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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. My heart just sank to my toes. I can`t imagine how you are getting your head around this. Have you contacted Dr Couto at OSU to ask his opinion. If nothing else they can provide the chemo drugs at no cost to you.
  2. When Foxy had her lump checked, and it was huge compared to that, we opted for removal and sending it to pathology. Here where vet fees are quite expensive it only cost $700 including blood work. That is tiny and shouldn't take long. I'd ask the vet to just remove it no matter what. Even simple things over time can become malignant. Plus if it hurts or bothers her it should come off. Good luck with your new vet, I`m adding some prayers that it is nothing, just bothersome.
  3. Checking in even though I know it is too early yet.
  4. Merann sending out some extra hugs for you tonight. I know this has to be hard, knowing Sterling's surgery is tomorrow. Prayers and positive healing vibes for your boy. Remember, one day at a time.
  5. That's great to hear Robin. Loca has been on my mind a lot lately.
  6. My stars, he is a handsome boy. Thanks for joining the Hope for Hounds Board. I'm hoping you get support and don't feel so alone in this.
  7. It could be anything, but it doesn't sound like osteo. Hang in there, you have my prayers.
  8. I'm sorry you are having to travel this journey. There are many who have been down this road before. Have you been in touch with OSU? You don't have enough posts for me to PM you, but if you want to email me I can give you some further information. jshafferATcasualblingDOTcom just removed the words and put the symbols in.
  9. picked him up earlier since that worked better for Heather. He is doing pretty well all things considered. Bill didn't kill me either. I've made him some rice and he'll have that with some tuna and Metacam. He's a bit restless, so I'm going to go and snuggle with him.
  10. Thanks everyone, he did great. I won't pick him up until 6:00, but he has whiter teeth, fresher breath and 5 less teeth. 3 had to be removed due to bone loss and if left there was a risk of infection. I'll let you know how he is once I have him home. I am relieved.
  11. When Jake hurt his shoulder he wouldn't put his foot down, so it could be anywhere on his leg. Hey Diamond, you get to snooze all day you lucky dog. Hope you feel better soon.
  12. Jet is on antibiotics for his dental which is tomorrow. I have had him on acidopholus and will continue for a few weeks after. He is doing really well, very firm poop after a week. Just thought to add, don't give the pro biotics with the antibiotic, that includes yogurt too. I stagger them between the antibiotic doses.
  13. Tomorrow morning I drop my spooky boy off for his dental. I know he will loose at lease 3 teeth. Just think of him tomorrow and send some good vibes.
  14. I'm so happy for him. The next few weeks won't seem so long now that you are free.
  15. Arnica gel or Traumeel will really help with the bruising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you get no surprises from the lab.
  16. I'm so h appy she is home shere she belongs. Here's to uneventful healing from here on.
  17. Poor guy, that looks painful. Praying you get no more surprises from the results.
  18. What a roller coaster for you all. Prayers for some quick and uneventful healing.
  19. Adding my good thoughts, prayers and hugs.
  20. 5 times in 3 different legs in less than a year.................. he's accident prone! The joint tap showed no evidence of infection,polyarthritis, other sign of auto immune disease, abnormal cells etc. The pathologist said the sample was consistent with signs of mechanical instability but since he confirmed his joints are stable he said it was inflammation from injury. Miki said to try to keep him from overdoing it she'll make sure we get Meticam when we need it. No more bringing him in to confirm what we thought we knew. I will say I am relieved, but not sure how we will keep him from hurting himself again, he doesn't know he's 10.
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