over to morning. This was really about the effects of fasting a dog before surgery (reflux can result in aspiration and esophagus irritation). The results showed it was beneficial to give the dog a very light snack 6h before surgery, however, the sample was small, so would need to be corroborated by a larger study before following the protocol, and I haven't pursued it.
  7. Rickiesmom


    I'm so sorry your boy is gone. Every one this relentless, cruel disease takes is another too many.
  8. My heart goes out to you, for Trooper and others you care for.
  9. I agree with many posters above - get her to an internal medicine specialist as fast as you can.
  10. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry for Daniel, who was loved and had a loving home waiting, and for all who loved and tried so hard to save him.
  11. Lori my heart sank when I saw this post. Bill was iconic here on GT but most importantly he was a huge part of your heart and life. I am so, so sorry. I will light a candle now for his journey.
  12. I am so sorry. Your gift to Greta of a peaceful passing at home is the greatest you can give.
  13. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry for your loss of your dad and Ice. May you find comfort in your love for them, and their journey forward together.
  14. It may be an epulis but some oral cancers can look like that too. I'd get him in and have it biopsied asap. Fingers crossed!
  15. Wabi totally changed the way I view dandelions Against all odds Wabi was such an *alive* dog. Something we can all learn from, and certainly something that allows her to reach beyond, her spirit triumphing over all else.
  16. Happy birthday beautiful Bee Wiseman. You are missed by many here on GT.
  17. FWIW in case Aquitaine doesn't like the Purina either, Jaynie is on the Royal Canin / Medical Low Protein food and loves it - she would eat the canned as soon as she was past her sickest phase, and still eats the dry with some supplementation.
  18. Not sure if they would help but there are gel products like the one made by Healthy Mouth that might help in combination with brushing. I was given some Vetzlife gel to try as well. (I don't have the same problems you do - but Jeff has recession and here and there it gets irritated sometimes so I am trying to deal with it preventatively).
  19. I use it for my 14 year old whippet - 1/2 packet daily. It has firmed things up and I figure at his age it may help with nutrient absorption which is a good thing.
  20. My whippet has corns - the can definitely occur in other breeds, although he is a sighthound. Agree with others - second photo looks like a corn. I believe there is a yahoo group called something like corndogs - in addition to this site you might want to look that up - perhaps someone here will post a link.
  21. Do any of these mushroom supplements work preventatively, or only as treatments?
  22. Leaving the KD made me laugh - they are such little stinkers! Sounds like Aquitaine is on the mend - makes a heart glad!
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