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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. No, but now that we are on leg number 3 I think that will be next weeks chore.
  2. For those of you who know Jake this really isn't unusual. This makes the 4th unexplained swelling and limping on 3 different legs in 10 months. He was fine when I left the house this morning. Frank picked me up at 5:30 to go home and as I'm telling him about Jeany, he is telling me Jake can't walk. He said after he let the dogs out Jake refused to come up the steps to the deck. Jake was holding his back foot up. When I got home, it was swollen and hot, so off to the vet. We saw the cute vet this time and he said he was concerned, but didn't think an x-ray was warrented. We discussed tick disease, but Jake was tick tested as a blood donor and had the snap test done in the fall. We don't live in a high tick area and I don't take the dogs to places that are likely to have ticks. We also discussed auto immune diseases, since this is the 4th mysterious swelling and lameness in 3 different legs. He is on tramadol and rimadyl for a few days. The is definitely my "Special Boy"
  3. Glad you got it up. Sorry it'was so yucky for her. Better that than the problems that could have occurred if you hadn't made her throw up. She'll forgive you soon enough.
  4. \ Is it hemangiopericytoma? If so, as far as cancers go, it is one of the better ones to have. It is very slow to metastasize, according to my vet. I had a hound with it and he lived nearly another 7 years post diagnosis. Everytime a tumor would pop up, we'd have it removed. Elaine I was wondering if that was what it might be. That's what Foxy had and she lived 4 years after with no issues fromt the cancer. Since it sin't there are a few more that it could be. Blood vessel cancers can be locally agressive without causing other problems. If that's what your vet has told you it is I would still get a second opinion from OSU to confirm. They will do that for free. You'll see the link for contact info at the bottom of my siggy. I trust my vet completely, but she is the one who likes to run things by the team at OSU. Removal could give you many, many more months.
  5. I would give a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Give it outside, it will make a mess.
  6. I'd try something really strong smelling like sardines. Or get some pill pockets and put the powder in it. If nothing else, if he still refuses it, you can poke the pill pocket down the hatch.
  7. Right on the money as usual Marilyn. We are incredibly fortunate to have Dr Couto and the OSU GHWP behind us. I cannot stress enough how important it is to support them financially. Hope for Hounds continues to raise awareness and money for the cancer research they do. I am also speaking to greyhound groups whenever I can to share the message that the OSU Team is there for us and to also brainstorm ways we can raise money for the program. In a few days I will start a brainstorming thread to see how we can come together as a united group to do this. This thread is an awesome idea. I don't think people can be told enough when they do so much above and beyond their job.
  8. Robin I'm sorry, I know this has to be beyond exhausting for you. Twice ( 5 months apart) Jake has had leg swelling, limping and screaming. He is tick negative, and both times it has been an infection. Dr Couto suggested that it was something that lays dormant and is triggered. He has had many toe nail tears, cuts on his feet etc. For some reason his right back leg is where the infection appears. Last time we treated for 4 weeks with cephalexin and so far we have been good. I agree, the doxy might do the trick, but make sure the dose and the length of treatment are right. I'd ask Burpdog for that info. Praying that this does the trick and Beau starts to recover.
  9. ...not a greyhound. Duh........ blame that on jet lag okay?
  10. Does your vet know anything about greyhounds and their normal heart murmers and larger hearts? LINK to OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program's Frequently Asked Questions - heart murmer is # 2 I would have your vet read the article and consult with OSU before spending money on a specialist for something that may be normal. That said if after checking they still feel he has a murmer then a cardiologist is the way to go.
  11. Ouch! Poor Phene. I'd get some Traumeel for him Robin. I always have it in the house, it is a homeopathic combination of herbs. You use it for bruising and trauma following an injury or surgery. You can get it at health food stores and at Loblaws if they have an organic section where they have suppliments.
  12. Hi, welcome from Ottawa. I have Jake, Jet and Peanut. My angel Foxy left us in August last year.
  13. Souns like laryngeal paralysis. I checked GH Data and Alan is 12 right? Foxy started with LP symptoms at 11. I gave her benedryl at the beginning. The only true diagnosis is done by scoping, but Foxy had all the signs and responded first the the benedryl then later to pred. Raspy breathing worsens with exertion and heat.
  14. Robin I am so sorry. I know hard you both fought so hard. Godspeed Polli I know you'll have lots of friends at the bridge.
  15. Ditto from me. I'll send you the pred I have from Florida. Huge hugs and kisses to you both.
  16. She's home The incision looks pretty good. Just think what the bruising would have been like without the Amicar.
  17. See if your vet will do a fine needle of the bone instead of a punch biopsy. Dr Couto only does the fine needle, it gives them the cells they need for diagnosis and it is far less painful. Plus a punch biopsy will weeken the bone which can lead to a break. Prayers it is something else.
  18. Thank you, thank you! Wonderful news. Now little Miss FlippyDoo it's time to put your head down and take on this healing gig. I know you can do it.
  19. The Nellie auction is in the fall I think.... It's actually whenever Miss Alisha will fit us in. After last year, she might just run screaming. We had over 200 items in that auction, but the final total was just over $20,000.00 I'm planning to take a few days off after the auction this year to handle the invoicing etc. It is a huge amount of work, but so worth it.
  20. Jake had a corneal abrasion at the end of January. It took 4 visits and 2 corneal scratching to get it to heal. Our vet always freezes the eye with at least 2 sets of drops 15 min apart. The hatching helps the cornea heal evenly and tack down. If it doesn't tack down, it irritates when they blink. Before Jake had his first hatching done, there were no blood vessels showing, a week later they were there. I also started him on Euphrasia (eyebrite) an herbal suppliment that is in all the vitamin mixes for eyes (human) I don't know if it made a difference or not, but it was worth giving it a try. I also kept his dew claw taped since that is how we ended up going in for a second hatching. The original scratch was healed and then he scratched it again. I thought it would never heal. Jake's eye saga finally healing
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