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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I am so sorry you didn't have longer with Charlie. What a beautiful and special hound he was.
  2. Janet, sock it to 'em (TBD). So glad Jake is feeling spunky!
  3. I may be missing some background, but have x-rays been done?
  4. Sending good thoughts for Choo Choo. Will be watching hopefully for a good update.
  5. I wonder if giving him bee propolis orally would be worth a try. I believe Xan had success with this, not sure how many others have tried it. It's the one thing I can think of that doesn't involve touching his feet, and it's not expensive. Poor pupper.
  6. Great to see some improvement - hope it keeps going!
  7. Janet I really hope the doxy works for Jake again!! Will be watching for an update.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss of your precious Lola.
  9. Janet, we are holding you and Jake in our thoughts. Let me know if there is anything at all that I can do.
  10. What a beautiful hound. I am so sorry for your loss of Elvis.
  11. Jeff wants you to know he is the bestest snuggler
  12. Not to hijack my own thread, but Jaynie is gorgeous, not that I'm biased. Here are a couple of mama photos: Looking pretty on a walk: The Jaynie classic: stolen mango: Toward the end of a fun run:
  13. Please join me in welcoming SE's Jeff C to the family. Jeff is son to my Jaynie (Barts Orchid) and Flying Stanley. He recently retired from Tri State in West Virginia. There are many people to thank for getting him here, starting with his owner, Colleen Pace, who agreed to give me first right of refusal when he became eligible for adoption, and followed through. A huge thank you to his trainer, Sherri Comas, who ensured he arrived pre-spoiled and in superb condition. While in the racing kennel Jeff had a cushy pet style bed in his crate, enjoyed premium kibble as part of his diet (Blue Buffalo if memory serves) and was just generally spoiled and loved. She personally drove him to Wheeling where they shared a night on a friend's couch before she dropped him off with the adoption group, ensuring his training as a spoiled house pet got off to an immediate start. Another huge thank you goes to Lisa Corbly, Greys Landing Greyhound Placement, for agreeing to take Jeff into her busy program, and for fostering him in her home, where he received the basic training every hound needs prior to going to their forever home. He needed to learn, for example, that unlike the racetrack, the direct route to your goal is not necessarily the best route at home: She also brought him on a trip to Erie with a couple of GUR pups, and that is where Jeff met his mama Jaynie and jumped into a car with Ontario plates to head home. I wish I had photos of that part of the trip but it was a bit hectic. Jeff was understandably pretty insecure the first 24h at home, and snuggled up to his mama. Amazingly she let him. One time only . He hasn't needed the belly band since that first day. He's a big boy (nearly 80 lbs) yet seems to favour the smallest bed, who knows why? And while mama may feel her days of nurturing her babies are over, she is certainly willing to do zoomies with him, and is often faster in spite of being more than twice his age, and a lot smaller. Go mom!! Jeff loves his ball! Although I have no photos of the two together, Jeff and Rickie get along just fine too. Welcome home Jeff :confetti
  14. Rickiesmom

    Rip Lj

    What a sad story and sadder ending. Thank you for being his friend and loving him.
  15. Diane, that first photo is the sweetest thing ever. I am so sorry.
  16. Diane just seeing this - I am so sorry you and Willie are going through this. Sending prayers for both of you for tomorrow. And meantime
  17. I am so sorry, and can only imagine his Dad's grief at losing him.
  18. If it's a hematoma, it might help to ice it (not directly, through a towel or the like. I have no idea if anything else it might be would contra-indicate this.
  19. Rickiesmom


    It is so wonderful that Bert's special qualities were recognized and appreciated by his second family. Godspeed beautiful boy.
  20. Tina I am so sorry. I only met Booker once, and he was such a soft and sweet boy.
  21. Actually, Claire, the facility was originally built as JaiAlai Fronton in 1971 then converted into the Melbourne Greyhound Park and racing facility in 1990. Regardless of where he contracted it...it was in some facility from the time he was a pup to the end of his racing career in 2006-7. Barbara I am so sorry you and your boy are going through this. Just wanted to mention that Claire was referring specifically to the kennel buildings where the hounds are housed, and not the facility as a whole.
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